I try and keep mine fairly clean. I find it helps me think more clearly if my workspace is somewhat organized and free of a bunch of crap I'm not currently using. If I put a solid 8 hours in the shop on a day, I probably do a few mini cleans every few hours depending on the mess I'm making. Now that my cars are all together and drivable it's much cleaner. I also have the luxury of having the shop attached to a huge barn with upstairs storage, so if it starts to get out of hand I can put some stuff upstairs in my "parts dept."
At home - it's a wreck. Don't even want to think about it. At work - We have 26,000 sq. ft. It's better, as in not messy, but it takes alot more work to keep it "presentable". I still lose more stuff at work than I do at home. Still can't figure that out.
My shop right now is an organized disaster area. Looks like crap but I know where everything is. The problem is ten pounds of shit in a five pound bag. Might get worse too, I've got a line on a valve griding machine and on a 1946 Caddy flathead. Don't know where they'd go but if the price is right I'll find a spot.
One messy, one tidy. My problem is that I put my welder in the shop that is the clean one (cause it had 220 power already). So, I wind up dragging my crap from where I do most of my work over to the other shop so I can weld it. Thankfully, I'm no big time fabricator but I know I'm gonna have to change it at some point and put in bigger electrical so I can do it in either.
I used the "move stuff from one side of the garage to the other" method of cleaning for a long time Also did not like throwing anything out. Finally attacted it full out, compete make over in the last couple months, have to admit, I like it better now.
Mine is so messy....31 model A project, remodeling 2 bathrooms, and building a bed wood kit for my 55 Chevy truck that's headin to the LSR... Sent from my DROID device using the TJJ mobile app
I can say firsthand because I've been there, Fatback's shop is nowhere NEAR the mess mine is, it just looks that way because it's filled with awesome.
i clear mine and pickup when i run out of tools, then i have more tools than will fit in the drawers, never enough 7/16, 1/2, 9/16 wrenches so i get more at flea markets, probily have at least 10+ of each somewere. never let anyone cleanup for you, friend tried to help by cleaning my shop in 1987, i still havent found some of my parts...
Uploaded with ImageShack.us I'm shoveling all this sh*t out and dragging it to the swap meets to make room for my 47. The sprint car guys have ruined me! I can't work in this mess anymore.....
I forgot to add a pic of mine. If you are at all squeemish, please divert your eyes.... Sent from my DROID device using the TJJ mobile app
Its a total mess, after moving in a hurry and leaving a club it just overload. But im started a making the garage twise as big... There is two bikes and allot of bike and carparts in that pile... Allmost impossable to any work like it is now...
sometims its easer to just go get another wrench than look for the one I just had...When I get down to the adjustable wrenchs thats when I go on the tool hunt..
One time I was backing my '46 out and some neighborhood kids stopped to watch. One kid looked in the garage and said "What happened in there?"......