father-in-law lives up north harrison michigan has alot of trouble with mice and the like. a board and a 5 gallon bucket. fill the bucket with about a foot of water and throw some feed corn on top of the water. it floats put a board going up the side for some care free dinning and when they jump in to get it ....glug, glug ..they have a cat but the damn thing just stares out the screen door at the birds and chip monks eating 2 feet away from it . 1 day it got brave went out side within 2 min. it was stuck to the screen whinning to get back in....that cats a pussy!
When using poison just remember one thing- you don't get to decide when and where the fucker will die. Generally when taking the D-Con option, they will drag their ass into the most inaccessible area of your garage or car before they go tits up. I never use poison. I can't find any pictures offhand, but what we do for airplanes that sit for a long time is bend up some sheetmetal into a cylinder that the wheel sits inside of- it's similar in concept to wrapping a piece of sheetmetal around the trunk of a tree. The little bastards can't climb up a sheer slick wall to get up in the shit. Wouldn't work so well for frame draggers I guess, but for most vehicles it works.
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/6JsSIVeVbSU&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/6JsSIVeVbSU&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
I don't know if he ever tried to patent it or not but I knew a guy that made an elaborate thing with clear plexiglas and a mouse would crawl in there and stick his head through a hole and when he did he broke a beam or something and it electrocuted his ass. He had it all on video, was just funny as hell .......
A little O/T, but did you guys hear about the recently pardoned Bald Eagle killer? To help out the local wild turkey population, he poisoned some coyotes, which the eagles then dined on, which in turn, croaked. He was made a felon and fined $10K. I think he got a raw deal... at least he got the pardon.
I was in the basement when it sounded like a herd of little ponys were running through the house. My puppyboy found the new moustraps...Buddy was completely at the end of his wits when I got back upstairs... <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Z2yy0xaHcOQ&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Z2yy0xaHcOQ&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Laughy Taffee works REAL good for bait. Smells to high heaven, and after aging for a bit, it gets hard as a rock, they cant steal the bait. After it hardens up, hit it with a little heat and mold it into the trigger. Lasts for months too
I live in a makeshift apartment inside a warehouse. It's been almost 2 years and I have not seen a mouse or rat, or any droppings. It's kind of creepy. I figured I would have a problem with them, but have never seen any signs of them hanging around here. Now, bats are another story! http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=343723&highlight=bats
Don't like to use poison - dogs eat the dead rats, and around here they're all too clever for regular traps. Since I started leaving out an equal mix of corn meal, sugar, and plaster of paris I don't seem to have much of a problem anymore...
We live in the middle of farmers fields and every year at harvest time we get a few 'house guests'. Best thing that I have found to solve the problem is a bucket half full of water with coco pops sprinkled on top and a bit of wood leading up to the lip of the bucket. Every day there would be Mickeys cousins floating in the Coco Pop Killing fields.... P.
Apparently plain ol' used oil will work as well as anti-freeze. Years ago someone (probably me?) left a plastic bucket with like an inch or so of old oil on the bottom out in the garage. For a while it hung off the end of the garage door track beyond the stops even. When I finally went to get rid of it, here's like half a dozen big lumps in the oil. "What the hell is this?" ... eventually the bones began to show, they were all mice. And that was with no bait at all. The oil will also cover the stink, but cats or whatever won't want to ingest it. At least I don't think they will. And if all else fails you can always put the remainder of the un-chewed wiring in the bottom of the bucket, I suppose. I wonder if that's covered by the warranty? You'd think they could at least spray it with something to make the mice not want to eat it. Probably can thank the Feds on that one with all these green movement requirements for cars.
hellraiser you mentioned the cat getting caught in the fan belt. one of my college roomates found a cat in his engine bay this way. damn cold illinois winters. felt bad for that cat, partially cause the asshole was late for class decided to drive with the dying, I say dying because the cat screamed the whole way to the parking lot for class. he said when he came back out from class it finally died.. what an a-hole. Worst part was he wanted me to get it out "since I was a car guy". Sorry I never took the class from my dad about removing feline from engine belts
Those were Sewer Rats, not cats under our hoods at night. A cat would have lost the battle with one of those suckers. I suppose in retrospect, we had the original "rat rods". HellRaiser
Our shop cat is named Crooked. she was a fan belt baby. crooked head, crooked tail, crooked walk...now she is *almost* spoiled. she gets fed twice a day and when she want to get pet, she gets pet. however, no more rats. and she makes a good companion in the mornings. she prefers to sleep IN caddies, and ON fords. no house training, but not once has she ever made a mess inside, or "marked her territory" I guess that just being here is enough for her to know it's "home". she does a good job of policing up the water bugs (them's large sized roaches, Yankee.) and crickets, too.
My friends dogs have been eating poisoned rats for six years and it doesn't seem to effect them!!! Weird to see them eat so many in a day!!! Teach your car to fight back!!! <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/MYjg75KmNSQ&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/MYjg75KmNSQ&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/8YnENyBdGd8&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/8YnENyBdGd8&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
The rats love the wiring in coke machines as well. We have our dollar changer in our coke machine changed twice already and have only had the machine a couple of months. I also had to fab up blockers for our alarm system so the rats wouldn't set the alarm. For some reason the boss doesn't like going to the shop at 3 every morning! That reminds me of summers at grannies farm. Lots of wild cats. At least once a week one was sacrificed to the farm truck!! What a sound that is the first time you hear it!!
A friend of mines Dad stored a car in a old milk barn for the winter. A packrat carried cattle cubes through the staterpeddle hole in the floor .Had the back seat filled up to the top of the front seat and was covering the front seat up when they went to up the car out in the spring to work on it.
Just get yourself a 63 Impala SS. Those rodents seem to love them! My last one had 10 or 11 dead little bastards in it! Stunk like hell and cost a me a lot of money replacing the whole F*%&#^%G interior! I HATE MICE AND RATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and that's putting it very lightly.. At work ( i work in an old school Sunoco station) i've repaired or replaced a lot of wiring damage done by mice. Especially ignition wires.
A buddy of mine went to start his 396 ss chevelle it coughed twice and when it fired in the shop it sounded like a 12 gu shotgun going off when the dog food starter bouncing off the garage door
I found a damn kitten stuck under my Dodge Ram today. He was wedged under the bump stop and lower control arm. I heard him earlier but didn't think he was under my truck, so I went about my day. He went for a ride, for sure. Not sure how long he was under there, so he may have even come from my weekend trip into Austin (30 miles). I came back out and heard the whimpering again, so I started to look for it. I crawled under the truck just to be sure he wasn't there, and sure enough, theres his tiny little head and big eyes staring at me. I didn't know what to do, so I called 311 and a Sheriff came out and he couldn't do anything. So I asked my neighbors if they had a big enough jack to lift up my 6600lb truck from the crossmember and they did. One of them gave the little cat a nudge and he ran out, kind of limping. I normally hate cats, but I don't wanna see him in pain. He crawled up under some pallets next door and has been constantly whimpering ever since. I posted an ad on craigslist, so maybe some cat lover can rescue him.
DANG! Denise makes a spankin' snack! Just my luck I'd drop it in the antifreeze!?!?? WOT??? -BRAD- says antifreeze is sweet......WIN! WIN! right there.
Got some sort of critter chewing the undercoating off my wife's car. Dailys are always parked outside. Have found acorns on the intake and dog food in the airfilter housing. Guess it's why they are called pests. Had a Buick Skylark back inthe mid 80's firat generation of electronic cars. Micegot into the wiring and caused wires to cross talk, screwing up thesensor inputs. The dealer ship was flumuxed because while it would throw codes, each time they cleared them and rant the car again, it would be similar codes but in different sequences. They wanted to change the whole underhood wiring at unbelievable cost. I opened up the harness and found and reinsulated the chewed wires where I found them, (using the non slip stuff you dip plier handles in) tillthe car ran right, redid the harness covers and kept decon uder the hood.
I have a black walnut tree in my front yard and have found that the squirrels like to hide the walnuts (which are the size of golfballs) everywhere. I had one wedged in the hood ornament of my 52 buick!
Country living. 11 acres. Shop, barn, garage, house. Three outside cats. NO critters of any kind. Found the trick to be give the cats just enough food to let them know they're hungry. These little buggers are fierce. If it moves, they're on it. I've seen them tag team raccoons.
My garage is now pretty tight. New doors, new window, not much room for anything to get in. I have boxes of grass seed on the shelf, they're untouched so I must have deterred the mice from getting in. I had a norwegian rat problem when I still had the old doors in place. The property next door was bulldozed and they took up residence in my shed and garage. They even had little ones behind my shop wall, inaccessible to me without tearing into it. I put out 6 of those nasty old Victor rat traps, baited them with peanut butter. The traps were screwed down to pieces of 1 X 6 pine so they couldn't walk off with them. I also did the water trap into the spackle bucket thing. I saw the design online and used a disc that would flip as soon as one went for the bait. I bagged a total of 4, 3 in snap traps, 1 in the bucket. The little ones behind the wall I supposed they died without getting food. I left the traps out for another month, didn't catch any more. Bob