Judging by some of those power plants, the winters are reallyyyyy long there huh? Nice cars, and super creativity.
Yea, it was a reverse flow, sounded ice cold too!! No that 55 isnt mine, but the cool thing is the guy that owns it is just stones throw away by the way the crow flies, so I'm going to drop a visit since my car will pretty close to his except diffeant color.
Well thanks Mitchell, it was a damn good time, love Cabelas, and that palace of corn, maybe next I'll have a car or two up there. Until then, see ya next time Bo.
Well, ya know I reckon it was raining most of the day. Actually it was raining the whole time I was there.
Made the run up from Omaha in the lakes modified.The 235 is good for the long haul.Maybe the rain is why y'all have tops on those hotrods.Enjoyed the show,thanks Outcasts and Mitchell and everyone who drove in despite the weather. SOT
Whats on the front of the blue Modelt T's engine? Looks a little bulkier than a side draft setup or...........?
had agood time,driving up from omaha with my good friend in his roadster was the best part of the weekend. nice cars,good people,shitty weather all is well,later rob SOUTH OMAHA TURDS
Nice pics Jesse.....Thanks for posting them. You and Dave and some of the guys comin to the pileup make the trek you wont be sorry. How have ya been?Life treatin ya well? Shoe
Son and I before we went north to rain. Cool couples car for N.D. South Omaha Turds Some of the Nebraska Outkast car line up Check out Bo Huff's Son Laying down some lines.
Man, this guy with the blue scalloped '56 really gets around! He was just at Rhinebeck last weekend. thanks for the pics.
Hey Sticks, too bad I didnt meet ya, I was looking for you though next year. Fiddy,yea I'm thrashing on the 55. Hey Shoe, that sounds like a plan.
Anyone can have a show on a bright sunny day , but he who shows up even on a crappy day . Those are hard core hot rod mother f%ckers !!!. Nice pics , thank's Buzz Bomb
I met the man that owns the model T. he said the intake was a proto type G.M. piece. It was a belt driven supercharger running four Carter YH side draft carbs. A unique piece to be sure. SOT
Jesse, that 55 belongs to Mike, he is neighbors with Art that owns that orange 409 powered Chevy Coupe. We can run u to their places next time you are in town.
tman, I would like to stop by his place to look at the car a little more. His last name is Iverson right? Dave and I go deep into indian country tomarrow, coming? TomH I didn't catch the final numbers, maybe Sticks would know.
Hey man, we were sitting about 140-150. I will get the actual # tonight. The #'s were higher then last year + the rain so I think it was a good turn out. Sticks