I Have a Haneline 5 in 1 cluster, my Oil Pressure sender went south, does anybody know where I can find a sender? I've read a thread that someone posted that they found a guy in Georgia that had some No address or contact info & now I can't find the original post
The link above is probably the best bet. But FWIW, I ran across the "new" Haneline. I did business with the old original owner, face to face, and the last guys that sold it off. The old guy was really nice, the last guys, not so much. I'm hoping a family connection gets them back to what they were. I sent an email, and they got right back. Read the history section. http://www.hanelineproducts.com
I just found this thread, and once again HAMB and it's members provide info that is much appreciated. A little over a year ago I bought a super nice '40 coupe that has Haneline gauges and panel, and they are the first I had seen. Realized they were electric gauges with sending units and had wondered where to find gauges and sending units if ever needed. On the thread about the 76th anniv. of the '40 Ford, someone asked me about that dash, and now I can go back and provide more than just the name on the gauge faces.
Keep in mind that you don't have to have a Haneline sender to make the gauge work, you just need one with the same or close ohms range.
Agreed, if you know what the ohm specs are for the sending unit Haneline used. Not all gauges use the same ohmage specs For instance "back inna day" if you had a Ford with 6 volt system and a 80# gauge, plus a worn out engine with low oil pressure that you wanted to trade in in there was a trick other than adding a qt. of STP in substitute of oil with the dead giveaway to a savvy used car dealer of very thick oil. All you had to do was go to the junk yard and find an older Ford with the 50# gauge, remove the sending unit and install it for a gauge reading 10-15# higher.
i used a set of Haneline gauges a few years back , seams me me they used Stewart Warner senders? i may be wrong. you could try and find out
I have Dakota Digital gauges in my 46 Ford convertible. Thought I might need an exotic type sender and ordered one from Dakota. Guess what, they sent me a stock Chevrolet sender for about twice the price that I could have bought locally. Is Hanline still in business? Gary
They had a booth at this years GNRS and we talked to them about the same problem. I forget what the son told us but it solved our problem. Call them and they can give you info you require to fix your sender.
I didn't mean to give the impression that I needed a sending unit now. All is well, I just had been wondering about the possibility.
Wife's 50 Chevy has a Haneline 5 in 1 gauge with a non working speedometer. Did some research and learned they are made by an Indian company called Vee Three. Have left VM's with SNS and never heard back. Classic now has the same style gauge including a tach. That will be the replacement.
My '49 w/5 in 1 Haneline has non-working odometer for past 3-4 years. It's the 3d unit I've put in there. I also will replace the Haneline w/the Classic Instruments unit, but I need to save the nearly $1000 to get it first.
I Just want to take a second and introduce myself and clear the air a bit. My name is Scott Smith. I am currently the owner of Haneline Rod & Custom Products. Long story short my uncle is Jimmie Bible who ran Haneline Products out of Morongo Valley, CA for over 20 years. He sold the company, once to some guys in Anaheim in which he got the company back after they didn't pay him, and again to some guys in Georgia. After a few years the Georgia company was out of business. One or both of these companies didn't stand behind their stuff and provide customer support at all. I picked up the name and started over about a year ago. At that point I made the decision not to have instruments that said Haneline on them. Engine-turned dash inserts is what the company had always done so I would rep gauges from established instrument companies and focus on designing and re-releasing dash inserts. To answer Carl41 I have (very recently) been able to get senders for the old Haneline gauges call me @ 844-EST-1952. Its been great to meet so many HAMB faithful at shows the past few months and I will honor the HAMB alliance discount if you call instead of buying directly on the website. Check us out and thank you. www.hanelineproducts.com
Thx for the info Smitty, and I wish you well in reviving your uncle's business. I have a '40 Ford with a Haneline insert and gauges and it's good to know that in the event I have a problem that I can call you at the number you list and I have recorded it in my old fashioned "black book", and get help. Hope your supplier of gauges will be able to supply units of close similarity in appearance to the original, as I've gotten compliments on the gauges and insert. Would be a shame if I ever had a gauge fail and have to replace with something of a different appearance. As you can see from my avatar, I'm in GA, and curious about the people here that closed up, was this by chance Omega? That's the only automotive instruments that I've heard of produced here. Again thanks for coming in a clearing things up a bit.
I have heard lots of rumors, but I think Doc's Kustom who sold Amega (or Omega?) ended up with Haneline inventory and closed it down. I'm not positive on that but I know Doc's and Haneline were "in-bed-together" while Haneline was in Georgia. Speedway motors bought Docs and I saw some Haneline Gauges on their website for a while. It's kind of a mess! Also, we are working on getting a 5 (or 6) in one to fit the 49-51 Ford and 49-50 Chevy.
I have a nice set of gauges in our 50 Chevy and they have been working great for years. But when we (Chick) blew the motor and I had to replace it, I lost the oil sender during the switch. I went to our local speed shop (we still have one J&M Speed Riverside plug) and looked at what they had for replacement senders for other gauges and said that one looks like what we had. Took it home and maybe my luck, but I don't think there were that many different senders made, and it worked. Of course I found the first one later under the Ute.
Smitty, it is "Omega", named after the smal South GA town of Omega where they were(?) located, were being said for in case they are gone. I have a friend here in town with a build going on for several years now on a '36 Dodge with Omega gauges, and they are branded "Omega". At one time they had a website, unsure now.
Yep, that was the company. Omega Gauges and Docs Kustom, same owners. Now Speedway motors, per the old Docs Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/Docs-Kustom-120545138025578/
Yes I know this is a old post but if anyone is as lucky as I have been with my Hanline 3 in one Speedoneter, with the fuel gauge and the voltmeter I am in need of a wire diagram for the 3 in 1 speedometer + + gauges The most important to me is the fuel gauge!! Scotty Smith phone number and email are no longer active This family truck must last for 50 more years and we would like to use the gauges!
Fuel gauge: If it has three wire connectors, I would guess one goes to fuel sender, one to ignition switched power and one to ground.