Bit over the top, but was wondering how many hide their kids xmas present in the garage in the car? Great place, my kids know not to go near it!
I do. The trunk of a '40 Ford Coupe really holds alot. My wife & kids aren't interested in the car, so it's a good hiding place.
I hide them in the garage, or in one of the cars. Alot of times I forget about a few of them. I think I need to make a list..
Been hiding them there for years! Screwed the pooch one year though. When he was about 5 or 6, he had a new bike out there, stashed behind a ton of stuff (shop isn't "finished" yet). I forgot about it, but ol' Eagle Eye spotted it right off. "Hey, what's that?" Um... I'm holding it for a guy from work... he's getting it for his kid, and I'm hiding it for him. "Mmmm...I better go check it out." He said it like he was a security guard, and the perimeter alarm just went off. He still got the bike, but it was from Mom and Dad, and we had to get another present to be from Santa. -Brad
My folks bought me an Indian dirtbike for my 12 birthday................hid it behind the door in the laundry room! Still have the bike at 39.
lol my wife won't let me change the oil in her truck or open the trunk of her mercedes to check the batttery . . . just figured that one out!
My wife was cleaning the closet last summer, found a small battery powered train set we got for one of the grandsons when he was about 5, decided to keep it a few years until he was big enough for it. He is 17 now.........................
My new favorite hiding place holds lots of stuff. The kids are too short to see inside and the wife sees it as another "piece of something that does who knows what." Can you guess what it is?
When the kids were teenagers they would search everywhere for xmas presents. I hid them in the trunk of my boy's '66 Chevelle, never found them. Used the same hiding place for several years!
I ordered my wife's present on line knowing that she would be at work when ups came. WRONG they changed her day off. I came home and box was setting on the porch she was acting like she did not see it but I know better. Oh well I tried. I always hide her present in the hot rod.
my dad got me a set of tires for my car one year and he hid them in our race trailer, after we did the usual gift opening thing he and i went to the garage to work on the car and he had me go get some tools out of the trailer, i was even suprised how excited i got over some new tires
I've hidden Christmas gifts in the car or just stackem up alongside tool boxes or parts boxes in plain sight. I hide my wife's gifts in the oven and she has never found them.
I use the back seat of my 1928 Buick. It's huge and nobody looks there. All the other places I use I can never remember. Speaking of presents, watch this video, its hilarious:
i put my sons big car hauler on top of my old rusty coupe on top of a 4 ft. tall table and that little shit still saw it,he is 4
Yes, Santa is real. 40 years ago on Christmas eve, my folks were taking us back from the family-thing at my grandparents, close to home I saw a string of lights about the length of a semitruck, heading up and a slight angle over the top of a Walnut Orchard. Now, to this day...40 years later...I have never been able to figure out an explanation. In my mind, Santa is real, and I'm sticking to it! Oh, the shop is my hiding place, just too messy for anyone to wander through and fnid anything
Ok, so I'm not delirious and/or losing what little mind I have left. WHEW, here now I thought I was just seeing little green men with pointy shoes walking around. Now I know they're real and not just in my mind!!!!
I had the Wii in the back of the Burb for a week, but had to move it since we drive the Burb fairly often. I should just hide it in the kids rooms, since they don't clean in there anyway!