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How many Father & Sons...

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Speedsterinc, Sep 7, 2008.

  1. I saw my dad building cars my whole life. Every vacation we went on there had to be a car show close. He sent me to school to become a car builder now we have our very on fulltime rod shop together. I would not have it any outer way.
  2. Speedsterinc
    Joined: May 27, 2008
    Posts: 211


    Daddy-o Brought us up around cars and had us working on them young. Like I said in my original post we are 3 generations. With him being Santa We have always had toys in the toyshop. :)
  3. GoManGo1951
    Joined: Jul 30, 2008
    Posts: 228


    Here is my Dad and Brother. (I am on the right) we all help out each other with our projects. Dad's A was a barn find and we have rebuilt it mechanically about 93%. We have all learned alot working on his A.



    Above is my son age 9.





  4. olscrounger
    Joined: Feb 23, 2008
    Posts: 4,812


    My son has always helped but then we decided to build 2 40 coupes at the same time--had a lot of good times and now we go to runs/shows together as well. Once in a lifetime experience for me and he now can build one on his own in the future.

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  5. wetatt4u
    Joined: Nov 4, 2006
    Posts: 2,146


    God ,you guys know how to get to a guy......
    My Pop did it all with the smallest amount of tools or any other help or supply's..
    I love and MISS my Dad sooooooooooo much every day and it don't get any easier as time marches on..........
  6. Retrorod
    Joined: Jan 25, 2006
    Posts: 2,034


    My Dad sold his last project (an ex-military 1942 Chevy pickup) a couple years ago....unfinished. He retired to AZ and was just too far away for me to lend a hand. I hated to see him "hang up" his coveralls but at 82 now....he just can't do it anymore.

    He got me into this thing as a little guy of 8 and all I did was pass it down to my son ( he lives next door so our tools and equipment are all mixed, as well as parts & pieces). My grandson is now 6 and loves things mechanical......likes to help his grandma with her car (Flower).

    Me & Pop cruisin on Christmas kid's shoebox....Flower and grandson Devon at Paso a year ago (under the watchful eyes of the kids in the shoebox behind her).

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  7. Django
    Joined: Nov 15, 2002
    Posts: 10,198

    from Chicago

    I blame my sickness on my Dad. I wouldn't have it any other way though.

    With my cabrio...


    Our '36s at the Pileup...





  8. 93chevy55
    Joined: Aug 22, 2008
    Posts: 207


    hey guys im a 15 yr old kid here and my dad jus bought me my first ride 1955 chevy pu 3100 me and him love to work on it although i do most the work but i love spending time with my dad and srry dont no how to post pics on a comment but i have some on my profile of what it looks like right now
  9. haney
    Joined: Jul 14, 2008
    Posts: 150

    from Knoxville

    My father and I have been working on hotrods for as long as I can remember. For years he had the shell of his old '40 ford in our garage, we'd go and work on it on weekends. It took him 18 years to finish it. Odly enough after that experience I still wanted to get a hotrod of my own, so the first car I bought was a 51 chevy, with some of the money I had saved from mowing lawns and working summers at my dad's shop. I had been working on it for a couple of years with dad and then, I came home from college one weekend and they told me they had a suprise for me. Dad had pulled the old poorly running 216 out of my chevy and replaced it with a 235. They had also painted over the ugly mint green paint with matte black primer. That has to be the best present my father ever got for me.
  10. My Dad is my Hotrod Hero. He raced a '32 tudor with a Hemi, 6-2s, and a LeSalle trans in the '50s and he drove a custom 50 Ford convertible to high school.:cool: Some of my best memories are of roadtrips to shows and working on cars with my Best Friend/Dad. Even though he lives in Vt and I'm in Ga. we still get together a few times a year and it usually centers around Hotrods.:D
    Here we are on his first drive south in his roadster in Oct. 2000 at 38 degrees.:eek:
    And at the LARS in '07. Brett and Bart "The Maverick Brothers":)

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    Last edited: Sep 25, 2008
  11. BigChief
    Joined: Jan 14, 2003
    Posts: 2,084


    Dad and I have been building/restoring cars together for well over 30 years. He had a restoration shop back in the mid-70s into the 90's and I worked there as did my grandfather (his father) from time to time.

    We're currently building my '48 Ford Tudor sedan and his '29 Model A coupe. My kids, both grown, also come out to help with the cars when they have time so we've been keeping the family 'illness' going strong for four generations and counting.

  12. Lstude
    Joined: Sep 27, 2008
    Posts: 173


    My son helps me work on my Studebaker occasionally since he lives in a different state. Here he is installing the rear main seal.

  13. ratboy460
    Joined: Sep 18, 2006
    Posts: 23

    from maryland

    These are my sons projects

    Last edited: Sep 29, 2008
  14. hdsn49
    Joined: Jul 15, 2008
    Posts: 18


    I have always been a car lover. Unfortunatley my Dad was not. After my Dad died in 1976 I purchased my first old car, a 1949 Hudson Super 6 Sedan like the car I grew up in. When my first son Matt (100% Matt) was born in 1976 I brought him home from the Hospital in my Hudson. Three years later I brought his brother Greg home from the hospital in my 1937 Hudson.

    Today I'm proud to say that my sons and I have a common passion for cars. We go to many car shows together and enjoy working on our cars together. Words cannot describe the joy I get from this common bond.

    My brother Dan who is 9 years older than I am also got involved with old cars with me. We also enjoy each others company going to car shows and working on our cars together. Last July at the 2009 HET National meet in
    Marlborough, MA. I had my wife, my sons, their girlfriends and my brother an his family together at the meet for the week. It was almost lke being in heaven.
  15. Crease
    Joined: May 7, 2002
    Posts: 2,878


    Like a bunch of folks on here, I've been building with my dad for as long as I can remember. This week, we're putting an OHV set up in his RPU. My son is 3 and seems to have the bug worse than dad and I. I didn't think that was even possible.
  16. I love this thread. I hope it grows and grows.

    I grew up at my daddy's knee. I started out as cheif wrench wrangler. Dad's gone now so, now it's my turn to say, "Noooooo! not the ratchet, the box end wrench :D" What joy he is to watch. We're in the gathering stages of our first build together as we try to finish my old roadster project. This thread has made me painfully aware of my lack of pictures of me and him working on stuff together! I gotta fix that.
  17. Dandingo
    Joined: Dec 20, 2005
    Posts: 298


    My dad is a hero to me. He can create anything out of nothing and can fix just about anything you throw at him. I did the same thing as someone's post on the first page. Had a '62 Falcon gasser project in high school with him and I was doing my own thing so the project got scrapped.

    Well, I've finally matured and we're finally doing one, and doing it right. '56 Chevy 2 door wagon. The best part is, he's mechanically sound and he lets me pretty much decide 95% of the aesthetics. We make a great team since I'm nowhere near as talented as him when it comes to wrenchin', cuttin' or pretty much anything mechanical. I have a blog on it on here somehwhere but here's a few from our current project...

  18. dodgerodder
    Joined: Feb 15, 2005
    Posts: 1,943


    Very cool thread, count me in! I am still lucky enough to build cars with my pops as well. He drug me & my brother into it since we were little, we were underpaid-overworked brake bleeding pedal pumpers:D

    Most of the time I am thankful that he got me into cars, sometimes I wonder though as I constantly drain my last penny on my cars haha.

    It really is a great way to grow up though, there are very few things that you can share through your lifetime like this. And if you end up with a cool hot rod or two through the process, it makes a great thing even better!

  19. 64LeSabre455
    Joined: Dec 29, 2007
    Posts: 779

    from Adkins, Tx

    Never really got into the whole car scene until a few years ago. Parents were divorced, so didn't do alot with dad. I now enjoyin having my 4 year old help with the wrenchin.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2014
  20. Jay Rush
    Joined: Jan 3, 2007
    Posts: 508

    Jay Rush

    Me and my Dad are building a 1935 ford pick up he had back in the 70's sold and got back in pieces hes had it for a while were just getting back to working on it
  21. Deuce Daddy Don
    Joined: Apr 27, 2008
    Posts: 5,580

    Deuce Daddy Don

    You know, all you guys are in the "Lifetime Lucky Dad" group, because what you have established with your sons/ daughters, is something that is priced way out of reach for Dads that don't take the time to really enjoy working with their kids. Besides teaching them how to use the basic hand tools, when they are old enough to learn welding, grinding, painting skills, it is something that can never be taken from them in life, & depending on their eagerness to learn, they can be very skilled with all the lessons learned from ol' Dad!! After just celebrating my sons 50th birthday in July this year, I can look back at all the good times we had traveling in my 32 roadster with him in the rumble seat, going thru state after state to attend the NSRA NATS. in Tulsa, OK. back in 1973! After hi school, we worked together building his very own '29 hiboy roadster, then after 2 kids, he put them in the rumble seat & toured the town beaming with pride of his accomplishments! Yep!!--------Great memories-----Don
  22. PoPo
    Joined: Jan 3, 2008
    Posts: 1,102


    My dad had muscle cars back in his day, raced in 68 and won tons with a Mr. Norms Mopar from chicago.

    When I was getting ready to drive I wanted him to help me build a car, at that time it was muscle cars, but he refused, said he didn't have time or the money. More time though

    Well now Im 25 and doing my own projects, I invited him over to help the other day, he just kind of stood there and watched. He was pretty happy with my knowledge, but he doesn't know that I am still learning and have only about 15% knowledge. He did go in with the rest of my family to buy me my Miller welder for my college grad gift in May (I finally finished!!) so he wanted to see what I did with it.

    I just wish he would have made time to atleast try a build with me. We would have been a lot closer (parents are divorced and I lived with my mother). He has always been around but nothing like he would have been if he lived in the same town as I did.

    Be thankful if you are working with your son, and for you son's be thankful if your dad is willing to work with you. Don't take it for granted as that time with him might have been another kids dream that went ungranted.

    Enough about that. Im going to try and build a Model A Tudor next and I'm going to make him find time to help me. He is 59 and looking for a part time job, so he will have time now!!!
  23. Over the years me and my dad have built countless cars together ranging from go karts, sand rails, VW bugs, dragsters, hot rods, customs, show cars, traditional cars, etc... Here's our two most recent roadsters together. It's a hobby that we've enjoyed together our entire lives and I wouldn't trade the memories for anything. :)


  24. Rex Schimmer
    Joined: Nov 17, 2006
    Posts: 743

    Rex Schimmer
    from Fulton, CA

    My son and I do quite a bit of car things together, he is presently off at college getting an engineering degree but he is an ace fabricator and welder. He has a 72 Datsun 510 that he is putting a late model Nissan 240SX 4 banger in, he built new headers and a new intake manifold for it, I have attached pictures. I am presently mounting and plumbing the fuel system on it and then will do the brakes in stainless steel lines so he can get it running during Christmas break. I also let him drive my roadster as you can see from the pic with his girl friend. Our next project together is a small lakester for Bonneville.


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  25. BillBallingerSr
    Joined: Dec 20, 2007
    Posts: 651

    from In Hell

    This is me on the right with the gut and size 14 sticking out, my handsome son (BTW, gals, he's 27 and available) in the middle, and my good friend Tommy (the tourist, paddle faster I hear banjos!) from California on the left. My son and I have had the Galaxie completely apart frame up and back together painted it together and we are working on a hotter engine for it. He drove the truck to high school 10 years ago and we built the engine for it and maintained it together. The old truck will still tear up the road. Anyone else bang shift a truck 4-speed at 7000+ rpms? We have had a blast together.

    Last edited: Oct 6, 2008
  26. oldskoolford
    Joined: Sep 8, 2008
    Posts: 2


    me my dad and brothers have been working on cars together for a while now we started on a 1949 ford f3 we restored that to original and too 4 years and just last year we finished a 1946 ford two door sedan street rodded for him to now i am working on my 51 f1 and my brother is working on a 49 merc business coup so we got alot of projects and alot or good times ahead of us

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