I just shot TREME flat clear this am,,,Oh shit WTF,,lookin' sort of shiny.. The light coloured purple had fingerprint stains, water marks you name that would not lift with precleaner 900, windex, degreaser,,so I shot the clear as a temporary bandaid till I repaint,,,don't know if i can live with this shine,,,good thing i work cheap! thinking,,knock it down and paint the body shiny dark purple with satin black fenders cause I will never get those fenders smooth enough for shiny paint..damn that tiger stripe is showing on the door more now with the clear,,maybe the clear will tighten up more today as it hardens,,,not likely as it is dry this is the before pic, as with most pics they hide an awful lot of flaws
with the hot rod flatz, you definatly get what you pay for. with that said, I'm very happy with it on my car. It fit the budget and homebuilt aspects of my needs.
So is there a consensus yet of whether you should clear over this paint or just go with a bc with a flattened clear? If you go bc/cc is the PPG flex n flat a good product for a novice and will it give you the same look out of the can or is it a mixing game?
I used the HRF HR Black on my O/T pickup, sprayed over a black sealer, downdraft booth, baked, still looks awesome after nearly 3 years of outside life. A little Lucas mist detailer and a microfiber cloth keeps the paint looking good!
according to the directions on the can of Treme Flat Clear 2 wet coats will give a glossier finish than 2 light coats..Apparantly mine were somewhat wet! I did 2 wet coats and 1 light coat. Lighter coats give a flat finish but you would have to be consistent or you will get an uneven finish,,some flat,,,some not so flat...I'm thinking a 2000 grit wet sanding to get knock the gloss down a bit.. All of the stains,fingerprints and other marks that I could not remove have now disappeared,,,
Old thread but I'm trying to get a hold of Mr Gasser. You said that your paint is a Dark Blue Pearl in the Flatz brand. I see that they have a Midnight Blue Pearl, this this what you meant? About ready to spray mine a flat original 1951 Sheridan Ford Blue w/ an added pearl and this seems damn close to that color. I'm digging the complete mixed system by HRF and love the finished product. And if anyone else knows this answer, please feel free to chime in. Thanks for your help!
The black on the 62 wagon in my avatar is a BASF product called Limco-3. Its a urethane that is a satin finish not flat. To make it shiny, all it needs is clear coat. Its easy to clean with soap and water or spray detailer. The good news about Limco-3 is its $18.50 a quart.
BTT - Curious about more from people as I am embarking on the paint journey as well, and am in the low $$$ need as well...
If i where you i would not go with hotrod flatz (Junk)save yourself the time and money.go with ppg base and save up for clear and flex and flat from ppg.been there and should have known
REALLY???!!!... If you, even, have to ask... you MIGHT be on the wrong forum. Home and Garden is just a few key-strokes away, ladies!
What's up, Man? I've been looking for this exact color, for a few days now. Would you be so kind, as to give me the info on it, so that I can order enough to paint my '68 El Camino? Maybe even run through the process of how you did it, so that I can end-up with the same look? If so, I really appreciate your help. Thanks! -Christian cmwalker82 at gmail dot com
sprayed my rpu in 01 w/ppg maroon w/flaten agent in paint, is satin finish , where my arm rubs when driving it is rubbed out and shinney. still lookes same as when i painted it. rattle caned my 34 in 92 w/flat it still lookes the same.
Old thread, BUT has anyone sprayed or seen a ride with HRF rust color, or some type of flat brown?? PICTURES PLEASE TRADITION NEVER DIES!
The biggest problem I had with spraying HRF is dryspray which could possibly be remedied using a slow reducer. The kit supplied comes with medium reducer.
My buddy and I have had our painter use Hot Rod Flatz from TCP on 3 cars and so far they have all held up just fine. He likes the way it goes on and we have had no issues while painting that required touch up. Heres my latest one year old paint job the oldest is 3 years old
A buddy painted my OT 68 Caddy in HRF Firemist Purple last September. He said it was a bitch to lay evenly, and went on super thin. Car has about 8 coats overall. He said the "two wets coats" the instructions recommend just wasn't happening. Overall, I love the color and the ease of care, but it did tiger stripe a bit. I am looking for suggestions on evening out or hiding the tiger stripe. I heard Turtle Wax Ice works on satin paint pretty well? Close -up of the color: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10203339257547946&set=a.10203048067828385.1073741832.1406046966&type=3&src=https%3A%2F%2Ffbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net%2Fhphotos-ak-ash3%2Ft1.0-9%2F10154206_10203339257547946_2952779591339645918_n.jpg&size=537%2C720 Striping: Yes, I know the car is OT, but in the context of the thread, I thought it was OK to post. Edit: Pic of color just refuses to post, so you gotta click the link.
Thanks Joe. It's not too bad, and you don't really see it unless it's in direct sunlight. Think I'll try that Ice stuff and see how it goes. I do know it looks great when the stuff I put on the vinyl roof runs down over the paint after it rains, hahahahahahahaha.
The only problem I ran into was not shooting the complete exterior of my car in one spray. I did the doors a few months later and they had a higher sheen than the body. I was told that it had a lot to do with temperature and humidity when sprayed. Live and learn I guess. Other than that it has held up great and looks good when I hit it with furniture polish (plus the lemon pledge smells good haha)