Damn man you are preachng to the choir here- MY wife and I were some of the VERY First SEMA SAN members- there are strength in numbers and SEMA is worth its weight AND the weight of everythig they do in CHROME. SEMA SAN LINK http://www.semasan.com Send this to EVERYONE you know. Booyah. Out.
Done Dude i also added this to all other site im on!!!!!!!!! Thank you i didnt even know this was going on! great find!!!!!!!!
Done, two minutes effort is all it took. We seem to have some non preformance car state reps in the Seattle area that keep trying to find ways to tax us on the size of our engines. At that is their latest ploy in the name of green house gasses.
Joining SAN is just the half of it. Taking the time to read the mail they send and really get involved is the other half. Send letters, call the elected officials that are proposing these bills and tell them in polite intelligent terms how what they are proposing affects the good guys in this hobby. Anything, even if it is a good bill proposal- show them your support. Most politicians listen to the people that take the time to let their feelings be known and will vote based on the input they receive from constituents. Otherwise they will vote based on their personal feelings toward a subject. SEMA SAN is something we all need to get behind.
Thanks for the link. I joined up (really did take less than a minute) and I also cross posted this to the Fiat site I hang out at. I'm sure that many of you also visit other car forums as well. Let them know as this affects everybody in the car hobby.
Signed up, and in the process of reading this thread, I found another member of HAMB here in this sleepy GA small town and have sent him an email! Dave
Hey- if we don't speak up, these Gov't hacks think we're OK with some of these crummy laws they try to pass! SEMA has been fighting new blight laws that try to forbid you from having any old car on your property, even if it's under a car cover. I've been in court fighting about the 3 legal, operable vehicles in my driveway that some old bitch down the street was raggin' about! It cost me a couple of hundred bucks. I could have used that cash for parts! Join NOW!!!
So many sign up to these things but very few get involved. For all of our sakes..we all need to take this seriously and stay on top of political matters that effect our hobby. Thanks for the wake up call.
BUMP INXS brings up the best point. We have to stay involved. There are a lot of car lovers in the government, its when some a-hole sees something they don't like and rally the elected officials that don't care. Send letters, call and leave messages and get to know your town officials. It helps (just like knowing your local police ). I have been a member of this for two+ years and they have already done much in Jersey.