on the way massive speedster rhino? bugatti detroit racing for a caddy stanley steamer A panel in pieces i never knew dodges could look so good ! 1914 caddy speedster
my score for the year !! italian bodied ford 36 ute packard woody scot arduns 32 caddy dash massive sign 53 drop top the obligatory guy that sells nothing photo 35/36 coupe door still in the box cool 33 A 400 power wagon roadster body headed home
Nice planishing hammer, I cant believe I missed it on Wednesday! LOL! We only covered about a third of it !!
And let's not forget the sudden t-storm on Friday at 3pm. Thankfully, the Hershey Region made announcements about the incoming front, and we loaded up the trailer and jumped into the truck. We'll be back early Saturday morning to hit it again. If you're not here, you have to ask yourself why not?
First time as a vendor this year and some one post a picture of my sedan delivery for sale. I feel honored.
Just got back a couple hours ago, we bailed out before the front hit, but drove through the rain on the way back. Yesterday was great weather and picked up lots of smaller parts, struck out on a lot of larger items I was looking for. Usual blisters on the feet from the miles of walking!
sorry i missed seeing you this year Flop, hope it is ok to add some photos. our day started wed, 6 am , cracker barrel!
Seen ya carrying your plannishing hammer back to you vehicle, was gonna stop ya and say hi but the middle of the crosswalk prob isnt the place to do so!
these were from the car show today (Sat.). after the rain Fri. lots of vendors packed up and were gone when we came back Sat. Morning.