Going through some of my dads junk and ran across these. I think it’s 33-34 Roadster Pick Up? It appears that it’s never been used is it possible it’s NOS? In places under the flash surface rust it seems to be bare metal. Repop maybe? There was also a chopped windshield from something and some large commercial headlights with some big sealed beam conversions. Thanks
Yes the cowl would be for a 33-34 RPU. But it was more commonly used for fire trucks and busses. Some of those cowls have door hinge holes drilled, others dont. The dash is for it. The windshield frame looks Model A like. 33-34 RPU actually used Model A W/S frames so you could use it on that cowl.
Hey Mike yes it’s a roadster pickup front cowl and with that windshield you may have the posts or stanchions. Those are rare as hens teeth and have been on the search for 10 years now. If you do find them can I borrow them so I can cast a few sets? Please. The stanchions look like model t Ford met a model A upper.
Hi John I’ll look again I didn’t See them but there is a ton of stuff in a small area and the family of raccoons don’t seem to like me being in there. At one time it was full of great stuff, then it got in a flood and it’s all scattered and mixed up now
I know a guy building one of those into a RPU that will have an Ardun engine in it. Maybe you could do the same as a Scotty's haul truck.
I’m still gonna do the T roadster. I’m actually talking with a guy now trying to buy a T body and some stuff to start that build.but this was a nice surprise. There were a few boxes of flat head head gaskets that got scattered in the mess too. First I gotta get the critters out of there so I can inventory everything that’s there. I know I saw multiple sets of fenders in there too it’s pretty dark so hard to see much of what’s in the back.
Can't be easy dealing with dad's stuff....still have a few of my dad's cast off part's and his widow is sitting (let rust to hell ) stuff he paid a pretty penny for.