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how do you keep people from jackin your ride?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by 65fordguy, Sep 24, 2008.

  1. Dynaflash_8
    Joined: Sep 24, 2008
    Posts: 3,038

    from Auburn WA

    Keep the floor starter.

    Turn the key, nothing.

    Or i just take the floorboards out when i park anywhere
  2. 37Nash
    Joined: Mar 21, 2008
    Posts: 151

    from East coast

    "La Cosa Nostra, Ravenous Hog Ranch" on the doors of the cab...
  3. 65fordguy
    Joined: Jul 4, 2008
    Posts: 1,454


    You guys are scary. lol. whew. Im not gettin on yalls bad side any day soon.

    I like the Idea of a hidden switch.. and actually am thinking of doing something in a combination... pretty odd timing but I was watching a Tivo'd law and order... yeah I was bored... the guy on there had a secret compartment wired into his van where he clicked the blinker down, radio on a preset and something else and the compartment opened... so I got to thinking.... maybe I could do like a factory wiper switch that has to be on the mid setting... power passes to an toggle switch or kill switch that can be hidden under the seat.... and can be left on until I leave the vehicle for long periods of time other than that the wiper switch could be used as the toggle. dunno.. something like that anyway.. maybe even a light switch or air knob.
  4. repoguy
    Joined: Jul 27, 2002
    Posts: 2,085


    What's that? Somebody say something?


    Yeah....I didn't think so.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2014
  5. synchro7
    Joined: Jul 17, 2006
    Posts: 351


    As far as around the home front. I have a MAD (mean assed dog). And for going out I have several hidden kill switches.
  6. oilslinger53
    Joined: Apr 17, 2007
    Posts: 2,500

    from covina CA

    run a wire from the distributor to a switch, then from there to a metal stud in the drivers seat... if they try to start the car without flipping the switch and its 12,000 volts right up their ass-the downside is you inevitably forget to flip the switch at some point and zap the shit out of yourself. only happens once though
  7. 65fordguy
    Joined: Jul 4, 2008
    Posts: 1,454


    YIIISSHH....thats twisted...pure eeeeviill..flat out sick.... I liiike it.
  8. Thumper
    Joined: Mar 7, 2005
    Posts: 1,610

    Member about colon cleansing........LMAO :eek::eek:
  9. PhatCaddy
    Joined: May 31, 2005
    Posts: 1,453


    Yea LoneWolf, I guess you got me there.
  10. [​IMG]
    im shocked at the willingness of some of yall wanting to take
    anothers life over just some tools and parts..
    just wheres your humanity? maybe its just a simple case
    of a full blown junkie in search of the cash for a fix ,dont give it
    a second thought that he or she might be armed and kill you for the stuff,
    perhaps it a gangter wannabe just trying to make the paper
    to start his own drug cartel , anyone knows starting a bussiness is a bitch,
    or could it be a resently released career criminal/rapist/pedophil
    whos now on hard times because he cant find a job because we as a people are
    so judgemental and not willing to forgive and forget? please if you
    catch one of these types trying to boost your stash , please by all means
    ask them very politely to remain quiet and still while the police come to
    pick them up ,or wouldnt it just be better to save all the trouble and exspense
    of a trial and another lenghty prison sentence to just give them the stuff and call it a day..

    haha ! yeah thats gonna happen..
  11. gnarlytyler
    Joined: Feb 2, 2007
    Posts: 1,004


    Keep your car locked up behind gates, with dogs, as far as being out, dont leave your car where you can't trust it. If you know your going to a place where you wont see it, then take another car. Or get picked up by a friend, its better not to put your car in that situation from the get go. Driving a cool car comes with responsibility, its like taking your 1.5 or 2 ton child with you. That is, if your car means that much to you. I dont know about you, but I love my rides.
  12. hotrod40coupe
    Joined: Apr 8, 2007
    Posts: 2,561


    I do a combination of things. I have used a hidden switch that turns off the electric fuel pump, a phoney ciol wire and a grant removable steering wheel, When people look inside and see no steering wheel, they really freak out. The plate that covers wher the wheel mounts looks like a bitch to remove and I think it just makes the thief move on to another target. About the best you can hope for is to make the other guys ride more attractive. Now, if you just happen to catch somebody, the racking sound of a shell into a pump shotgun can produce shit stains in their shorts.
  13. They got my 30 closed cab that'd been in the family since 1930. The battery was out on the bench being problem. They broke the padlock off the door and just rolled it to a flatbed or some form of trailer. The mo-fos even brought another padlock to put back on the door after they were done...
    Crackhead neighbors.

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  14. DCarr
    Joined: Feb 19, 2006
    Posts: 52


    The only car I have that I really care about I keep parked on my open trailer and then have a long U bolt bent so the end touch and it embedded in concrete and I have a 1/2" chain locking the trailer to the U bolt with the biggest Master Lock I could find. I also have a chain going around the cars frame and around the trailer ... again with another big Master Lock.

    When driving around town, cruising .. there's not a lot you can do I just try to keep my eye on it.

    When I travel with it ( I do a little bit of Land Speed Racing with it ) I have it locked to the trailer with the same lock and chain and then use the other chain and lock to secure it to the truck and add another lock to one of the safety chains. And then for the finally I wrap another 1/2" chain around the steering wheel and brake pedal ... again with another big lock.

    And when I park it in a hotel parking lot I do everything I can to park it near my window and pull it into the parking spot so it has to be backed out. I know none of this will prevent the car or truck, trailer and car from getting stolen, but if it happens they are going to have to work for it !
  15. chief7six2
    Joined: Sep 22, 2008
    Posts: 12

    from las vegas

    three on the tree, i know 2 people that know how they work and im one of them.

    my roommate tried to take my car to show off to his girlfriend... he got it in reverse, then couldnt figure out the rest so he drove it around the block (in reverse) and backed it back into the driveway
  16. Juke Joint Johnny
    Joined: Aug 18, 2006
    Posts: 146

    Juke Joint Johnny

    All of your cars are on my list! Even your Ranchero with the funny fender flares.
  17. treb11
    Joined: Jan 21, 2006
    Posts: 4,066


    what was that charles Bronson movie where he has a partner who eventually offs him (bronson) and when the partner jumps in the Porsche he finds a note when he flips down the visor for the keys then BOOM?

    thanks to IMDB - "The Mechanic"
  18. slddnmatt
    Joined: Mar 30, 2006
    Posts: 3,685


    my 69 f100 was ripped off twice when i was a kid, first time they couldn t get it started the second time they made it have way down the block before my dad caught up to them, they couldn t keep the engine running (manual choke:D) after that he welded a beefy gate hinge to the fire wall that would swing down and mate up to another plate welded around the shifter and then pad lock it in neutral. worked very well.
  19. Von Rigg Fink
    Joined: Jun 11, 2007
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    Von Rigg Fink
    from Garage

    Add another one who knows how to work them..had 3 on the tree for 10 worries no theif
  20. caddylakman
    Joined: Nov 22, 2004
    Posts: 333

    from USA

    uhm... my caddies been in the driveway for months... doors unlocked, non-locking hood, and it's still there. Trick is.... leave it lookin like a p.o.s., keep the battery elsewhere, and run it on 25 to 1 like a boat. nobody will believe it actually runs :)
    that, and when I actually had a nice lookin car, I'd take the lead wire from the coil to the distributor in my pocket :)... not too many average car jackers think to check that one.
  21. 61Flattop
    Joined: Jul 24, 2007
    Posts: 56

    from Indiana

    Actually living here in small town midwest we dont have that problem locally but if I go somewhere where I am in doubt, I deflate the airsystem down, set her on her balls and pull the control panel out. :)
  22. UnIOnViLLEHauNT
    Joined: Jun 22, 2004
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    If they want it bad enough they will take it. I love ppl like "Id like to see someone take my low/this/that car". Repo guys can take anything from anyone. They dont go into nice areas for cars, they go to the hood, where ppl have guns, dogs, you name it. They come back with the car tho.

    Shit, my friend WAS a repo guy and behind on his personal car payments. Said to the company, look Im a repoguy, and you arent going to get the car. The car was practically taken while he was on the phone. So much for that.

    That said I have 4 dogs. 2 are a wash, my girlfriends Bichon and our Boxer who is really really old (but she's still the boss of em oddly enough). The two that wouldn't mess around are a Lab/Pit/Mastiff mix (hes huge) and our purebred Pitbull who is sweeter than all get out, but is still a Pitbull and judges the reaction of the other dogs to gauge his welcomeness.

    If anyone cares, and is responsible, hes a beautiful full bred Pit male, cost us $5 from the website in my signature. They are a collective of town shelters that give the dogs approximately a week of exposure before getting put down. My girlfriend and I quit working around 9 am on a Monday and headed up to Ct the morning he was going to be put down. Jumped on me and gave me a ton of kisses like he know his time was up and we made it.

    I know that most ppl go to breeders (EVIL) and I know that I wouldn't recommend going into the hood like we did to rescue a male adult Pitbull without having a decent amount of experience with bully breeds but I wouldn't look back. If anyone is looking for a doggie don't hesitate PMing me, this is a nationwide website.

    OT rant on an OT thread over. :D Sorry!
  23. 57JoeFoMoPar
    Joined: Sep 14, 2004
    Posts: 6,393


    There was a great thread on the HAMB not too long ago about recovery devices. I think notice is one of the best preventative measures. My car stays in my garage, so it's out of the sight of the public. But I sleep like a rock and even if the car was started and drive away, I probably wouldn't hear it until it was too late. There is a company out there that has a GPS transponder that you can hide in your car, and when the car moves, it can alert you. So you may be at work, and your cell will go off and text you that someone is robbing your shit. Or you may be in your own home sleeping...that's where guns come into play.
  24. The Monkey
    Joined: Sep 10, 2007
    Posts: 107

    The Monkey

    Hire security. is what I'd do, if my wife would let me

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  25. Taff
    Joined: Mar 14, 2006
    Posts: 360


    i don't have anything fitted to the chevy. i'm relying on the fact the most car thieve's would struggle to drive a three-on-the-tree transmission, and thats if they could work out a keyswitch and start button.
    It might not be difficult for the like's of us to work out but most car thiev's are of the younger generation, used to a modern system
  26. GlenC
    Joined: Mar 21, 2007
    Posts: 757


    A mate had an open car with no top, and he drove it every day. His 'secret' was a set rabbit trap on the drivers seat under the mexican blanket. The trap was sprung quite a few times, but the car was never stolen.

    Another (less nasty) one I liked was a push-pull switch under the dash with the bulk of the switch hidden behind insulation and trim. The bit that stuck out was shaped like the 'business end' of a metal screw so if you ran your hand or peeked under the dash for the kill switch all you could see was the end of a screw sticking through the metal.

    Cheers, Glen.
  27. brpowel4
    Joined: Jul 31, 2006
    Posts: 107


    this may be dumb but how about a manual car alarm. for instance..... i button that says "Start". the "Start" button is wired to a loud freight train horn. the theif will shit their pants and i doubt will stick around!!
  28. KreaturesCCaustin
    Joined: Sep 3, 2008
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    from Austin, TX

    I like it! I may have to try that some day. I had a 76 Blazer for about 3 weeks before it was stolen, despite my alarm system. Thieves love those GM columns. I did get the Blazer back a couple of weeks later (good job, KCPD) and installed a collar around the column. On top of that, I started removing the coil wire at night.

    There was a guy in my old neighborhood that kept getting cars stolen. He was a pack rat and had stuff all over the place. Some of the ones stolen didn't even have engines. One day, he got sick of it and wired the door of a rusty old heap with an extension cord. In the night, he heard a loud yelp and never had anything stolen again.
  29. VONRUBEN65
    Joined: Nov 3, 2006
    Posts: 537

    from LOMITA

    My garage a alarm and straight pipes. No1's gonna get away without me hearing!
  30. CJ Steak
    Joined: Sep 23, 2008
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    CJ Steak
    from Texas

    A friend of mine wired his ignition into his cigarette lighter. If he was parking in a rough neighborhood, he pulled the cig lighter out and tossed it behind the seat. Plug it in and it would complete the connection and he'd just drive off. I thought it was pretty slick.

    Put a GPS tracker in your vehicle. That way you can see where it ends up and you can plan a decent "sneak attack" with some of your buddies.

    Nobody bothers my junk. With three shifters coming out of my Willys pickup floor board ... that's enough to get shady characters to glance at it and walk off. If I park the Willys in a rough part o' town... I just put the transfer case in neutral. None of the knobs are labeled... so if they wanted it, they'd have to tow it. Putting transfer cases in neutral is also a good trick to freak people out who don't know your truck very well. I did that on a date a long time ago. Put it in neutral... and proceeded to put it in every gear with the clutch out. The chick I was with had no idea what was going on... so we stayed "parked" for a little while, while I "fixed" it. How's that for ol' Skool date trick? ;)

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