This has a 351w/c4/9" with full tube chassis (dom mild steel). Weighed 2420 lbs. 55% front 45% rear on the scales
Just come see me sometime and we can put it on the scales... Maybe I could even give you a plant tour and show you my fancy tractor that rides wheelies.
We have scales that we could put under every wheel or just do it the easy way on the truck scales. Anyway, just need to make a trip up to Perry sometime.
It's useful if it can be adjusted and you are going to be using a lot more dynamics than normal! If you don't take advantage of @guthriesmith 's offer, try to find a local roundy or road racer. They tend to have the 4 corner scales. Agreed, that chassis looks like a lot of quality work, and the truck is cool too. Funny how the weight is within 30 pounds of the one above it.