Hi. Names Jason. 26 years old. Im your typical guy who grew up in SoCal. I have a wife, three kids, and, yeah, one more on the way. I also have two dogs, in case that matters. I'm not really part of the key demographic for this forum, but I think its rude to frequent a site without registering, so I thought I would pop in. Im a traditionalist by nature. I frequently find myself appreciating the style straight from the factory. For me, subtlety is key. Im not really into bags, not into loud paint, not into lots of billet. I like it when the car or truck speaks for itself. That being said, Im also not into arguing over whos a more hardcore traditionalist, or whos trendy and who isnt, or if that part is period perfect or not. I like a well built, well thought out vehicle. If that car still retains a clean, traditional look with modern traditional looking parts, great. If not well... My passion is trucks. I have a soft spot for 47-54 Chevy pickups. It started when I saw Cole Foster's '53 in some random truck rag when I was a sophomore in high school. I couldnt quite put my finger on it at the time, but I thought that truck was perfect. None of my buddies got it, some still dont, but hey I'm casually keeping my eye open for a cheap one I can snatch up and sit on until Im ready. Heres where the demographic conflict part comes in My absolute true love is 73-87 Chevy/GMC trucks. It started at about 12-13 but didn't really manifest until I was about 18. Bought my '79 at 21 and it's been my main love ever since. Its in pieces right now, but future plans call for a deep drop, some shade of dark green paint, 15 grey centered Torque-thrusts and a plain-jane interior. I cant help it. As much as I love old iron, theres something about these trucks that I just cant deny. Ive since acquired an 88 Chevy 4x4 Suburban. 3 lift on 33s. Nothing crazy, just a clean driver. Im currently looking for a clean 73-91 crew cab dually to drop on some 16 Alcoas and mob it as a daily. Well sorry for the novel. I guess Ill check out the forums and see how it flows. Thanks.
Are you admitting to a deep and abiding hatred of cats or what exactly? Irregardless, you must like kids so that makes you okay. As it is you have a fixation of certain vehicles and that make you suitable for the like of the HAMB. Welcome.