I'm In East Texas, So I might be uhh ..a Texan and its possible not everyone will understand my Lingo, so please bear with me a minute or maybe longer. I found this forum tonight while Trying to ID an old crager intake with four Stromberg 97s on it. I picked up on a thread here on yahoo search about old Caddy Engines and I think thats what it fits.. umm, speaking of Fits, Thats what I've had seeing as how the Intake has no numbers or anything other than Crager down the middle.. No T-stat housing, and each intake port is wide enough to cover two Intake ports on a head. It has staggered dowel pin holes, one each side. one frt, one rear, one per head above the Bolt holes Whatever it fits must have a Valley Pan since the Intake won't seal the lifter trough. I found an old cast iron intake on ebay that fit a 56 caddy and by golly I think I got it... maybe.. I thought Studebaker, Buick, pontiac..etc.. Bla-Bla-Bla..Nobody has an intake ID'ing site! I know a Flathead intake in my sleep! I sold a 3x2 E-brock on ebay a couple months ago, The guy I got it from thought it was off an outboard boat motor ..so I paid the man what he asked for it. I also sold a winters 400hp/427 tri-power vette setup Before that. Needless to say I'm not too - tupid you know, Ford, Chevy, Mopar, I know them well. Olds, Pontiac has a Valley pan, so does a nailhead Buick, but the Head/Intake angle is wrong plus the T-stat mystery... Anyway, for over a month now I've had this nice old setup and finding an old Stude or caddy to pop the hood on is .. umm like Hen's teeth, they are rare..Where did they all go? And who would EVER Hotrod a caddy? ..Ehh? ... Just Kidding.. I intend to stick a 425 caddy/400 turbo off into my old 67 chev panel if the oil pan will clear, or rather the oil pump. I've had two BB chevies in it and I figure that caddy engine will go forever.. maybe. I've never run any old caddys so I'm not up on them I have more Neat Junk Stashed away here and there. I wanted to put this unit on ebay but I need some help and I have Pics. Maybe I should browse the threads ehh?
You should have posted your bio here and this on the board. Your bio is loooooong !!! Welcome from zip city !!!
Welcome aboard from Oklahoma! That's an impressive sounding collection of rides you have. Looking forward to seeing some pics. CathyH
Thanks I think.. I did time in Shrevesport back in the seventies,I worked as a line Mechanic at Powell Buick/Pontiac and a short while at Comercial Bodyworks. Thats where I swapped off the 66 fairlane with the 427/425 hp. I traded it for a 66 mustang coupe with a 302, crane fireball cam and point type accel distrib and the guy threw in an original boss mustang 302 block, two sets of heads, pistons, crank, etc. I live in the Lufkin area and thats about 120 or so miles from Shreve. I got the Fairlane here and it had a 513 rear gear and I drove it to Shrevesport.. ha.. 45 mph all the way! I rented a stall at a place in Bossier that had a partshouse in the same building.. Cool place! they had lifts and everything! I changed that rear gear out for a 389 posi and the fairlane came alive then.. it wanted to lift the left front tire in third and the ass end wanted to pass the front.. A 427 don't need no 513 in a fairlane.. nope.. Thanks for the welcome, This place has the earmarks of Home.