Across from no where, west of Grand Rapids MI. (Jenison) We Meet every Wed. night for dinner. PM me if you are coming this way. Also lots of Great cruise ins on the week ends. Bob
I'm about 20 min from Rickybop in capac....instead of east , you head 10 min west to Attica MI , just outside of lapeer...and my cows love open headders!
Cayo, My buddy has a cottage right by you on Paw Paw lake in Coloma. Did you ever get to the show at the lions Club in Sisters lakes? My mother in laws place is right in front of it. There is a guy down the road from her that has a red 38 Chevy four door with with flames and the rear 1/4 windows filled and a black 37 Dodge or Plymouth four door he is working on. Previous to this he had a blue 38 or 39 Ford coupe with some grafics , maybe youve seen him around. I told him about the HAMB hoping he would get on cause then I would have a connection for SNOW WATCH to see how much was on the ground before I came up to snowmobile ! I'm hoping to get up over New Years but who knows > I will definately look you up over the warmer months as Sometimes I drive the sedan up for the wek-ends. Merry Christmas to you all. Mike.
Caro, here, about 40 minutes east of Bay City (where I work). Formerly of Alpena, Muskegon, Whitehall, Mount Pleasant, Kalamazoo, Galesburg, and Lansing. -Dave
I'm from Holland too, only problem it's in Europe. Does it also count Been in Michigan twice in 2003 (100 years Buick fest in Flint) and passing through in 2006 around Lake Michigan and i loved it.
Kinda this guys neighbor....I say kinda as he's about 6 miles away!!! How goes it Bret? Merry Chrismas...and Hapy New year!!!
Port Huron...If you're not from Michigan, hold your right hand up palm facing you, at arms length, fingers and thumb all together. Now take your left index finger and touch the widest bump at the base of your right thumb, yeah, right there, thats where i live.
This past year for the show in Sister Lakes it was raining cats and dogs. I turned around and packed it in before I even got out of Watervliet. My dad was there though, with the other 15 or so who got there before the rain started and just decided to stay. He was driving a yellow 57 Chevy pu. Unless we get some weather in here between now and the new year you may as well leave the sleds at home. Near 40 and rained all day, snows all but gone, for now. Chuck