I just discovered this board today and was instantly blown away by the tech section, and decided to join immediately. For the past few years I've worked on my first car a '68 Bronco built for offroad use, that car introduced me to the whole car lifestyle or scene whatever you want to call it. Since then I've fallen in love with traditional style hot rods, specifically model A's or even the T coupes; but I never really thought that getting a project car was possible until recently. Im a cheap college student so I've tried to get stuff for free. Lately Ive been going through the desert looking for abandoned cars, found quite a few too. I even pulled a flathead (21 stud) and may go back and pull a nailhead that I found. I have a 9" left over from my bronco and hopefully I'll have a model A body soon. So as I gather pieces for the build I'll be reading here and trying to learn! Thanks for providing a great informative site! -Spearodude P.S. incase you were wondering spearo= a guy who spearfishes, another one of my hobbies.