Great Job, That's a perrrfect little A ! I hope you post some more pictures of it. There's nothing more FUN than a MODEL A Ron....
Nothing about that I don't like. The first pic made me nervous since it was pretty nice to begin with but all of the changes look great and none of them ruin what was already nice at the start.
Man I am in love!!! Now you’ve gone and started me into wanting a fendered A. That car sets and looks perfect. Great job.
Color combo is outstanding; chop looks great. Nice hot rod---not a fan of Model A's, but yours is certainly an eye catcher! Congrats and well executed. How tall are the rear tires?
Great looking coupe! Would you mind sharing what the front and rear suspension mods were to get that great stance? Lynn
That is an excellent looking Model A! Proportions, stance, wheels, engine, color all work in harmony. If you ever decide to sell it send me a PM.