In the mid 60s, as a high schooler, I would trek to Carl Burnett's Antique Automotive in east San Diego every Tuesday night. Carl had a beautiful 32 three window complete in yellow, deep tintet windows, and all set up for a small block Chevy. All for the outrageous price of $300!!!!! Oh how I wanted that, but as a sophomore in high school, if it took 10 cents to go around the world, I didn't have enough to get to the corner. Then I remember Jerry Ku gel shown buying his 32 roadster in, I believe, 1969, in ROD&CUSTOM for $1000 in pieces. And once again I thought, what is the world coming to! Man oh man, if I could only go back to those days and have the money I have now. But, somewhere reality reared its ugly head and made me realize that hot rodding has never been real cheap, but is has always been great fun even if you were a broke high school kid who had to sit on the sidelines for what felt like eternity. I am almost 74 now and have had 103 cars in my life and all I can say how much fun I have had and am VERY glad hot rodding isn't doomed.