Kick my self for not getting pics of that model a roadster pickup with roof heads. Sweet car & engine. Sign in window explained & price $39k I think. Ask friend to get pics & he never saw it. Damn
According to the A.A.C.A. website, the reason that some of the usual food vendors were not there, was not because of Hershey Entertainment and Resorts or the A.A.C.A. The reason that they are claiming is that the vendors themselves could not get people to work.
Thanks for all the great pictures. Only made it to Carlisle and Hershey once in 2012. Would love to be able to get back there but with the current travel restrictions who knows when that will be. As you know car people travel from all over the world just to experience an event like this, you guys really are fortunate to have something like this on your doorstep. I hope that everyone continues to support it and if you have to pay a bit more for a hot dog and beer its a small price to pay.