2 of us....bloody small world LOL.....where abouts does he live? perhaps he`s seen me, I`m usually broke down by the side of the road Monkey
well I changed the perished wire in the distributor tonite...started it up, ran, sounded a bit lumpy....went out for a spin, after about 15 mins, backfire , splutter, no revs....turned it off back on and limped back to the garage..bollocks.....start again...had another new set of plugs lying around so I swapped `em....fired it up again and throttled it..it misses badly, gun it, delay, revs.......I sat there looking at it and thought clean out the fuel filter (again)...when i pulled the pipe off it, there was an almighty whoosh/hiss...should there be that much pressure in there to cause that hissing...am i back where i started, with tank ventilation problems....I took it out again and for about half an hour it ran fine, accelerated great, then backfire, splutter, no revs......out of all this I do know one thing...I`m getting totally pissed off....any more ideas guys? monkey
No, there shouldn't be whoosh/hiss-ing like that - try running it without a fuel cap to eliminate venting as your issue. I was sold on the wire until this last post - yes, an internally failed wire will act up worse when hot depending on the stress/strain. Could be a combination of factors working against you. Try a drive w/o the cap first to eliminate venting issues...
He lives at Kitelands I'm sure you know it, he's a drinker not a Rodder. We will probably be up there at the beginning of July. Will pm you.
Have you checked the outlet line on the fuel tank? When my Capri was lost during my divorce the ex called me to help her get it started. The fuel line on the Capri goes into the tank a few inches, those few inches were crudded up to the point that no fuel was coming out at all. I poked around with a coat hanger and what looked like oily mud came out. The car ran fine after I blew the whole line out. I also put a filter between the tank and fuel pump. Sorry 'bout yer troubles.
Surf Monkey, are you using the stock tank located in the cowl? I had a similar problem with my Model A, Pinto powered using stock cowl tank. Gravity would push gas through the lines, passed the fuel pump and into the carb bowl. The car would run fine for a while driving around town, low speed, sort of stop and go type driving (fuel flow would "catch up" while I sat at idle), but get a fairly long bit of driving at a good speed and the fuel flow was no longer able to keep up with the engine, so the car would act the way yours does. I replaced the fuel pump and the problem went away.
Along the lines of what your suggesting , I haven`t actually checked to see if there is any kinks or abnormalities in the fuel line from front to back....the tank is located in the boot (trunk)....Back to the electrics, I ve got a known running coil to try just in case, and my mate is bringing me an electric fuel pump tomorrow to try, although I`m gonna run it without the fuel cap for a while..... Koppak....my mate lives in the Kitelands....if hes a drinker he must use the yorkshire grey....the only pub up that end Monkey
Hey Monkey he usually drinks in Town or Working mens club, by-pass that ballast resistor for chrisakes
quick question cause i`m feeling thick today....should the fuel filter be constantly filled with fuel, when the motors off....pulled the pipe off the filter tonite even though I haven`t driven it since last weekend, and it hissed again and drained away ......haven`t had chance to work on the car at all cause I`ve finally got an operation for my back on monday and they said `if you aggravate the problem in any way we will not do the treatment` Monkey
Don't sound normal to me, what type of carb/pump set up are you running, carb needle valves aren't normally good enough to hold pressure like that.. Thinking about it though if the tank is mounted high... no can't see it seems fekin odd to me.