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I stepped off the deep end today.

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Lobucrod, Apr 11, 2008.

  1. Lobucrod
    Joined: Mar 22, 2006
    Posts: 4,122

    Alliance Vendor
    from Texas

    Thanks man, working for someone else has its drawbacks. I only had one boss for the whole Damned 30 years and we locked horns daily. Many times I wish I was my own boss but the pay was too good

    43 years......Well deserved retirement I'd say. Hope I can have as much fun as you.

    I've been practicing on weekends for a while!

    Aw shut up and to fishing:D
  2. ski
    Joined: Jan 21, 2008
    Posts: 111

    from San Diego

    Congrats. I did the same after 30 at the end of Feb. I feel so much better and have not found it hard to stay busy. I'll go on the dole for six months and have no trouble sleeping.
  3. i had a boss that i couldn't stand and one night standing in the roof of a storage shed he was giving a coworker a real handful of grief and this quiet dude snapped and pushed that mutherfucker off the roof right in front of me! lucky for the boss he landed in a sawdust pile and lived. when they asked me what happened i said i was busy picking up the tools and didn't see anything! damm! i knew i should have moved that pile when i first came to work!:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
  4. dadseh
    Joined: May 13, 2001
    Posts: 526


    Ive worked for GM for 35 years now and just can't buck the harness!!! I read about you guys that reckon its the best thing you ever did , but how do I cut the traces...? what the hell do I do next Monday?? I think about it more each day lately, maybe its time to just let go...My wife reckons she married me 'for better or worse, but not for lunch' , maybe I really need a shed cleanup..!!

  5. Congrats!.... I stepped off the edge 10 years ago and started my own business, best move ever. It's just kinda wierd for the first month or two.
    I'll do my part, I'm almost ready to insulate my F-1. I'll send you an order. Have fun!
  6. PumpGasRatVette
    Joined: Apr 5, 2008
    Posts: 114


    Good for you!!! I've been unemployed for a bit over a year now...and my wife wonders how I ever had time to work! There's tons to do for yourself, and your hobby...I know you'll enjoy yourself.
  7. Belchfire8
    Joined: Sep 18, 2005
    Posts: 1,540


    Congrats, i know the feeling. My last day after 32 years at the same job will be June 27th.I was offered a buyout last Nov. and i jumped on it. The place I have been at all these years is on it's last legs now thanks to NAFTA. I can't afford to not work, but I'll never work for anyone else again. My brother and i are doing smaller contruction/ remodeling jobs already and I love it. Between the buyout money and my 401K I'll be fine money wise; the side jobs will be my play money.
  8. LOL! What a great idea! I see...... I see a short term recovery program for the newly retired! 4 days of INTENSE therapy. Up at the crack of 10:00, no clocks anywhere, no plans or agendas........ :D

    Congratulations on the retirement!
  9. publicenemy1925
    Joined: Feb 4, 2007
    Posts: 3,187

    from OKC, OK

    I'm stricken with envy! Good luck.
  10. hotcoupe
    Joined: Oct 3, 2007
    Posts: 611


    congrtatulations! youv`e just opened the door to the rest of your life! enjoy it.
  11. 500LBGorilla
    Joined: Jul 30, 2003
    Posts: 402

    from Austin Tx

    The PC term for you is now "Freelance Independent"..
  12. Linetech
    Joined: Dec 1, 2007
    Posts: 53


    Now go out and enjoy life.Sounds like you earned it
  13. I thought you might be movin to Hallsville,you know the HAMB town beside the dragstrip.....
  14. phat rat
    Joined: Mar 18, 2001
    Posts: 4,964

    phat rat

    Congrats on your retirement. I retired 2 years ago after 43 years in the same place. Look at it this way, every week has 6 Saturdays. It's what you worked, saved and looked forward to for all your working years. Sometimes I spend more time here than I should, but heck if it doesn't get done today I have tomorrow or the next day. No having to ask for vacation if you want to go somewhere. Along with that there isn't the need to get back from a trip because you have to get back to work. So far I haven't found a thing to dislike about retirement.
  15. I am 58 y/o and retired in Florida.People ask me "what do you do all day?"My answer is,Anything damn thing I want to. Congratulations for retiring early enough to enjoy it.
  16. bumpybigblok
    Joined: Feb 26, 2008
    Posts: 247

    from Midwest

    You're going to do fine, Good Luck. I haven't had a real job in 21yrs.,
    just a good paying hobby. You don't have to be greedy, and you don't have to give your time away. Do what you enjoy at your
    own pace and your own price. have fun!!!
  17. thirty7slammed
    Joined: Sep 1, 2007
    Posts: 886

    from earth

    Congratulations man, sounds like you earned it, it's great when you have a wife that supports you too. I got out last Aug, haven't looked back yet, enjoy. :D
  18. ...I have to hand it to anyone who can stay at the same job 20-30plus years, but I spose it makes a difference how good the pay is, etc. I worked 21 years as a building/highway construction laborer until the jobs fizzled out....too many union members for only what work was available. least the construction work wasn't exactly the same thing everyday, and I got to go to different jobsites.

    ...been self-employed now for over 15 years and could never work for anybody else,...heck, somedays I can't even work for myself!
    ...enjoy yourself, life is too short.
  19. notebooms
    Joined: Dec 14, 2005
    Posts: 2,077

    Alliance Member

    congratulations. that's great.

    -scott noteboom
  20. 60'shotrod
    Joined: Nov 18, 2007
    Posts: 2,914


    You LUCKY SOD! I wish I could retire and do what I want!Good on you I say.I think I've got 23 years left to go_Oh damn I should not have worked that out!
    Congratulations again.
  21. Budro35
    Joined: Dec 22, 2007
    Posts: 114


    Well Mike, I kept the secret. Now I guess after 40 years doing the same thing I think it's time for me to look into the future. Thank God we both have very understanding wives to support us. Will Kelly take care of me too?? Good luck to you both, I am sure the new adventure will be a blast and you both deserve it. God Speed
  22. autobodyed
    Joined: Mar 5, 2008
    Posts: 1,943

    from shelton ct

    dude, 12-16 hours a day, you were eligable to retire 15 years ago with the time you put in!! good luck!
  23. Lobucrod
    Joined: Mar 22, 2006
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    Alliance Vendor
    from Texas

    Hey Bud, Its about time you showed your ugly mug on here. Need an avitar? I got one for ya. ;) I'm not real sure just how Kelly is going to take care of me. She'll probably have me working harder than before! Ive been busy today sorting and resorting the stuff I have worth saving or selling. Might have to just put a blindfold on and start throwing crap in the scrap trailer. Took 1700 lbs to the scrap yard today and got $98 for it. Sold a 350 long block core yesterday for $100. Still getting calls on a few items I have on Craigs list. This deal wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have so much crap I dont want to throw away and 260 miles to move it.
  24. I cant imagine quitting. I have also been at the same job for 30 years this month. I AM BURNT OUT ! Only have 15 more years to go to retire! I look forward to the day I can jump off the deep end also. Enjoy your 8 hour days for your new "Boss". KEEP US POSTED ON YOUR NEW VENTURE. Best of luck.:D
  25. For more than 30 years i worked on construction running dozers earthmovers ect and driving low boy truck. had to find a new job almost every year some times twice in a season.Starved to death lived from paycheck to pay check and unemployment compensation.Finally one day decided that my time was worth more to me than anyone else was willing to pay me . I just turned my hobby into a buisness Had to learn a few things. Mainly your are in buisness to make money, not to make freinds not to do favors for free . And how to properly charge for helping solve problems. I have found that when you start on a course of action it has a cause and effect that opens other avenues that you would never dreamed of. You might not make as much money But i shure you wont regret your decision to quit. OldWolf:D
  26. glenn33
    Joined: Sep 11, 2006
    Posts: 1,838

    from Browns, IL

    Way to go man...Congratulations....
  27. jusjunk
    Joined: Dec 3, 2004
    Posts: 3,138

    from Michigan

    Im jealous.. Im on my 31st year where i work and if i could retire tomorrow i sure as hell would :).. Im working on a plan and id like to be out in about 4 or 5 years but we shall see.. My 401k is fucked up and thanks to a divorce years ago and trying to get back on my feet what money i didnt loose to the ex didnt make enuff.. At least my house is payed for. Im real cautious with my money now but I need a lot more to retire..
    Good Luck.......
  28. TagMan
    Joined: Dec 12, 2002
    Posts: 6,310


    Best of luck to you. As long as you have your health, nothing else will hold you down. Enjoy every second of it - you earned it.

    I kept at it for 38 years before I pulled the plug and wish I'd gone sooner. They told me when I retired that it would take at least a year to get used to it. I was used to it before I passed the parking lot gates on my last day !! I've been out 5-1/2 years now and enjoying every second of it.
  29. Joe T Creep
    Joined: Jan 1, 2003
    Posts: 1,145

    Joe T Creep
    Member Emeritus

    Enjoy yourself. Stay busy and exercise your mind often......And now you have no excuses to not get all of those projects done!
  30. toms37gmc
    Joined: Aug 10, 2006
    Posts: 147


    I know what you feel like, I did the same thing about a year ago after 35 years of engineering work. Worried until I did it, then the best feeling of relief. A year later I'm sure glad I did it, not as much "easy money" but sure a lot better mental health.

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