I'm just an accident lookin' for a tree. ...or how I put it to my bro' in law when he dropped that crazy ass 350 in his Chevelle: "Well, let's go pick out your tree."
That _________ (fill in the blank) is cleaner than Skeeter's Peter. Best said loudly at a Street Rod show
If it's got Tits or Tires, it's gonna cause ya problems. That guy couldn't drive a greased stick up a goat's ass. That car needs a driver mod.
the older i get the better i was! that's sharper then a needle dick dog. couldn't pull a greasy sting out of a roosters ass about as handy as shit on a pump handle no matter how many times i cut it ...its still too short!! Cut - Weld - Drive. it don't have to be good ...just good enough.
she don't leak, she marks her territory!there's no replacement for displacement.my plaque on my dash,WARNING! This vehicle may blow up and catch on fire for no apparent reason whatsoever!
My Dad used to tell me I could break a rock but i dont think that would make a good t shirt I used to reply to that one thats why I drive a ford.
Keep it between the mustard and the mayonnaise. And when my great Aunt Bertha would be driving and the light would turn yellow, my great uncle Joe would shout, "gun'er Bert!"