There's some real good stuff here, Some of my favorite ones ....... Off like a prom dress In responce to question about removing any part or object. ....Out like a boner in sweat pants Describes run out, or some protrusion, body work ect. ...... sharp as a marble Describes any worn cutting tool or your typical ratrodder ..... hey Stevie Wonder would love to see that In responce to "man that looks like shit" or similar.
Fast as greased lighting beaters are neater free of repairs defects first on race day gmc got mechanic coming
If you're a shop, the shirt should say.... 'You say you want it GOOD, FAST, & CHEAP?? Pick two and let me know."
if it wont fit force it! if it breaks it needed replaced anyway. or measure once and beat into place!
I heard a old black man years ago in response to a kid peelin out from a stop sign: "Squall em a mile make Goodyear smile!" peace
Man that thing is so gutless it... ...couldn't pull a sick whore off a park bench! ...couldn't pull the skin off custard! ...couldn't pass a kidney stone! ...would get shut down by the milk truck! That last one for you kids out there, there was a time when one didn't have to go to the store for ... Ah forget it you wouldn't understand!LOL
A fav of my dad's was: "He was moving like a ruptured duck" A fav of my friend Chip Williams (may he rest in peace), was: "Well, f*%k me dead in the freeway!" In the 80's a buddy and I were working on his '57 Chevy truck with a 400 sbc. It was dark, it was cold, and each of us was laid out over the front fenders trying to align something up against the firewall behind the engine and get a bolt in. I can't remember what it was but were having a hell of a time. He looked over at me, grinned and said "It's kinda like trying to stick a noodle up a wild cat's ass, ain't it?" I rolled on the floor laughing and never forgot it.
"If it can't be fixed with a hammer, it's an electrical problem." this one isnt so much hot rod, more supercharger vs. turbo/nos; "Real men whistle never whine and only babies suck on bottles."
Some of my Favs: Runs like a striped a** ape. Anyone can bolt on chrome it takes talent to paint it. If you spinin the tires your losin the race Anyone can restore an car.... It takes a real man to cut one up.
Use "Quadrabog" for Quadrajet "Hard to outrun cubic dollars" "He couldn't drive a sharp stick in a sandy beach" "Hospital wobble" - When a circle tracker has got way behind on the steering of a loose car and is oversteering. Can occur on the street as well, especially with a really hot car.
What a Gutless Wonder - any slow car. STOP sign - Squeel Tires On Pavement or Start Taking Off Panties Shotgun!!
Been around a while One theory regarding the origin of the phrase is that it refers to Lord Frederick Roberts (1832-1914. 1st Earl Roberts, Roberts of Kandahar). Roberts was an Anglo-Irish soldier, born in India, who fought and commanded in India, Abyssinia, Afghanistan, and South Africa. Roberts was one of the most successful commanders of the Victorian era and was cited for numerous acts of gallantry. His finest hour was perhaps the lifting of the siege of Kandahar in 1878 in which he marched a force of 10,000 men over three hundred miles from Kabul, winning a battle and successfully lifting the siege. Well respected amongst his men, Roberts was affectionately referred to as 'Uncle Bobs'. Generally meaning 'all will be well', and often used to indicate a successful outcome, the phrase "Bob's your uncle" was a term originally used by Roberts' men to boost confidence among the ranks and imply that all would be well under his command.
Not mine , in fact I saw it on the HAMB : "Nothing says shoddy workmanship like a wrinkle in the duct tape "