Hey all!! I am am a twenty-two year car finatic who resides in Ohio. My knowledge of cars is minimal, however, my passion for them allows me to be teachable and as helpful to others as poissible! My name is Nick and I own to classic cars(at least in my eyes)!! My very first car I've ever had and still own being a 71 Super Beetle, and my latest addition, which is my pride and joy, being a 64 Galaxie 500!! My grandfather who is a member of the H.A.M.B. got me into cars due to the fact that he owns a 49 Merc. I hope I'll be welcome and a positve addition to the H.A.M.B.
Welcome grandson (Gotta keep the HAMB goin' with the family!) You'll learn more on here than anywhere else.
Welcome Nick. Hang around and take it all in. BTW, Your Granddad is a great guy! My family and I spent all weekend hanging around him last year at Goodguys. He's a "cool" old guy!