"Customs are for getting girls, hotrods are for getting rid of them." -Robert Williams I also heard a good acronym for chevy the other day C.racked H.ead E.very V.alve R.attles O.il L.eaks E.very T.ime
when i was a kid i'd point out all the cars with flames painted on them to my old man. he'd say " Flames make them go faster" . he was right since i got them tattooed on my forearm my sex life has gotten alot faster
Dont ask to borrow my ride or my wife- they both might be ez to throw a rod in That piece of crap wouldnt out run a turtle with greased feet (You Ask) Do You THINK IT WILL WORK????? (Person Asks) WHAT WORK???? (YOU SAY) Windshield Wipers on a Goats Ass ?? If You Dont Use Your Head...Your Just As Well Have Two Assholes
The guys who worked at the local casket company, when asked where they worked said , at the underground novelty company.
After burning the tips off a couple plugs on a nitous pass, my buddy says "This thing is as lean as a popsicle fart"
Shoot fire, these keep gettin' better! LOL NefariousArt, I never HEARD the C.H.E.V.Y. acronym before, man. Everybody's heard the FORD and FIAT ones, but I hesitated to put up the PONTIAC one, 'cause it's NOT "politically correct." But, heck, it's hotrod history. That's my story, and I'm stickin' TO it! P. Poor O. old N. n(fella) T. thinks I. it's A. a C. Cadillac
-weaker than a scalded cat -shakin' like a queer at a weenie roast -hotter'n a $2 whore on payday -dumber than owl shit -she'd make a sack of doorknobs look good -she wears her clothes out from the inside -turn up the wick