Had to do a drive by yesterday as we toured Winston-Salem! Is this neat or what. Guess it was Shell's idea at marketing a long time ago and it still is there years later! I am certain that many have seen this but perhaps not many of us that never get to the area.
If you are still traveling in that area don't miss Memory Lane Museum http://www.memorylaneautomuseum.com/Home_Page.html Also the Winston Cup Museum is worth a visit http://winstoncupmuseum.com/
Damn I was just there a week ago and didn't know about that station. We did get to Hop's BBQ in Asheboro NC, about 45 minutes outside of Winston-Salem. Been there since the 1950's. Pete
I remember the first time I drove by that gas station, I thought what the heck? It's pretty cool. I can't tell you how many times I have driven past Hop's, I need to stop in there one of these days.
I have never seen this either, cool. I have just been reading about other stations over on The Old Motor: http://theoldmotor.com/?cat=17 A picture from my Grand Dad's Shell Station in Hiawatha KS 30's
For other garages and other industrial site in North Carolina, check out my thread here: http://www.garagejournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=205604
If you get to liking that distinctive North Carolina BBQ taste, check out this website; every place that I've been to, they've all got great 'cue, cooked over wood, and worth stopping at. http://www.ncbbqsociety.com/bbqmap/trail_map.html
Very cool station,did it look to be pre fab or site built?,there may be others but I have never seen one.
Why arnt there more themed gas stations? The Shell one certainly is cool. I'd love to build something like this movie one, for real. Maybe use giant spark plugs and other oversized engine parts in the architecture.
I remember seeing that when I worked in W-S in the early 90's. At that time it was not restored like your photo shows. It was all grey and pealing paint. I understand that it was saved buy some local merchants and it is one of a handful left standing from the 50's!