Hey Guys, Im in my senior year of high school and Im in need of a senior quote to accompany my picture. Im not exactly "smart" enough to think of a good one myself. Any good ideas? Thanks! Dan
This should be good...here are a couple of my favorites: "I'm a cunning linguist" "I've never had a 10, but I've had 5 2s!" "What's another word for thesaurus?" Bryan
"Strength lies not in defense, but in attack" "The great masses of people, will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one." not original quotes, but a couple students used them and got in a little hot water over their source. i'll mail a nickle to whoever figures out the source.
"No matter where you go, there you are." (Buckaroo Banzai) Think for yourself and question authority The universe is an intelligence test You're only as young as the last time you changed your mind. (Dr. T. Leary)
On the one hand: "That's right, son, go out there and get a good education; that's one thing they can't ever take away from you!" "Ahhh, who'd want it?" And on the other: "I've never let my schooling get in the way of my education." You might also try google for quotes from Will Rogers, an American humorist from back in the '30's. He could turn a phrase as if it was on a lathe. Later,
Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great. Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear, and the blind can read. It is better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. Always tell the truth; then you don't have to remember anything. Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned. Sam Clemens
People are stupid, Your Stupid, Im stupid, Where All Stupid, It just depends on how much time we spend being stupid that makes all the diffrence! My Personal Motto
How about one of these: "I never work just to work. It's some combination of laziness and self-respect." - Harold Ramis "I'm too old to do things by half." - Lou Reed or "I am a part of all that I have seen." - Alfred Lord Tennyson
from my dad: Remember son,"accidents cause people" from the immortal genius of jack handey: [FONT=Georgia, Garamond, Times New Roman]Instead of studying for finals, what about just going to the Bahamas and catching some rays? Maybe you'll flunk, but you might have flunked anyway; that's my point.[/FONT] [FONT=Georgia, Garamond, Times New Roman]I think a pillow should be the peace symbol, not the dove. The pillow has more feathers than the dove, and it doesn't have a beak to peck you with.[/FONT]
more jack handy If you want to be the most popular person in your class, whenever the professor pauses in his lecture, just let out a big snort and say "How do you figger that!" real loud. Then lean back and sort of smirk. [FONT=Georgia, Garamond, Times New Roman]Love can sweep you off your feet and carry you along in a way you've never known before. But the ride always ends, and you end up feeling lonely and bitter. Wait. It's not love I'm describing. I'm thinking of a monorail.[/FONT]