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Customs HAMB Merc Club! who's in?????

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Bad Bob, Nov 11, 2008.

  1. alanp561
    Joined: Oct 1, 2017
    Posts: 4,979


    Why not? Picked up this 46 from Salt Racer. It spent it's entire life in the Ft. Worth area and been in storage since 61. Somebody painted it with a brush prior to storage and Salt Racer clear coated it. In the process of rebuilding the engine right now. When that's DSCN2826.JPG DSCN2827.JPG done, I think I'm going to leave it just the way it is for awhile and drive it.
    Rick & Jan likes this.
  2. Marco Túlio Melo
    Joined: Feb 27, 2018
    Posts: 3

    Marco Túlio Melo

    Some pictures of my Mercs.......
    The 1950 4 door used to be my daily driver when I lived in Bogota, Colombia. Picture was taken before I re-chromed the bumpers. I still have it in storage there, hoping someday I will be able to bring it over.
    Now I am building a 1949 mild chopped 2 door coupe in Brasil. Parts are primed and wraped. There is a photo of it before primming so you can see how the top chop came out. Now it is in a car shop building the new suspension.
    IMG_4468.JPG IMG_4475.JPG IMG_4476.JPG IMG_4479.JPG IMG_4480.JPG IMG_4550.JPG carro marco tulio 134_enviado.jpg carro marco tulio 140_enviada.jpg carro marco tulio 142_enviado.jpg
    Sum54ford likes this.
  3. Tug Mike
    Joined: Jun 1, 2017
    Posts: 22

    Tug Mike

    0608172022.jpg I would like to get in, with 51.
  4. Mercman4life
    Joined: Jan 3, 2010
    Posts: 208


  5. seamus43
    Joined: Mar 6, 2006
    Posts: 99


    THE 'KID' FROM 1950'S UOTE="Bad Bob, post: 3286240, member: 11371"]511[​IMG]

    A little Brian Setzer for inspiration...(click the link)

    I just started a HAMB Merc Club for the guys on here who OWN Mercurys. 1939-1965. I've seen Duece clubs,Banger clubs,etc. Thought it might be a great way to share ideas and info,parts chasing,how to's.....chopping,lowering,wiring,tech,etc..

    I made a list of the guys who I knew owned Mercs on here so that's a start. How bout it?
    NO-urine test
    NO-background check
    NO-age limit
    NO-height requirment
    NO-cavity search(anymore!)

    1. Bad Bob '49
    2. this bugger '50
    3. Icebox '49
    4. Bumpstick '51
    5. FEDER-'49
    6. FEDSLED '50
    7. straykatkustoms '50,51
    8. ProstockJohn '51
    9. slddnmatt '50,'50 Conv,'51,'51,'51,'51
    10. Blown49 '49
    11. Mazdaslam '39,'40,'49,'50
    12. UnIOnViLLEHauNT '51
    13. 50merc '50
    14. jk49merc '49
    15. 50mercfan '50,'50
    16. wfritchen '64
    17. bubmrdmerc-'50
    18. mercman1951 '51
    19. flamedAbone '51
    20. 1951 Mercury '51
    21. MercuryCharlie '50,'51
    22. Ether '49,'51,'51,'51
    23. SoCal Merc '51,'51
    24. The Frenz-'49
    25. 00 MACK '49
    26. Hubnut '49,'51
    27. Movinman '53
    28. Sled '40,'49,'49,'50,'50,'51,'51
    29. chaos10meter-year?
    30. northern skink '50
    31. Eyeball-year?
    32. williebill '49,'50.'51
    33. Ducato-year?
    34. menacecustoms '63
    35. old beet '49,'50
    36. Kurt '49
    37. mikes51 '51
    38. morebel '40,'50(Merc/Lincoln)
    39. slick51 '51
    40. K13 '50
    41. dabirdguy '55
    42. punkabilly 1306 '51,'62
    43. mikhett '54
    44. Falcon Eddie 1964 '56
    46. LOWLID50 '50
    47. jnds53 '50
    48. FLAT-TOP BOB '51
    49. david4991 '63
    50. plumfat40 '39,'40,'54
    51. J'st Wandering '50
    52. J.B. '40
    53. KATFISH '52
    54. Tetanus Shot '53
    55. a50merc '50
    56. 1949sled '49
    57. 1BADSLED '49
    58. 1LowSled '50
    59. 50merc sled '50
    60. 51 Leadsled '51
    61. ow49 '40,'49
    62. drdave '51
    63. Juke Joint Johnny '51
    64. Sprout '50
    65. gulfwarsubvet '64,'64
    66. PACHALO '51,'51
    67. ratster '49
    68. Two-Gun Bob '49
    69. JK '51
    70. 51 MERC-CT '51
    71. VirgilHilts '64
    72. prime mover '59
    73. o2bdone '51
    74. 1stshift '53
    75. TV '41
    76. lost39 '51
    77. twochops '49,'53
    78. fastfreddie '50
    79. 50mercfrank '50
    80. MEANDEAN '51
    81. 19Fordy '51 CONVERTABLE!!!
    82. FXRPHILL '51
    83. OshkoshRob-'49,'50
    84. mid-century-cruiser '49
    85. shoebox 1950 '50
    86. SakowskiMotors '51
    87. Sam F. '50
    88. 49merc '49,'50,'50,'51
    89. autobodyed '63
    90. sledish '56
    91. dale48mrc '48
    92. Nominal '64
    93. cactus zach '51
    94. Bryan '53
    95. Dynaflash 8 '53
    96. buckeye 01 '50
    97. Merc '50
    98. hot32b '51
    99. vert1940 '40
    100. 1950merc '50
    101. SAN JOSE MIKE '51
    102. mercjoe-year?
    103. Norwegian 49 Mercury '49
    104. Tinwolf '51
    105. Sledge '39 Conv,'40
    106. John50 '49,'50
    107. Fermiumhalo '50
    108. 48thames '49 Monarch
    109. pinner '39
    110. Mercflyer '50
    111. 50merc808 '50
    112. Squablow '50,'51
    113. Muerta_Ventura'50
    114. redranch '50
    115. SAVAGE '49
    116. blkmerc '49
    117. Royalshifter '46
    118. groove '65
    119. Nobody '51
    120. tokyo '50
    121. Luckythirteen '51
    122. guffey '39
    123. 390Merc '62
    124. 1950merc '50
    125. MERRELL '56
    126. lakes modified '42,'48
    127. mercmaniac '39
    128. dutch deuce '39
    129. hotrodphotos '53
    130. stangman '57
    131. TRAMPKING '52
    132. rufstoksilver '51 P'cup
    133. username '49
    134. nooch '56
    135. Burny '54
    136. junkyard junky '51
    137. kenglish '49
    138. Fatford '49,'49,'50
    139. CathyH '51
    140. glassguy Mercless for now!
    141. INLAW MODEL A '50
    142. mr57 '51 Monarch
    143. GreaserGav '51
    144. MERC 55 '55
    145. RodLand '50,'51
    146. Landmule '47
    147. custom 50 '54
    148. Cosmo Merc '53
    149. shoebox72 '55
    150. hot rust '50
    151. Wise Guy '50,'51 Monarch Conv.
    152. RICKY MCGREGOR '51
    153. BobK 49 '49
    154. Bored&Stroked '40
    155. ricardo rocha '51
    156. sik kreations '51
    157. Mercury Kid '63
    158. mercurial '46
    159. Judd '65
    160. Joelchris '54
    161. drock6570 '63,'64
    162. gassersteve '61
    163. 51 mercules '51,'51
    164. JesseJames '51
    165. Kmember '51 Pick-up
    166. chopt56merc '56
    167. hemi35 '63
    168. DeLoco '52 Panel
    169. Rocks Rod & Customs '56
    170. Meteorman '63
    171. MercManMario '50
    172. bigs merc '64
    173. TomCat 1 '49
    174. Scomfuxcarclub '49
    175. Ol Blue '51
    176. Katsass '51
    177. maccustom '63
    178. Mike51Merc '51
    179. neckter '50
    180. 51 Hg '51
    181. CHOPMERC '51
    182. Kustomman#1 '40
    183. vintageozarks '52
    184. BIGRUDDER '50
    185. S Kauloate '49
    186. Mercury Meatier '62
    187. eborod '49 Woody
    188. Glass Packs '62
    189. tommy v '49,'51,'54
    190. 5150merc '50(on probation,LOL....)
    191. outotime30 '48
    192. JeffSled '50
    193. Irish68 '50
    194. hotrodjim '46
    195. Meric 42 '61
    196. blownfish '50
    197. ace-k '50
    198. LVHotRodder '54
    199. 49Merc Jack '49
    200. GRP Cruiser '49
    201. chip chipman '49
    202. Nitcat '63 Comet,'64 Park Lane conv.
    203. Norweigian 49 Mercury '49
    204. VolksRodder '54
    205. elcajon64 '60 Wagon
    206. mt50merc '50
    207. DoubleClutch '40
    208. gtbs24100 '51
    209. socalmerc '51,'51,'53
    210. edselfish '57 Turnpike
    211. roedesigner '40
    212. billjharris '50
    213. buildingit '50
    214. chopped51 '51
    215. bump '47
    216. fitty 2 '53
    217. John Denich '49 P'cup
    218. Tomste '50
    219. merc man '46
    220. westase1 '57 Montclair
    221. scully_100 '50
    222. Double Bass '56 Monterey
    223. oldtimerodder '50,'51,'51
    224. bikerboy '56
    225. jernlee '51
    226. 51nick '51
    227. rztrike '51
    228. havi '62 Meteor
    229. soylent '63 Comet
    230. teisco '62
    231. bdynpnt '51
    232. DrHerb '49
    233. DemonSpeedShop '50
    234. BigMikeC '65
    235. sunvalley54 '54
    236. 50merckid '50
    237. bdynpnt '51
    238. GEBHARD '49
    239. devilscustom '39
    240. FLATHEAD VICKY '49
    241. fewjeeps '51
    242. HomemadeHardtop57 '50
    243. bigEKustoms '49
    244. Bitchin55Merc '55
    245. Krash '51
    246. eddiecustoms '50
    247. Legendary Lars '51
    248. natonic '51
    249. wheels1950 '50
    250. jonnyretro '40
    251. PBRpwrd '50
    252. skullpunch027 '50
    253. chucklz '61 (S-22)
    254. Nads (Club Mascot)
    255. LIFESTYLZ '49 Lincoln
    256. lockwoodkustoms '50
    257. RPW '51 Lincoln
    258. fleetbob50 '52,'57
    259. budhaboy '51
    260. DenverDave '51
    261. patch '51
    262. CRASHNBURNS '50,'54,'61,'64
    263. JeremyJames '51
    264. cfnutcase '49,'50
    265. hvychvy '49
    266. hot32b '51
    267. Ibanez616 '54
    268. atotalnincompoop '50
    269. koolkemp '51
    270. Bossy '53
    271. Les Clearance '50
    272. Frozen Merc '62 Wagon
    273. Nolan '53
    274. illflameit '64 Comet
    275. Muttley '65 Comet
    276. marco.melo '39,'50,'50
    277. doubledoyle ?
    278. MILKO '49
    279. grease and ink garage '55
    280. Lowmerc50 '50
    281. rdtreur '64 Colony Park
    282. MIGHTY '51
    283. Tank '53
    284. HOTRODVAN '51
    285. 57FORDF100 '64 Comet
    286. Mangus '63
    287. 49 Mercury '49
    288. samurai mike '50
    289. 51victoria '50
    290. staysick '57
    291. oldtimerodder72 '51
    292. mongo51 '50
    293. rw4951 '51
    294. atotalnincompoop '50
    295. resto-rodder '49
    296. e49merc '49
    297. 2tones10 '50
    298. JefferyJames '52
    299. limeMerc '49
    300. caseyrod '49
    301. dolsen37 '50
    302. Blakmerk '51
    303. SportsSedan '49
    304. TheUnicorn '65 Park Lane Conv.
    305. efmautoclutch '49
    306. INVISIBLEKID '50
    307. O.Hove '51 Lincoln,'58
    308. Mercman39 '39
    309. 34 wood remover '61 Monarch
    310. Philbilly '62 Monterey
    311. chopnweld '51
    312. meteorite '62,'63
    313. SWANKEY1 "62 Monterey
    314. colettamerc '51
    315. 8pints '49
    316. Larry Pearsall '61 Comet
    317. railroadon '56
    318. groove '65 Montclair
    319. Dropndrive '51
    320. markc138 '49
    321. little skeet '51
    322. jammer '50
    323. smogmeister '51
    324. Buggs '51
    325. mercury Bill '49
    326. EZrider '40
    327. 3rd Gen Hot Rodder '48 conv.
    328. chero231 '50
    329. gaskell '63 Comet
    330. pinklady '50
    331. sodaturk '55 Monterey
    332. Hot Rods ta Hell '51
    333. hardwy '63 Marauder
    334. elsuperchile '51
    335. el shad '61 Monterey
    336. Joyride13 '63
    337. Mwercometman '62 Comet
    338. mmoreno0272 '49
    339. yngrodder '40
    340. JB204 '62 Monterey
    341. Chuck-A-Burger Ryan '63 Comet
    342. GRNONION50 '50
    343. scott49mercury '49
    344. Patticake '54
    345. marcosbodyshop '49,'50
    346. fuelflyer '49
    347. Duece Roadster '49 M-47 Pick-up
    348. enfieldjoe '50,51
    349. mercjurij '50
    350. efmautoclutch '49
    351. geezerkat '51
    352. oddrod46 '51
    354. FrankenRodz '65 Commuter Wagon
    355. Legendary Lars '51
    356. kevinwalshe '55
    357. Jkkustoms '51
    358. emiliedk '51
    359. rtfink '47
    360. Hot Rod Hemi~s '49
    361. jfrolka "51
    362. '54 Caddy '62 Comet
    363. oo7jbondistm '51
    364. rbradber '51
    365. Displayman '47 Conv
    366. Malarky "62
    367. Kustomman#1 ''40 Conv
    368. moonlitrn "50
    369. Bigdaddykaddy "50
    370. cobramerc '49
    371. marccustom '51
    372. rustryder '49
    373. andycpsco '49
    374. nohlssonl '64 Monterey
    375. cruisin55 '49
    376. strega '51
    377. bobcat5o '39
    378. werner 1950 '50 Lincoln
    379. isettajohn '55,'64 Comet
    380. driveability '51
    381. john51mer '51
    382. ONE BAD MERC '51
    383. *A.J.* '51
    384. Doctor Detroit '51
    385. tjmercury '65 Park Lane Conv.,"65 Comet
    386. strega '51
    387. Geeyum "50
    388. Wide Whites '55
    389. fittyford '51
    390. jamcoupe '51
    391. 46chevy '56
    392. 1929FORD5WINDOWCOUPE '51
    393. BlackjackMerc '49
    394. swissmike '39
    395. missysdad1 '54
    396. frognz '50
    397. Fordguy78 '61?
    398. Ficco55Merc '55 Monterey
    399. Pipes '54
    400. tjmercury '65 Park Lane conv.,'65 Comet
    401. bREWcITYbIRD '61
    402. SLCK64 "64
    403. merking56 "56
    404. 51mercgirl '51
    405. Kage '56
    406. 02HD9 '62 Comet
    407. LAYDRAG '51
    408. campbell51 '49
    409. desotot '49,'50
    410. michaelvz51 '51
    411. sparkydeluxe '57 Monterey
    412. Choppedmerc '40 Coupe,'49 Lincoln,'50 Coupe,'51 Coupe,'51 Woodie
    413. birdbuilder '51
    414. Chopt 34 "49?
    415. Arieldouglas '56
    416. rodncustomdreams '41
    417. oversteer '59 Wagon
    418. merctruck '49
    419. jammerspeed '49 Monarch
    420. Dblbeard '49
    421. texasmark1 '63 Monterey
    422. Skirv '51 "Jercury"
    423. DANSLED '51
    424. acj '54
    425. babylincoln '53 Monterey
    426. JiiTee '62 Comet Wagon
    427. king of the mercs '51
    428. chopit '39
    429. rustryder '40,'49
    430. dragginwaggin '50,'51,'51,?
    431. buz-67 '53
    432. redeyewelder '51
    433. ebfabman '50
    434. olcarguy '49 Pick-up
    435. geno '51
    436. timdhawk '50
    437. gilles d '57 Pick-up
    438. Gurdon Smyth '49,'51 Monarch
    439. Tetanusshot '65 Cyclone
    440. halfasskustoms '60 Monterey
    441. rangeman '51
    442. Karlrodg88 "50
    443. MOTHERS WORRY '51
    444. bigstang1969 '50,'51
    445. 1950-mercury '50,'50
    446. tejas34 '51 Conv
    447. elricho '51
    448. Chefbiz62 '50,'50
    449. Rustymerc '49
    450. 1965Olds88 '62 Monterey
    451. oldschoolrodr39 '55
    452. jimn3d '50
    453. Scotty B '49
    454. Roger O'Dell '49
    455. 49dreamer '50
    456. Cyberdyne '54 Monterey
    457. Bigbopper51 '51
    458. Elbopper '50
    459. 55Chrysler '60 Montclair
    460. LAME '50
    461. elvis2 '50
    462. chaw5634 '50
    463. 48chrysler '39
    464. TomKat39 '60 Comet
    465. 1pickup '49
    466. eddies1952mercury '52
    467. 40mercFlathead '40
    466. radgirl '49
    467. GRNONION50 '50
    468. sdimpala64 '49
    469. Glenn Harris '53
    470. bsa_bob2 '50
    471. DKroadsters '39
    472. nifty '40
    473. jimn3d '50
    474. gunswanted '39
    475. DeeLove247 '54 Monterey
    476. sprayberry '62 Monterey
    477. Surfcitypete '50
    478. Aussiepete '50
    479. Hemi-j '55 Montclair
    480. Y-Blokkah '56 Monarch
    481. lizzie '64 Maurader
    482. 56merc conv '56 Montclair
    483. kiwicaddy '49,'50
    484. bubbletopbuick '60 Comet
    485. access46 '57 Turnpike Cruiser
    486. hotrodmano '50
    487. Skavangs49 Merc '49
    488. Gordon Harshall 2-'41 Conv,'41 PU
    489. WWinIL '51,'53 Monterey
    490. SycoSteve '50
    491. wide34 '51
    492. smfyr241 '55 Monterey
    493. exStreamliner '41
    494. chicknlittle '51,'51
    495. Elbopper '50
    496. 62 MercMan '62 Monterey
    497. Merc '50
    498. AdeQ8Styl '50
    499. rprice76 '63 Monterey
    500. JAWS '51
    501. diegochero '63 Comet Wagon
    502. corncobcoupe '48
    503. judder man '49,'50
    504. rans50merc '50
    505. eric54chevy '41
    506. nobrakes '55 Monterey
    507. Chuckt6 '50
    508. crazy tonguezz '63 Monterey Breezway
    509. wicarnut '51
    510. Merqry56 '56
    511. Choptop Joe '49
    512. Buick1960 '63 Monterey
    513. solo 909 '53
    514. Hollywood Graham '49

    I know there's more of you out there....Post a pic on here then GO TO THE SOCIAL GROUP PAGE AND JOIN!!!!
    '39 Conv.-1
    '40 Conv.-1
    '41 Conv.-2
    '41 Pick-up-1
    '46 P'cup-1
    '47 Conv.-1
    '48 Conv.-1
    '49 Monarch-1
    '49 Lincoln-2
    '49 Woodie-1
    '49 P'cup-2
    '50 Lincoln-1
    '51 Conv-2
    '51 Monarch-1
    '51 Woodie
    '51 Lincoln-2
    '51 P'cup-2
    '52 Panel-1
    '53 Monterey-2
    '54 Monterey-2
    '55 Monterey-5
    '56 Montclair-1
    '56 Monarch-1
    '57 Monterey-1
    '57 P'cup-1
    '57 Turnpike-1
    '59 Wagon-1
    '60 Comet-1
    '60 Comet Wagon-1
    '60 Montclair-1
    '60 Monterey-1
    '61 Comet-1
    '61 monarch-1
    '61 Monterey-1
    '62 Comet-4
    '62 Comet Wagon-1
    '62 Monterey-6
    '62 Monterey Conv.-1
    '62 Wagon-1
    '63 Marauder-1
    '63 Monterey-4
    '63 Comet-1
    '63 Comet Wagon-1
    '64 Maurader-1
    '64 Monterey-1
    '64 Comet-3
    '65 Park Lane Conv.-3
    '65 Comet-3
    '65 Commuter Wagon-1
    '65 Cyclone-1[/QUOTE]
  6. Lou kriger
    Joined: Mar 16, 2009
    Posts: 913

    Lou kriger

    Okay I’m in. I see this thread is vintage, but still going. Thanks

    Sent from my iPad using H.A.M.B.
  7. Lou kriger
    Joined: Mar 16, 2009
    Posts: 913

    Lou kriger


    Sent from my iPad using H.A.M.B.
    Tug Mike, Aussiepete. and Stogy like this.
  8. Lou kriger
    Joined: Mar 16, 2009
    Posts: 913

    Lou kriger

    Sorry wouldn’t post the first time.

    Sent from my iPad using H.A.M.B.
  9. Lou kriger
    Joined: Mar 16, 2009
    Posts: 913

    Lou kriger

    Indeed. Poetry-sheer poetry.

    Sent from my iPad using H.A.M.B.
  10. 2003_0101BROOKIE0002.JPG And the OG members list re-posted...... How many still exist and are on the HAMB?
    Stand up and be counted.......... Still hanging around, but the thread has been dead.....
    Surfcityrocker, Tug Mike and Stogy like this.
  11. Lou kriger
    Joined: Mar 16, 2009
    Posts: 913

    Lou kriger

    It’s super? 49-51’s, you could take a picture of them standing on your head, and they would still be beautiful. No bad angles.....timeless, milestone, flat out gorgeous IMHopinionknow what I mean IMG_0402.JPG

    Sent from my iPad using H.A.M.B.
    Sum54ford, Tug Mike and Stogy like this.
  12. martyk98
    Joined: Jun 12, 2006
    Posts: 134

    from washington

    I'm in. lots of work left but I have a great start. I'm looking for a pic of spring clips made to attach headlight trim rings on a frenched 54. BTW the green is out and now black and white. Almost finished and on the road. IMG_1416.JPG

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Sep 6, 2018
    Tug Mike and Lou kriger like this.
  13. j walking
    Joined: Feb 4, 2010
    Posts: 148

    j walking

    can my son and I join? 23698750_10213284127233918_1484351734_o.jpg
  14. Magri
    Joined: Jul 6, 2017
    Posts: 1


    I'm in. A lot of work to do on this 51

    Attached Files:

  15. I'm still in . I hope Bad Bob becomes active again and im number 478.

    Sent from my SM-G925I using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
    Bad Bob likes this.
  16. Krash Vegas
    Joined: Jul 18, 2006
    Posts: 476

    Krash Vegas

    I got my first 49-51 a few weeks ago.
    What is the best option for front suspension? stock upgrades? Camaro clip? Nova clip? MMII ?

    z30.jpg z31.jpg z32.jpg z39.jpg
  17. Squablow
    Joined: Apr 26, 2005
    Posts: 17,762


    Rebuild what's there with new bushings and such. You can do the Aerostar coils for a 3" drop and they ride nice. There are brake upgrades for the original spindles if desired. Too many Mercs have been ruined by hacked-on frame stubs, often too wide for proper wheel backspacing and requiring wonky steering linkage and column for a front steer box, it's bad news. They steer just fine with a properly sized steering wheel and bias tires.

    That '49 looks like a worthy project. I've always liked the '49 rear window, dash, and parking lights best of all of the midcentury Mercs.
    Krash Vegas likes this.
  18. Rick & Jan
    Joined: Apr 9, 2008
    Posts: 537

    Rick & Jan

    Can I play? Just bought the '55, then found these two! IMG_1920[2850].jpg IMG_1932[2884].jpg
    Pinstriper40 likes this.
  19. Rick & Jan
    Joined: Apr 9, 2008
    Posts: 537

    Rick & Jan

  20. Slopok
    Joined: Jan 30, 2012
    Posts: 2,929


    Looks like you're starting your own club there! You scored real good!:cool:
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2018
  21. Krash Vegas
    Joined: Jul 18, 2006
    Posts: 476

    Krash Vegas

    My 56 has stock front suspension and I love it.
    Cut springs in the front and 5 in blocks on the back. ZZ65.jpg zz75.jpg zz79.jpg
  22. Hot Rods Ta Hell
    Joined: Apr 20, 2008
    Posts: 4,705

    Hot Rods Ta Hell

    ^^^Nice! Did you buy the Merc's? What's the story on them? Who did the chop work?
  23. Rick & Jan
    Joined: Apr 9, 2008
    Posts: 537

    Rick & Jan

    I got these pics from my Buddy, his brother in law owns the cars, he's sick and unable to finish them. My Son in Law and I are going to look at them tomorrow, I'll know more about them then. Might just bring them home!!
    Pinstriper40 likes this.
  24. roddin-shack
    Joined: Apr 12, 2006
    Posts: 2,522


    Dam, I thought I was already in? I hope my 50 Monarch qualifies ? IMG_2314.JPG
    roadsterdonpat32 likes this.
  25. Rick & Jan
    Joined: Apr 9, 2008
    Posts: 537

    Rick & Jan

    Ok, what a beautiful day for a ride on the 'ol Harley. We rode 62 miles to meet my Buddy, who is the afore mentioned Brother in Law of the owner of these two Mercs. My Son in Law rode about the same distance from another direction. Now were here, lets take a look. Oh, I don't like this, Wow, that's not good, Oh shit, that ain't good. The garnish mouldings are not cut to fit the doors or windows, the drip rails on the '51 are filled with bondo to blend them into the roof line, the deck lid hinges on the '51 were rusted, someone forced the deck lid open and the inner supports were pulled away from the skin, there was not a straight panel on the '51, the floor was rusted along with the trunk floor, the roof was full of " Oil Cans" . It did have part of the engine in it. One head was off and the #4 piston was sticking out of the block, it did have a nice air cleaner and oil filter!! The '50 had new rocker panels laying inside the car, the rusty take off quarters were also inside. This car had slanted B pillars, the chop was a lot nicer than the '51. Rust on the floor under the rear seat, also in the trunk and lower B pillars. All in all it was a sad day. To see these two Mercurys sitting end to end with so much potential yet so much ROT, was IMG_2163[2912].jpg IMG_2158[2908].jpg IMG_2157[2907].jpg IMG_2156[2905].jpg IMG_2155[2906].jpg IMG_2154[2904].jpg IMG_2153[2903].jpg IMG_2151[2901].jpg IMG_2150[2900].jpg heart breaking. Don't get me wrong, they could be saved, but the Savior has a lot more talent and money than I do. The real Bitch is, the owner has watched to many episodes of Gas Monkey and now he thinks these things are worth Many Thousands of dollars, know what I mean Vern!! We took the back roads home, stopped for dinner and a Cocktail and enjoyed a real nice ride back to the house. Amen
    Pinstriper40 likes this.
  26. solo_909
    Joined: Apr 9, 2006
    Posts: 1,786


    7C78ACDF-5C6B-4288-B48E-40935E06A67B.jpeg I’m back in for the third time!
  27. solo_909
    Joined: Apr 9, 2006
    Posts: 1,786



    What size tire are you guys all running? I know 7.10’s were what came on the mercs back in the day however I plan on lowering mine a lot and don’t want thing to rub.

  28. 6.70X15 SQ.= X4
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  29. solo_909
    Joined: Apr 9, 2006
    Posts: 1,786


    Hey fellas, just bought another 51 Merc coupe. I’m looking to bag it and was wondering what’s the front suspension kit people are using these days?

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