@'Mo has the 216 inline social forum he has always been really active here but hasn't posted since June of this year. And on his fourm he always commented its a pretty active forum. His bio dosen't tell much of anything. So I was hoping someone knows him personally.
Thank for the bump @Max Gearhead. 'Mo was always commented on my build and helped me out with straight 6 troubles I was having.
I dunno. He lives here in Richmond. I, too, have reached out to him, but haven't heard much. He was having computer problems at one point, but mostly radio silence. Distressing.
I will reach out to one of 'Mo's buddies here in town and see what might have become of him. He lives alone in the Lakeside section of Richmond. One Sunday late summer I drove around trying to figure out where he lived ( no one knew his address), but wasn't successful. I have concerns. But he also has ties to the vintage jazz and rock music scene, so maybe someone has some info. 'Mo has a rich music history, as well as experience as a customizer. He's quite a jazz musician.
Great. Thread goes .. from a HAMB'r missing in action .. now into a possible pissing match over a dumb post. No offense meant to pisser nor dumb poster either. Sometimes "not posting" is better .. in these situations. Decorum & all. Or not. Anyhow .. God bless ya' @'Mo. Hope all is well in Mo'ville. Signed, Concerned HAMB.
Oh I'm not offended. I'm being funny. It's a "symbol" of still waiting to hear something. I don't get into pissing contest on the internet and I apologize for my light hearted gesture. Carry on
I don't get offended. I just don't want me looking for a friends state of health get over shadowed by unnecessary posts. Walk lightly around the old hambers. With that said welcome to the hamb.
Getting closer...I spoke to a friend who knows 'Mo well. He lost his dad about a month ago, and 'Mo called to express his condolences. They had a long chat, and my friend assures me he is ok. He is going to try and find 'Mo's number so I can reach out. And if not, my friend knows where he lives. I'll jump in the '40, knock on his door, and just go visit him. He couldn't believe so many people were concerned about his well-beling, but then we both reflected on what an outstanding guy 'Mo has always been, and we can believe the affection. Stay tuned.
OK, my buddy finally tracked down 'Mo and had a conversation with him. He reports that 'Mo is just fine, but needs some time to work out a few issues. He has decided to drop off the grid for a while. 'Mo appreciates the concerns, but wants to assure everybody he is ticking like a Timex, and just needs some space. I will keep you posted if there is any other change.
That is all I needed to hear. I've been here since 2007 and always felt this to be a family. Like my Dad says I'm top side so all is good. !!! Thank you for taking my concerns to hart and going above and beyond to make a guy you don't know feel better. God bless the Hamb!!! Merry Christmas to all my hotrod brethren!!
Just heard directly from 'Mo via a PM. He's doing well, just wanted to express his appreciation for everyone's concern. What a great Christmas present!
I am a day(s) late and a dollar short, but glad he is okay. Small world , I lived in the Lake side area for a time .