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History Holman-moody the history

Discussion in 'Traditional Hot Rods' started by frank spittle, Mar 18, 2011.

  1. tommyd
    Joined: Dec 10, 2010
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    from South Indy

    Cool find. Thanks for posting it up.
  2. frank spittle
    Joined: Jan 29, 2009
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    frank spittle

    Holman-Moody Builds Dodge

    That's what the Charlotte Observer reported in late '60. Hutton-Scott, Charlotte's Dodge new car franchise dealer ordered the car from H&M to run the '61 season. You can click on the article to enlarge it or read my summary. It stated that Bill France would allow the 413 cubic inch Chrysler 300G engine in Dodge, Plymouth or Chrysler Newport cars. Chevrolet was producing enough 409 engines to use them in NASCAR but Pontiac and Ford would be limited to 390 cubic inches since nothing larger was being produced (Ned Jarrett won the '61 NASCAR championship in a '61 409 Chevy).

    It was believed in this story that Fred Lorenzen would be hired to drive the Dodge because he had lost money racing his own '60 Ford in 1960 and would not run the '61 NASCAR season unless he had a sponsor. His best finish in 1960 was 3rd.

    We know Lorenzen drove a Holman & Moody owned Ford in 1961 and did quite well. I wonder who drove the Hutton-Scott owned car.

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  3. frank spittle
    Joined: Jan 29, 2009
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    frank spittle

    Fred Lorenzen with another beauty queen after a win in Atlanta. The winner's purse was $6000.00. My, how times have changed.

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  4. rawhide427
    Joined: Apr 26, 2011
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    I don't believe that this Dodge was ever raced. I went through many race results from 1961 and cannot find any listing for a Hutton-Scott Dodge. In fact only two Dodges show up in 1961. A 1960 model owned by Bob Barren and driven by himself and Bobby Waddell. There is also a 1961 model owned by Fred Wheat and driven by T.C. Hunt. I only found one race where both of the Dodges were entered.
    regards, Roland
  5. Thunderroad312
    Joined: Nov 18, 2012
    Posts: 158


    That lovely trophy queen with Freddie appears to be a very young Linda Vaughn.
  6. frank spittle
    Joined: Jan 29, 2009
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    frank spittle

    Thanks for that research Roland. It looks like the order may have been canceled for that '61 Dodge unless it is the same car T.C. Hunt drove. And if that is true Fred Wheat bought it from Hutton-Scott or from Holman & Moody. By the way, in 1961 my dad loaned me $150.00 to buy my first car, a '51 Chevy 2 door hardtop, while I was in high school. And it was from Hutton-Scott. I won my first trophy in that car at a drag strip in the Charlotte area at age 17. Scott Jaguar in Charlotte is half the family of the previous Hutton-Scott.
  7. frank spittle
    Joined: Jan 29, 2009
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    frank spittle

    You have a better eye than me Thunderroad and I know Linda. After looking again I did not believe it was her but after looking at her biography she was Miss Atlanta Raceway for one year in 1961. She was a dental assistant when she entered the contest and won. That is the earliest picture I have seen of her in a 50 plus year career as the racing lady we cherish.
  8. Thunderroad312
    Joined: Nov 18, 2012
    Posts: 158


    Thank you Frank. My two favorite threads on here are this one and the Linda Vaughn thread. Can't get enough of either. I really do think it is her from some of the early pictures I have seen, namely one from 1961 with Joe Weatherly and a 1961 Pontiac at Darlington? Was supposed to be her first event. Anyway not to highjack your thread, as I said, I'm lovin' it. Freddie was/is one of my all time hereos, and Linda, well Linda is just Linda(sigh).
  9. Ramblur
    Joined: Jun 15, 2005
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  10. tommyd
    Joined: Dec 10, 2010
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    from South Indy

  11. 37willysgasser
    Joined: Jul 24, 2007
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    just sold this, had it for years off marine engine

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  12. rawhide427
    Joined: Apr 26, 2011
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    I believe that these are most likely parts developed for the 1965-1966 Ford GT Mark II. These cars were so heavy that they used aluminum and magnesium to lighten them up as much as possible. They also use aluminum for the water pump. In 1967 I believe that they were running two four barrels and aluminum tunnel port heads. In the early to mid 1970's Jon Kaase ran an IHRA formula 3 stock 1967 or 1968 Mustang with aluminum tunnel port heads and a split dominator two barrel carb that was a bad ass for the times. He told me that he purchased the heads from a dirt track racer in Ohio where he was from at the time.
    regards, Roland
  13. frank spittle
    Joined: Jan 29, 2009
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    frank spittle

    From the scrapbook. From left: John Holman, Dan Gurney and Ralph Moody in about 1961

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  14. AREA51SD
    Joined: Jul 1, 2009
    Posts: 97


    Hi Frank,

    Was wondering if you have been by Kenny Thompson house lately. Is the car he was building for himself back from the paint shop? I don't have much time to go by anymore. If you have any more pictures would be neat to see them.

    Paul B
  15. frank spittle
    Joined: Jan 29, 2009
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    frank spittle

    I talked to Kenny a couple weeks ago and he should have the car back from the paint shop. While it was out of the shop he started his next project......a side by side twin engine Chevy dragster. I will get by there and get pictures soon.
  16. C5HM
    Joined: Jan 3, 2009
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    from TX

    1962 Daytona.
  17. japar
    Joined: Jun 30, 2007
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    from Seekonk Ma

    " Holy batcrap Batman can I drive the Batmobile with the new Holman + Moody 427 Engine" " Sorry No Robin we now need to get a real driver" INTERVIEW WITH BILL SHREWSBERRY
    March 2008

    <CENTER><!--mstheme--><TABLE border=3 cellSpacing=1 borderColorLight=#cccccc borderColorDark=#666666 cellPadding=2 width="17%" bgColor=#000000><TBODY><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffff width="88%"><!--mstheme-->[FONT=Arial, Arial, Helvetica][​IMG]<!--mstheme-->[/FONT]</TD><TD bgColor=#ffffff width="12%"><!--mstheme-->[FONT=Arial, Arial, Helvetica][​IMG]<!--mstheme-->[/FONT]</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!--mstheme-->[FONT=Arial, Arial, Helvetica]</CENTER>[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial, Arial, Helvetica]In the late 1960's, "Wild Bill" Shrewsberry was making a big name for himself with his wheelstander cars like the "L.A. Dart." In 1967, Bill was picked to drive the Batmobile at various exhibition races across the United States. Some of the places he raced the Batmobile included: KK Sports Arena, Cecil County Dragway, Motor City Dragway, Lions Drag Strip, Island Dragway, and the Irwindale Raceway. Video and more photos of Bill driving the Batmobile can be seen here.


    [FONT=Arial, Arial, Helvetica]Eric: Tell us about yourself?<?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /><O:p> </O:p>
    Bill: I am originally from <?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = ST1 /><ST1:STATE w:st="on">Ohio</ST1:STATE> and I moved to California in October 1962. I went to work for Mickey Thompson drag racing Pontiac's stock cars. In 1965, George Hurst wanted me to drive the car they built called "Hemi Under Glass." It was the first car to do wheelies and it was not meant to--it was very exciting. <O:p></O:p>
    E: How did you get the job to drive the Batmobile?<O:p>
    B: I was around 20 years old when I got the job to drive the Batmobile. &#8220;Batman&#8221; was in production and they wanted more publicity for the TV show, so they had me drive the car at different dragstrips around the country. <O:p></O:p>
    E: What year(s) did you drag race the Batmobile? From the articles I've come across it looks like from January to September 1967.<O:p> </O:p>
    B: Sounds about right, but may have been a little bit longer than September of 1967.<O:p> </O:p>
    E: Can you give us the specifications of the car?<O:p> </O:p>
    B: Holman & Moody built a blueprinted 427 C.I. motor, with a high-rise intake manifold with 2qty 4 barrel carburetors. It had an Art Carr C-6 Ford transmission with headers, and positraction with a 514 Locker rear end. I think the car weighed approximately 3300 lbs.<O:p> </O:p>
    E: Was the car powerful?<O:p> </O:p>
    B: It did not want to go real fast, so it looked better when the tires were smoked or when I fishtailed the rear.<O:p> </O:p>
    E: How fast did the Batmobile run the 1/4 mile? <O:p></O:p>
    B: The car ran in the 12&#8217;s. They didn&#8217;t want the car to run too fast, so everyone could get a good look at it. It ran a 12.05 1/4 mile at 118 mph.<O:p> </O:p>
    E: How many runs did you do at each event?<O:p> </O:p>
    B: 2-3 runs<O:p> </O:p>
    E: How did the after-burner (flames from the rear) work?<O:p> </O:p>
    B: The car had a little 3-4 gallon tank filled with gas or kerosene that produced the fire effect <O:p></O:p>
    E: How did you deploy the Bat-chutes? Was there a lever or a switch?<O:p> </O:p>
    B: The parachutes were deployed by the red handle under the arch<O:p> </O:p>
    E: Did you ever race it against any other famous cars? If so, which ones (Munster Koach, Black Beauty, Monkeemobile, etc)?<O:p> </O:p>
    B: I only ran exhibition runs by myself and never ran it against any other cars. Yes, there are lots of rumors about the Batmobile racing the Green Hornet&#8217;s &#8220;Black Beauty&#8221; but that is not true.<O:p> </O:p>
    E: Did the Batmobile have any mechanical issues while you were drag racing it? I read an article from 1967 that stated "Due to mechanical troubles, the Batmobile was unable to race."<O:p> </O:p>
    B: No issues, it ran well with no problems.<O:p> </O:p>
    E: Do you know why the rear canopy had four holes cut-out on each side? Was it to provide air flow so they wouldn't pull off?<O:p> </O:p>
    B: Sorry I do not know about that.<O:p> </O:p>
    E:Do you have photos of you with the Batmobile?<O:p> </O:p>
    B: I&#8217;m not sure, but may have them somewhere.<O:p> </O:p>
    E: Any mishaps or funny stories you&#8217;d like to share?<O:p> </O:p>
    B: In Wisconsin, the after-burner was on when the Bat-parachutes were deployed and I accidentally burned them. Also, I did get to take my kids to school in the Batmobile that was fun.<O:p> </O:p>
    <O:p>E: Did you enjoy the job?<O:p> </O:p>
    B: I had a great time driving the Batmobile. It was fun to do, especially at night with all the flashing lights it had! I got to meet some great people and even people from the Batman TV show, like: Adam West, Burt Ward, Burgess Meredith, and Frank Gorshin.<O:p> </O:p>
    E: Do you remember how much you got paid? Was it per event?<O:p> </O:p>
    B: I do not remember the specifics, but it was a very fair wage.<O:p> </O:p><O:p></O:p>
    E: What are you up to now?<O:p> </O:p>
    B: I am in my 60&#8217;s now and I am in the Real Estate business in Southern, CA. I still own the &#8220;L.A. Dart&#8221; and all my &#8220;wheelie cars&#8221; for the exception of one. Life has been good!
    Thanks Bill!<O:p>

    <MAP name=FPMap0><AREA href="" shape=rect coords="52, 4, 108, 48"><AREA href="" shape=rect coords="1, 80, 64, 121"><AREA href="" shape=rect coords="95, 78, 164, 121"></MAP>[​IMG]
    <!--mstheme-->[FONT=Arial, Arial, Helvetica]<!--mstheme-->[/FONT]</O:p></O:p></O:p>
  18. frank spittle
    Joined: Jan 29, 2009
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    frank spittle

    Here is an interesting picture out of the scrapbook. It is from the Atlanta race in 1962. Freddie is driving the bubbletop/fastback '62 Galaxie and is battling it out with legendary builder Banjo Matthews' '62 Pontiac when Banjo was driving.

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    Spooky likes this.
  19. I have a picture of the LA Dart when it ran at Niagara Falls Drag Strip, probably in the early 70's.!!!
  20. frank spittle
    Joined: Jan 29, 2009
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    frank spittle

    I believe Bill Shrewsberry was at the Henderson N.C. reunion a year or two ago.
  21. frank spittle
    Joined: Jan 29, 2009
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    frank spittle

    After Holman and Moody was formed in the summer of 1957 the USAC Championship came down to two Fords, one being Jerry Unser, who had purchased a new '57 Ford and some spare parts from Pete Depaolo while he was selling out his inventory and before the purchase of everything remaining by H&M in a package deal. Unser won the Pikes Peak Hill Climb in his new Ford and it gave him the capital to be competitive for the rest of the year.

    The other Ford in contention for the championship was the #22 Ford driven by Ralph Moody, who was now selling parts and services to Unser.

    The last race of the season was at Riverside. Another Unser, Bobby Unser, won the pole. Jerry Unser had a slight lead in the points but Moody had the car to beat. Moody was leading the race when the rear end locked up, taking away his chances and giving Jerry Unser the United States Auto Club '57 stock car championship.

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    Last edited: Dec 26, 2012
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  22. ecode ragtop
    Joined: Apr 28, 2009
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    ecode ragtop
    from illinois

    Frank, Another neat thing about Ralph Moody coming in second place is that , he only entered 8 of the 16 races, while Jerry Unser entered 15 races. The last time I spent an evening at Ralphs house and he showed me a lot of the history. The things he was the proudest of was the 3 trophy's from the Milwaukee Wis. races. He won every race at Milwaukee in 57 and I believe he sat on the pole every time. But I am not 100% about that. I have a 57 Ford convert, that was purchased from the Unser family about 40 years ago. On a final note of the 16 U.S.A.C. races ran in 1957. 12 were won by Ford and 4 were won by Mercury. That means no other make of car won any races in 1957. Maybe those old Y-block motors weren't as bad as the Chevy boys try to tell us. Tom Drummond
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  23. frank spittle
    Joined: Jan 29, 2009
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    frank spittle

    Here is a V-8 Falcon built two years before the 221-260-289 V-8s were offered by Ford. In fact, this 4-door Falcon sedan was built for William Ford by Stroppe Engineering, who would later merge with Holman & Moody. Stroppe used a new 1960 Mercury 312 Y-Block engine. 1960 was the first year of the Falcon and the Mercury Comet so why did Stroppe not use a Comet for the engine swap. Because the Comet did not come out until March of 1960 and the Falcon came out in the fall of '59. This car was no doubt on the road before the Comets were on the showroom floors. I will post the build when I finish scanning the pics. You will see how this build helped Stroppe when the A/FX Comets came along four years later.

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    Last edited: Jan 8, 2013
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  24. frank spittle
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    frank spittle

    The Y-Block engine was too wide to clear the shock towers so modifications were needed....just like when Stroppe built the A/FX Comets in '64.

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  25. y'sguy
    Joined: Feb 25, 2008
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    from Tulsa, OK

    would you have any pics of that 312 that went in it?
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  26. frank spittle
    Joined: Jan 29, 2009
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    frank spittle

    Yes, will post soon.
  27. frank spittle
    Joined: Jan 29, 2009
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    frank spittle

    The rear axle assembly was from a '59 full size Ford but was only 1 inch wider than the stock Falcon. It bolted right up to the stock Falcon springs. The twin black marks from the rear tires on the first post of this build shows it had a Detroit Locker center section.

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    Last edited: Jan 6, 2013
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  28. frank spittle
    Joined: Jan 29, 2009
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    frank spittle

    Since a 4-speed manual transmission was not offered in a Ford in 1960 the transmission choice was a 3-speed manual or an automatic. For this build an automatic was chosen. The custom built transmission mount crossmember is a work of art.

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  29. Does this car survive today?

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