AMEN brother Richard! That is THE main reason I don't shop there. 85 percent of the stuff sold there is an offshore ripoff version of a proven, and most likely patented product. I'll keep my money with the real deal stuff. I am however guilty of buying my sandblaster there haha. $39.95 on sale hahahahaha.
Listen to what these guys are telling you. Harbor Freight stuff is mostly junk. In a spray gun you get what you pay for. Stay with name brands, Develbliss, Binks, Sharpe etc. Then practice, practice, pratice!
I agree that the gun is crap. I read the first page so don't know if this was asked or not, but why would you spend 100's or thousands on paint to practice with a $50 gun? That $50 gun is only going to teach you how a $50 crap gun sprays and even with junk paint will not teach you how to paint your car when it's time. Might as well save the $50 and buy rollers and paint it that way with rustoleum. I just don't understand why folks spend several hundred dollars on paint and then scrimp on the delivery system.
All of these were shot with a hf gravity feed. i prefer it to most of my binks or sharp guns I have had. the cup is junk but they sell a nice aluminum one for $7.
That was what I could afford in 1981. Now I own two Binks, a DeVilbiss and three SATA HVLP's. I could only afford used tires back then, too. Does that make me even worse for not supporting the tire companies?
Thats just the point I was tryin to make, you START with a cheap gun and practice with it, I just found that if you prep it and finish it right you dont necessarily need the high dollar guns to jack up the cost of the already high priced paint. I am not in any way endorsing buying a $12 HF Gun and then dumping a $1,000 on paint and materials when youve never shot anything before, its like anything else...practice and experience!
The gun, if clean and usable, does what the operator tells it to do. If you are doing a paint job every year or two , you don't need a $500 gun. Adjustment and knowledge are more important. Yeah, you gotta watch what you get from HF. But that is true w/everybody these days. Are you guys that don't like imported goods the same fellas who suffer from the delusion that Harley- Davidson is American made? Check into their domestic content...Ole Pork