1939 Ford 4 door convertible 1955 Chevy 2 door sedan 210 model 1930 Model A Roadster (for my boys) 1931 Model A pick up 1938 Ford Business Coupe 1961 Caddy project 1935 Ford 2door sedan 1927 Essex RPU 1930 Chevy 3 window What ever else I can come across from now til then.
I'm juggling 4. Sometimes I wonder if I should just have one or two really nice ones. Seems I have to compromise to keep all of them..
my two sons and i share 1 house, a garage and a passion for projects and drivers daily drivers: 27 t/a coupe rod & kulture mag.....thanks spike 49 ford tudor flattie 55 f100 351 cleve 50 ford coupe flattie current projects we own: 32 chev 2dr sedan(flattie and lots o wood) 32 ford 5w coupe (it will be yellow) 55 chev 2dr gasser(straight axle altered wheelbase big caddy) 51 cushman eagle(need big motor) mystery gasser truck 51 studebaker p/u(331 hemi) looking for: willys (same one everyone else lookin for) 38 plymouth coupe(this is real important) 32 chev fenders, steel, or 31 willys glass frt end 1pc . this place is meant for fun
I've got too many started. Right now I'm finishing a 28 coupe for a friend. I've got my 32 bubbletop started and my 34 roadster started. I really want the 34 done but everything else gets in the way. The bubbletop has to be done for Detroit so the 34 will get pushed aside again. Then I've got a 64 Lincoln, 29 sport coupe, 31 coupester and a glass 33 willys I started when I was 18. Not to mention my 48 pick up is getting a little beat around the edges from use and abuse. It is a sickness and like Fab32 I don't need a cure. Clark
Too many. '40 Coupe (drives) '53 Stude (drives - need to fix the hood) '49 Willys Wagon (sorta drives) '88 HD FXR (rides) '?? HD WL (basket) '66 Norton (basket) '46 Chevy P/U (in storage in pieces) '83/92 Mustang (merging together) '?? HD Topper Scooters (2 of 'em - baskets) My next project is an addition to my garage (28 x 40) - waiting for estimates now.
1962 Falcon 2-door Wagon 1963 Falcon 2-door Wagon 1959 Rambler American 2 door Super Wagon 1977 Pinto Cruizing Wagon 1957 Chevrolet 4 door Hardtop 1973 454 T-top Vette 1972 Nova SS (only one totally done) (3) DSM Tuners (boys cars run 11.50's 4 cly) and alway looking for the next project...plus help others wire their cars hey carlos! keeps me out of the bars.....and out of cash most of the time....
I have two and I dont ever plan get involved building more than one at a time again, Just too much of a strain when combined with 2 mortgages, 2 car notes, and major hospital bills following my daughters surgery. But at least both cars are at the point now where I can could make out if I needed to flip one, and my wife is cool with my hotrodding anyway, so we're good.
Some of you guys are sick and need help... Those that said they have too many projects, please seek help, there is no such thing.
Heres the ones that are actively being worked on. 32 ford 5w 33 chevy 3w 31 ford 5w 27 ford roadster 26 ford roadster 33 willys coupe 32 chevy sedan 31 ford roadster 41 chevy 4 door 63 fairlane 30 ford coupe 72 chevelle 34 ford tudor Some are mine, some for others, to support mine... in the wings, 34 ford 3w, 35 willys sedan del. 65 dodge truck 29 tudor 31 tudor 2 more 27 roadsters 2 40 willys sedans 32 ford 4door 28 ford boattail speedster, 2 27 ford tudors 2 27 ford coupes 30 ford roadster 30 chevy roadster and about 10 more I cant even think about. Everything is steel and they are all ROUGH!!! Damn I need some serious mental help.
1) 1961 cadillac 2dr hardtop 2) 1955 Chevrolet 4dr. sedan 3) 1963 Ford Ranchero (daily driver) it will probably NEVER be done!
in shed 62 humber super snipe sedan 40's austin truck hiboy honda bike modified honda bike in bits 39 chev sedan that im cutting up into a roadster in paddock 54 chev sedan 53 chev sedan 54 chev sedan parts 62 humber super snipe sedan 51 chev ute 62 bedford truck 45 bedford cab 45 bedford truck 120 inter truck 120 inter wellbody ute 35ish chev rpu body in bits various bits of pre 35 crap seriously if anyone wants a project in wa give me a shout.
Guess I'm a bit more sane than I thought. '69 Vette old school custom, close '55 Chevy tudor, parting out (see ad) '36 Chevy 1/2 ton, low cab, basket case but the one I really want! also have a '78 ElCamino with a nice smooth 454/th350, and my baby; '91 Cheyenne 3/4 ton w/454 and a 4L80 trans.
Too many..........not enough! 50 F-1 48 F-1 61 TR-3 59 Ford Galaxy 2 dr. h.t. 41 business coupe O.t. BMW Z3 O.t. 2000 C5
'27 T Coupe '28 A/V8 Roadster (Driver) '30 A Tudor '30 Chev 3 Window Coupe '37 Chev Pick-up '49 Ford 2Dr Sedan (Priorty) '49 Olds 2Dr Fastback '69 Camaro 'Couple mid seventies Camaros 'Couple early ninties repairables '69 Ford Shortbox pick-up (Daily Driver) '69 twin BSA chopper and a couple other bikes Plus my dad literally has over 50 cars (some finished and many projects, 30's-60's), that we are both working on. Way too many for both of us, but the bright side is I can always find something I'm need at a swap meet, and in the long run makes for cheaper (but slower) builds.
Phew, glad I'm not alone with this 'disease'. Drivers that continue to be woiked on : 30 Model A Coupe 40 Deluxe Tudor Sedan Projects in order (currently) 30 Model A Town Sedan 26 T Roadster (Canadian) 29 Model A Tudor Sedan (basket case that will a flat head powered rod) There are so many more I'd like to buy and store but decided it was time to spend the available cash on getting the existing project running and on the road before taking on any more. It's so tough!
2 cars - one O/T and would be a driver with a little work, one a '58 Olds that was a driver before the water pump blew up last week. 1 truck in pieces in the basement - girlfriend's grandpa's parts truck - FREE! They were gonna haul it to the dump as they say it's junk, but the cab corners aren't even rusty. 3 bikes (one a driver ironhead sporty, one $20 old Honda and got it running with minimal work - bad starter switch and rusted tank, and one free older Honda and good for a roller). I'm thinking of selling the O/T car to fund the sweetest '65 Triumph Bonneville that's recently become available to me...
1961 Parkwood Wagon 1966 Corvette And Papaw's 53 Chevy Truck And I Seem To Always Be On The Prowl For More
Well guys, I dont' feel so bad now for having two projects that I have to juggle my time/$$ between that wont' get finished any time soon. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o></o> <o></o> I guess everyone has the same dilemma. If I sell the '50 rag, there would definitely be enough $$ to finish the coupe and some extra $$ to put toward the mortgage. On the other hand, I think it would be a very long time (if ever) that I would find a nice really solid '50 Ford convertible that I could afford again. <o></o> <o></o> I think I'm just too impatient or ambitious. I guess the question I probably should have asked is how long you guys have had your cars/projects. Thanks for your comments.<o></o>
One project ... a 1932 Ford 3W coupe ... one driver ( 1932 Ford Roadster ) ... see avatar I find ... that for me ... anything more than one project is a distraction and hurts progress. TRUE STORY ... Sometime in the late 80's, I had the 32 Ford roadster project, a 56 F-100 big window project, a 49 Mercury coupe project, a few Camaros and Chevelles ... and a bunch of parts and pieces for the above ... A fellow came to my house to look at some 69 Z-28 stuff I was selling and his Dad came also. His Dad was a older man in his 70's and he looked around at all the stuff and asked me which project I wanted done the most. I answered the 32 Ford roadster ... ... he said SELL ALL THE REST ... and work on the roadster ... I smiled ... and thought he was just a crazy old man ... A week or so later, I kept thinking about what the old man said ... and it began to make better and better sense. I sold off most everything but the 1932 Ford stuff ... and for once, I really had a good supply of project ca$h. Within two years ... I was driving the 32 Roadster, painted, upholstered and finished. I suggest keeping the one you really want and selling the other one to help finance the completion of the one you really want. Randy
Only 1 of mine, my 50 Coupe and my Dad's 47 Ford Pickup. Dad's has been done on and off for 10 years. He is a perfectionist though and keeps playing. Current project, new SBC...and in my 50 we are switching out powerglides. I would really like to find a model A to bang on....and also an old parts hauler.
I finally sold a few of mine awhile back but right now I have a 1950 Ford Tudor Sedan, 1952 Pontiac 4dr sedan (daily driver), 1952 Pontiac 2 door sedan, 1948 Buick Super 4dr sedan. I have a 54 Chevy 2 door 210 post aswell, but I think i'm going to end up parting that one out since it's pretty rough.
See signature. I've rented an individual storage unit for each undriveable one and put the intended parts into each one's unit. Keeps me more organized and should a stroke of genious ever strike me as to switch projects mid-stream. Empty the entire unit, bring home, start working. No sorting or searching!
I have to admit part of my problem is I hate to see anything halfway useable go to scrap, so any time I can buy something cheap I grab it. The other part of the problem is I buy stuff I like, I like a lot of different cars, and I tend to get attached to stuff I like. Which is some GM, some Mopar, and most any orphan make. And you'd have to be an idiot not to buy up any Model A of any stripe headed for junk. But it could be worse, I know of a guy with 175 Studebakers alone, and probably 400 or 500 other cars on top of that. And none are really for sale; I asked about one I could use to make a '48 Hudson (bought from the u-pull-it the day it would have been crushed for $300 and flat towed it 125 miles!) into a complete car. He needs it for some other one he has. Okay, no biggie. The only thing is, he's not working on anything of his own really, just doing repairs for people he knows on their late model clunkers. He just thinks differently than I do, I guess. I put a number on everything, sometimes it's high for what it is but if a guy is willing to drop a lot on it odds are he's got the funds to build it right too... so I'd let it go. Better that than sit and rot.
Right now I am working on: 31 Coupe 48 F1 51 F1 51 Merc 71 C10 71 MG 73 MG 77 TA 80 TA Just sold: 48 Plymouth Sedan 53 Crestline Victoria 56 Chevy Working on a deal for: 50 Ford 50 Plymouth 68 Fairlane
I agree with ss34coupe, I have a young family as well, and with just me working the funds are limited. I have a 31 model a roadster, 53 F100, 54 DeSoto, and a 73 VW, plus I'm involved in all of my friends projects. Nothing is finished and only one is driving. I think it would be best to focus on one at a time, but who am I to talk.
Too many or not enough , depending on who gets asked. 1. 33 Ford 5W coupe 2. 40 Ford coupe 3. 27 Ford roadster 4. 56 Chevy pickup (current) 5. 77 Ford Bronco 6. 40 something 4 banger sprint car 7. Divorce