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HAMB Improvements... I NEED HELP!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Ryan, Oct 10, 2004.

    Joined: Jun 2, 2002
    Posts: 9,635

    Classified's Moderator

    [ QUOTE ]
    1. The HAMB is not about money. If anything, I would like to stress that point more. Auctions and donations are not neccessary. I don't mind footing the bill if the content is here and that is what we need to concentrate on.

    2. Going with the above - The HAMB is not about older guys with money or younger guys without. We are about keeping tradition alive and helping each other out. Frankly, I'm a hack out in the garage and I need all the help I can get. I still want it to be accessible as possible for guys that need to learn... Just not as accessible for guys who don't care to.

    [/ QUOTE ] <font color="green">Jeez,

    I need to get access at home.

    I take the weekend off and you damn near sell the place.

    We really don't care if you want our money or not.

    I would rather donate a couple times a year and keep this place here for EVERYONE, whether they donate or not.

    I would hate to click the HAMB button someday and nothing happens because the cost became too great and you said NOTHING about it.

    As far as the extra boards...


    I haven't read all the other replies, don't have time on a Monday morn, but I will.

    O/T posts will pop up in every forum no matter what.

    SHIT, we have people doing intros on the "Questions and Suggestions" forum as it is.

    The pic post add is a good idea but I can't see why you would want to add that much work when there are other free sites out there, if people would just take the time to figure them out.

    Multi forums will do nothing more than create more work for you, there will need to be more policing of these forums or they will all turn out to be a muddled mess, nearly identical, and what good is that?

    I dig it the way it is.

    People need to grow some thicker skin.

    Have I ever told you your my hero?

    Your everything I wish that I could be.

    You Sir, are the wind beneath my seat.

    I think the biggest improvement you could make would be to ban me. [​IMG]

    LOVE, RASHY </font>
  2. I wonder how many people would actually visit an off topic board.
    I read about everything that says off topic and for the most part it is on topic in some form or fashion.

    I know this is gonna sound petty but you should be able to keep someone from makeing their first post a class add.I read them anyway and sometimes it appears that there is a good deal to be had but it would cut out a lot of the drama (mine included) if you could do that.

    I think that your biggest problem is that most of us are pretty oppinionated, face it we're hot rodders and come from a lot of different backgrounds. Add to that a distinct lack of tact. I don't know that there is much that can be done about that.I guess you could make me stand in the corner for awhile [​IMG].

    Whatever you do I'm sure that it will be fine, you got a good head on your shoulders for a guy that has been skateing the same line since 1976. [​IMG]
  3. Slide
    Joined: May 11, 2004
    Posts: 3,021


    I thought about the separate board thing back when someone mentioned having a "Kustoms" section. At first I liked the idea, then I thought of how much crossover there is between rods and kustoms (or customs, whatever). I think we'd all be missing out on a lot of good info if you split it up.... but...

    I wouldn't mind seeing an "Post Your Events Photos Here" section. That way we don't get 14 threads on the same "Car Show at Happy Burger this weekend!". Maybe even the "roll calls" could go in here, too? (Maybe someone has already suggested this, but I haven't had time to read thru all 4 million replies yet...)

    I also like the idea of multiple photo posting without using a separate photo hosting site, but I'm perfectly content with it the way it is, too.

    For that matter, I'm happy the way things are. Thanks, Ryan!
  4. flash
    Joined: Mar 12, 2001
    Posts: 652


    [ QUOTE ]

    1) if you dont own, have built, or are building a hotrod, delete yourself from the members list and never post here again.
    2) if you dont own, have built, or are building a custom, delete yourself from the members list and never post here again.
    5,000 of the nearly 6,000 posters here need to be axed and return to lurker status. I'm glad you all like hotrods but go away.
    take your bugs, falcons, brand X, and B list crap and blow them out of your ass.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I second that motion. And unlike many of the replies here, I will keep it short and to the point so it doesn't take Ryan a month to read them all.

    Perhaps we need a brief description of what this board means by "traditional hot rod and custom" because obviously a lot of folks don't get it. Also a brief set of instructions that pops up automatically when you want to post. Example: Make sure your post title is descriptive of its content.

    Eliminate anything that does not enhance the speed, functionality, and style of the board. Just like building a hot rod or custom.
  5. raven
    Joined: Aug 19, 2002
    Posts: 4,707


    "A calender with the schedule of events through out the country would be cool."

    This would be high on my wish list.
    The only other comment I would have (other than great job and thanks), would be concerning people on this borad that don't have a clue.
    It gets tiring to see so many posts that have nothing to do with old cars or customs.
    The 'show us a pic of yourself' post comes to mind.
    Personally, I read this forum for two reasons.
    1. To find out how to do something.
    2. To keep up on others' projects and see how they did things.
    I can occasionaly add to a tech post or answer a question that is tech related (read how to here).
    That being said, I have met a lot of great folks here that have helped me more than I deserve and I know that I have helped others directly or indirectly in the process.
  6. glassguy
    Joined: Feb 12, 2003
    Posts: 2,261


    i will third the above motion
  7. Without reading the 7 pages of other posts, here is my thoughts. The big one is the "Questions &amp; Suggestions" forum should be renamed. Its confusing as a newbie. As for other forums, I think that Rods and Kustoms should be in the same and a OT forum maybe a good idea. In torn where the art post should be, I guess under OT. This board is great, but don't add a ton of forums. Keep It Simple! [​IMG]
  8. caffeine
    Joined: Mar 11, 2004
    Posts: 2,439

    from Central NJ

    Im a newbie, but id like to see......

    a motorcycles forum
    a OT forum
    and an art forum

    an events calendar

    thats about it for me.
  9. moondisc
    Joined: Mar 30, 2001
    Posts: 522


    [ QUOTE ]
    I don't think you need to do better...WE need to do better!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    You are a wise man Clark!
    The multi page post on the primered Mazda is a perfect example.
    I wanted to add to that post telling people to stop wasting bandwidth on this shit, but I held back, hoping it would die a natural death.
    As of this moring I see it hasn't.
    If you see an OT bullshit post let it die.
    A seperate board for tech questions or suggestions is a great idea. It would keep them from getting buried.
    An OT board would be a waste of bandwidth.
    Photo albums too. There are lots of free photo hosting sites to link to. Granted, having one here would be easier.
    Some OT posts are relevent. Like someone asking for prayers for a bro or family member. We're a big community. We care about our friends, even if we never met.
    Ryan, You've said several times you don't do it for the money and don't ask for anything.
    That's all well and good. But some of us have gotten so much from the HAMB, we want to give back.
    So just take it and shut yer yap.
    Let us feel good about ourselves for once! [​IMG]
  10. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
    Posts: 22,210

    Staff Member

    Thanks fellas... Keep it coming. This is the only OT post that I am gonna keep up this week. After another day or so I am going to reread everything and start makeing some tough decisions as to where I want to go with this thing. Afterwards, I will make a list of changes and post them.
  11. moondisc
    Joined: Mar 30, 2001
    Posts: 522


    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    1) if you dont own, have built, or are building a hotrod, delete yourself from the members list and never post here again.
    2) if you dont own, have built, or are building a custom, delete yourself from the members list and never post here again.
    5,000 of the nearly 6,000 posters here need to be axed and return to lurker status. I'm glad you all like hotrods but go away.
    take your bugs, falcons, brand X, and B list crap and blow them out of your ass.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I second that motion.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'd hate to tell some 16 or 18 year old kid that loves hotrods that he's not welcome here just cause he doesn't have the money/place to build one yet.
    That is of course he's a real PITA that post shit about Limp Bisquick or somethin! [​IMG]
  12. oldandkrusty
    Joined: Oct 8, 2002
    Posts: 2,141


    Well, Ryan now that you have asked:

    1) I like the HAMB essentially just the way it is!

    2) If you are to change some facets, I like the notion of a seperate Art Forum. That way, it wouldn't neccessarily be limited to Friday submissions (althogh Friday is Thursday in Australia - I really like Hoodaky's stuff).

    3) Perhaps the use of "Delete" could be used a little more often. Nothing gets your attention faster than a "Post Deleted" when it applies to you! I know, and it certainly worked to essentially keep me on topic. Use it!!!

    4) I like the idea of a Paypal button. I don't see that you should shoulder the entire financial burden for this site when it is a great deal of work, hassle, heartache and heartburn dealing with a bunch of half-crazed car nuts. Let us help if we can.

    5) I really like the Tech discussions and think that we all are VERY interested in seeing what others are up to. Although I haven't submitted my own tech ideas as yet, I do have some brewing and once I figure out the picture posting deal, I'll be more active there.

    Sooooo, as I said initially I like things the way they are and if no change is made that's okay. If change is made, small ones are good.

    But mainly, Ryan I want to thank you so very much for providing us this forum. Do whatever it takes to remove the stress from your life. It isn't good for you or your family. You are a young guy, try to push the BS to the side and get on with the business of having fun.

    Just my thoughts,
  13. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
    Posts: 22,210

    Staff Member

    Just a side statement that is relevant. I will never shut down the HAMB to new or young folks. The whole goal of this thing was to spread the gospel... That said, I do think there needs to be better control on how new folks are handled either by me, the HAMB, or the members. I'm working on that.
  14. plmczy
    Joined: Aug 3, 2001
    Posts: 2,408


    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    1) if you dont own, have built, or are building a hotrod, delete yourself from the members list and never post here again.
    2) if you dont own, have built, or are building a custom, delete yourself from the members list and never post here again.
    5,000 of the nearly 6,000 posters here need to be axed and return to lurker status. I'm glad you all like hotrods but go away.
    take your bugs, falcons, brand X, and B list crap and blow them out of your ass.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I second that motion. And unlike many of the replies here, I will keep it short and to the point so it doesn't take Ryan a month to read them all.

    Perhaps we need a brief description of what this board means by "traditional hot rod and custom" because obviously a lot of folks don't get it. Also a brief set of instructions that pops up automatically when you want to post. Example: Make sure your post title is descriptive of its content.

    Eliminate anything that does not enhance the speed, functionality, and style of the board. Just like building a hot rod or custom.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Then if that is the case, we will have cut our own throats, there will be no future for the traditional cause. I thought we were here to preach the gospel of traditional rods and kustoms not stiffel it. I know there are people that ask stupid questions, but that is how you learn. Some of us(like me) need a little more help than others.Not all of us have the "vision"to make it happen.Just my feelings on this. later plmczy
  15. moondisc
    Joined: Mar 30, 2001
    Posts: 522


    [ QUOTE ]
    People need to grow some thicker skin.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You ask for opinions people are going to give them.
    [ QUOTE ]
    You Sir, are the wind beneath my seat.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    You're calling Ryan a fart?
    Guess we can't call you a suck up! [​IMG]
  16. flash
    Joined: Mar 12, 2001
    Posts: 652


    No one here said kick out young people, in fact no mention of age was made in that post. The point was about if whether you are currently building a traditional hot rod or custom or have done so already. Then this is your place. If not, take a hike.

    I was working on my first hot rod at 15 years old. There's no reason why a teenager can't jump in and start building and ask many questions along the way. I think the point was directed at the people who are not into working on their own cars, or are into other types of cars but post here, wasting space and time.
  17. Plowboy
    Joined: Nov 8, 2002
    Posts: 4,281


    I keep my mouth shut about a lot of stuff, but several of us were talking at the pileup about a lot of shit that goes on on this board. This is no doubt the best place to be on the internet, but I know a lot of people who WILL NOT get on here just for the amount of bullshit on the main board.

    People say to just not reply to off topic posts and whatnot, but honestly people, drama is what some people like and strive for. I do not have a TV at work, but if I feel the need to catch up on my "Bold and the Beautiful" type drama, I know I can find some on here and make some snide little comment, chuckle about it, and move on. A lot of this goes on with every one of us on here. I think A separate category titled "etc." or even better "bullshit" would be great. We all like to bullshit with like minded individuals, and I think this would be a good place for intros as well so the "Heyimjohnnyscene" or "iamagirllookingforamanwithabigpenistofixmycar" flamings can go for 3 pages without knocking off the automotive subjects. That way I don't have to talk about how I am more queer than the next guy to keep a post at the top of a page.

    Drama applies to everybody, on topic posts only apply to groups of individual people into differnt types of cars. Anybody who has taken a statistics course can figure out what kind of shit will stay at the top.

    If OT and Drama isn't really wanted, then why does it stay at the top? Get real folks, embrace it, and give it its own home in an "Other Bullshit" topic section!

    I am sure those striving for attention, will still get plenty over there. [​IMG]
  18. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
    Posts: 22,210

    Staff Member

    Yeah, so better control. I got this one on the list for sure.
  19. slammed
    Joined: Jun 10, 2004
    Posts: 8,150


    [ QUOTE ]
    Just a side statement that is relevant. I will never shut down the HAMB to new or young folks. The whole goal of this thing was to spread the gospel... [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ] Thank-you. As For the 'blue-blood's' their own board titled "The Elite" would better suit them. A full screening and majority aprroval to gain membership. Creating the most too-cool-for-school, all-star line-up to date. Location: On the Beach, where else?
  20. plmczy
    Joined: Aug 3, 2001
    Posts: 2,408


    I didn't mention anything about age. My point was people that have an interest. If we told everyone that had a interest to piss off we would not have some of the great builders we have today. Well, I own a O/T car and was into it before joining here. I liked hot rods and such before buying that car but I was told by my father I should get this car to learn on, so I did. Now I have learned some stuff by doing that and I'm here to learn more. Maybe you have shown me the light, that I do not belong here at all. I see some of your points that you have made and agree on some. I'm sorry if I have affended you Mr. Flash. plmczy
  21. sodbuster
    Joined: Oct 15, 2001
    Posts: 5,057

    from Kansas

    I like the events area, If everyone could just post the state before the event, so that way you could figure out where it was at without reading all the "Event" post's.

    Is there anyway you could add a negative star system that only you or Kevin can see? That way if there is a wasted post a couple of guys could "Negative" star it. Also, so you don't have to go thru 300 PM's to find out that one of the posts is two guys bickering back and forth.

    PAYPAL? I like the auction's and the end of the year dollar raffle (Isn't that coming up).

    It is kinda funny, Jen mentions that "The HAMB" is like the movie "Fight Club". If you you know about "The HAMB", then you know, but if ya' gotta ask about it. You have no clue.

    Chris Nelson
  22. moondisc
    Joined: Mar 30, 2001
    Posts: 522


    [ QUOTE ]
    No one here said kick out young people, in fact no mention of age was made in that post. The point was about if whether you are currently building a traditional hot rod or custom or have done so already. Then this is your place. If not, take a hike.

    I was working on my first hot rod at 15 years old. There's no reason why a teenager can't jump in and start building and ask many questions along the way. I think the point was directed at the people who are not into working on their own cars, or are into other types of cars but post here, wasting space and time.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I'm the one that mentioned age, not Plum.
    If you started building at 15, good for you. You had the support in place to do it.
    My dad wouldn't give up his garage space for more than a week at a time.
    For that reason I never started building complete cars until I had my own house and garage, at 24.
    Like Ryan said, spread the gospel. Even to those who can't start a traditional project just yet for whatever reason.
    Now if you're talking 40 year old guys with 6 figure incomes and billet and tweed dripping streetrods who have no desire for a traditional rod you're right. They're in da wrong place! [​IMG]
  23. Plowboy
    Joined: Nov 8, 2002
    Posts: 4,281


    I forgot to add that a "projects" area would be AWESOME too. A spot where you could just update your project post with pictures and tech so you don't heve to rehash stuff you have already done and posted about months before. You could actually see who is working on stuff too and who are are just talkers.

    I don't know shit but in my opinion:


    It sounds like a lot to do, but with the amount of content here and growing, something is going to have to be done before more valuable people give up the goat and leave (ironhunter comes to mind).

  24. Mutt
    Joined: Feb 6, 2003
    Posts: 3,219


    I was thinking along the lines that Sodbuster mentioned - a way that people could flag posts that were a waste of time and space, and allow you to avoid reading every post to look for them. People wouldn't have to post a response, just hit the flag to voice displeasure. It could even be automatic - if a certain percentage of viewers hit the button, it disappears. You could even select members to have that ability - not everyone needs it. It would be even better if those who had it, weren't aware of who else had it. That way it's an honest opinion.

    I always thought the HAMB was for everyone who appreciated traditional rods and customs, ownership not required, and no age restrictions. I've put a lot of kids in my car at the strip for pictures, and the smiles tell me it's worth it. Maybe some day they'll come to the HAMB for help in building a hot rod.

    There will always be chitchat amongst friends, OT talk that may enter into an on-topic post - and there's nothing wrong with that. But the blatant posting of "ugly cars", "goldchainer rides", and other crap that people post, apparently to make themselves feel superior to someone else, sucks.

    A calender would be nice.

    Paypal would be nice.

    I wouldn't want to see HAMB merchandise available to the general public.


  25. Is this place about the people, or the cars?
  26. Kevin Lee
    Joined: Nov 12, 2001
    Posts: 7,645

    Kevin Lee
    Super Moderator
    Staff Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Is this place about the people, or the cars?

    [/ QUOTE ]

  27. Rand Man
    Joined: Aug 23, 2004
    Posts: 5,180

    Rand Man

    There is no way I can read through all these posts at work. I don't really know how these boards operate but could there be more posts per page? Sometimes a post falls to page three or four in an hour or so. I can't believe you guys run this thing in your spare time. It's great, as-is!
  28. zonkola
    Joined: Nov 29, 2002
    Posts: 567

    from NorCal

    On not allowing people on the board unless they own a hot rod or custom: I don't think that an enthusiastic guy who is dreaming of putting a hot rod together should be banned from the board just because he doesn't have any old tin in his garage yet. A board like this can help him decide what kind of car/parts to get in the first place, and there are plenty of guys here willing to help out a sincere individual. Are on-topic hot rod posts from a non-car-owner really a problem?

    Also, Mutt said: [ QUOTE ]
    I wouldn't want to see HAMB merchandise available to the general public.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think there's some merit to this, but I don't think there's a good reason to not sell t-shirts to active HAMBers. Perhaps the HAMB Store would only be visible to a logged in members who have been registered for a couple of months?
  29. Hot Rod To Hell
    Joined: Aug 19, 2003
    Posts: 3,036

    Hot Rod To Hell
    from Flint MI

    Maybe with the shirt deal, it could be like a "club".... you're a probate for 6 months or 100 posts or something...

    If you make it through the probationary period without any major fuck-ups, you can buy shirts...

    Don't ask me... I just work here. (But I am PROUD to be part [no matter how insignificant] of this group of HOODLUMS, and I would sport the "colors" with PRIDE! [​IMG])
  30. 38pickup
    Joined: Aug 11, 2004
    Posts: 1,109


    [ QUOTE ]

    Also, Mutt said: [ QUOTE ]
    I wouldn't want to see HAMB merchandise available to the general public.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think there's some merit to this, but I don't think there's a good reason to not sell t-shirts to active HAMBers. Perhaps the HAMB Store would only be visible to a logged in members who have been registered for a couple of months?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I agree with the above. I feel that the merchandise should only be visible to HAMBers.

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