It's a small get together. Actually one of my favorites because it's so local. I can buzz through looking for the obvious good deals and still go back and scour the little stuff for goodies. I'll still be home by noon. Last year was the first time that I got the "that's what they go for on Ebay" response to an obvious gouger price. Most of the vendors are not professionals, just hobbyist recycling their left overs. Of course lots of the time is spent BSing with the guys you haven't seen in a few months. Don't expect a big flea market buy every flea market is only as good as the trinkets that you find. I got this there a few years ago for a hundred bucks. It was good that day.
Like Tommy said it's a good little show, more of a social event for AACA members then anything. Maybe Tommy can tell you the name of the town closeby that's like going back 150 years, touristy{ I forget}. There's a great little bar for lunch there, lots of shops that luckity were closed. At least walking around made the wife happy. If you see a guy selling food at the show that's about 6'3" and looks like he drives a DB and a Studebaker and answers to Leadfoot, tell him I said high and miss him on the DB site.