Hey, i just wanted to give you an update.We are getting blasted with snow and blowing snow.There over 50cm down in centrel Newfoundland.Not good cruzin weather!!!im doing better everday i still have a little pain because of a frozen shoulder. so im go to therpy twice a week. I'm already getting more mobility in it and the therapist said it wont take long to come back. so hopefully after christmas we can start building my car. I cant wait! Anyway later, Hambandy
Glad to hear from you. Been looking for a thread to see how your doing. Do what the therapist tells you, healing will come quicker.
Right on brother... Glad to hear you are on the mend. Can't wait to see some more progress on the rod and for you. Anything you need?
Hay Andy, : good to here you are doing much better. it is going to take time, good luck and god speed............. p.s. keep us posted on your progress and let us know how's the progress on your Hot Rod is doing also..... Merry Christmas
great news, little brother ! do you need anything? just let us know. stay warm, and do what the therapist says x2 dave
Glad to hear the news little dude. That shoulder will be healed and you'll be bustin knuckles in no time.
Good to hear an update. Need a gas pedal for the project. I have an extra old drum speed pedal. PM me if ya want it for the build. El Flathead Fred
Hey Andy!! Great to hear from you....and great news to hear! Keep at it, man! Praying you and your family have a great Christmas above and beyond the super progress you have made.
It's good to hear you are progressing. Keep up the hard work. I'll bet you are anxious to see all those parts come together. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Great news that you are getting more mobility. The therapists can do wonders to help. 50cm of snow? New Brunswick is looking for 30-40 tonight. At this end of Nova Scotia we are expecting rain mixed with some snow. I guess winter came early. Folks... if you want to see some parts of Hambandy's part of the world check out: http://www.webcamworld.com/directory/North_America/Canada/Newfoundland/ And: http://www.roads.gov.nf.ca/hcarousel/Default.stm
Andy, great to hear that you are feeling better and are back home to enjoy some of that good old fashioned Newfie snow! Merry Christmas, young fella. We'll be looking for you in your new ride come spring time! Winter is for building you know.
Great to hear from you "little HAMB buddy", and to know you are getting better and stronger. I still have something else I am going to send to make your winter down time a little more pleasant. Watch your mail and you, as well as your family have a very happy and special Holiday season. the Dickster
thats a good update. just the tone of the email is so much better, looks like your spirits are up.. that is great..
Good to hear from you Andy. Spend the winter working out and getting the strength back. Then you'll be ready to hit the Hotrod when it warms up.
Andy, Good to hear you are doing better. Looking forward to build progress on your new ride ! Hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas ! 41 Dave
Andy, it is good to hear how things are going, we got 5" or ~12cm last night, real winter now. I was not clear if you had begun any sketches of how you think the car should look. If you choose to, take every photo that you like, down to even detail pic's, and then begin making sketches, based upon them. Then the guys who are part of your team will know what your vision means. Best of luck!
Excellent news, I hope your physical therapist is as hot as the one I had when I shattered my hip bone.