Car looks pretty good, I understand missysdad1 concerns, but I think you got the look going on. I agree with curbspeed on those shocks. Way too much angle. But hey-it's a learning experience, and job well-done. Congrats.
Yes there is to much angle. I am going to see if they will keep it from bouncing down the road or not. I did not want them sticking up into the trunk area. Unfortunately lots of hotrods have way to much angle. Usually to much angle side to side. Thanks for your encouragement.
I rolled it outside last weekend so I could look at everything from a distance. I am moving up the firewall end of the body about 1/2". Other than that I like it.
I just went thru the same thing with rear shocks from lowering the rear of my truck. I ended up welding in a tube crossmember a bunch forward moving the shocks to more like 15° laid back. They sort of helped when they were wrong- she wouldn’t bounce up and down after a bump- but some bumps combined with a curve was less than confidence inspiring and closer to scary. It is worth your time to address it asap before you have to pull the body off a running car like I had to do. Build is looking awesome if I wasn’t 6’ 4” 300lbs I’d be jealous but I don’t fit so well in sexy little cars
I re-configured my rear shocks. Here is a picture of the new design, just tacked in place. I plan on doing a series of spot welds around the circumference of the tube in order to attached the shock mount with the least chance of warping a bell from to much heat. I still have to cut off the rest of the old brackets.
street rodder did an article on shock angle and how more angle means the shock must travel more than the vertical drop... something about it only works to 88* things change after that ?… IMO... a little angle helps against roll..
What model and size are those rear tires? I know you said you would be getting bias plys, but those don't look too bad for radials
Just saw the question. I will find out what rear size the tires are are post it. It amuses me that I got those tires as part of a trade for something else I wanted and did not even want to take them home. Years later, they found a purpose.
I got to work on the Project a little of Christmas. I am building the rear mounts that attach the body to the frame. So I am looking real hard at the height of the rear of the car. I have posted a side view. I think the rear body need to come up a little. What do you guys think?
Well now is the time to start cutting and welding CC-Mo! My skills are not that great and I can assure you my car has lots of mistakes and will never be anything but a rough old Hotrod. But I am loving it. You can do it. Just put one foot in front of the other.
Yeah I’d say a bit in the rear. But yeah man nice looking coupe for sure! Everything is Scrumptious Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
Hey man I just saw this on the first page again- sorry I never responded. I went a little off topic with Qa1 adjustable shocks because I wanted to be able to tune the launch but the concept is the same. The angle is much better. I like how you did yours- looks simple strong and effective. The shocks I put on when I first built it ended up angled way back and it was scary over 50. Now it plants em and inspires confidence in a turn (more than is really necessary with a bench seat) instead of making my life flash before my eyes.
Hasn't seen your thread before. I think you're fixing it. Looks cool. I kinda like the stance now. I'm probably one of few here who doesn't like much of a rake. Close to level even. And just a little bit taller tires on the front than we usually see. Sent from my VS835 using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
When an early style hot rod has less of a rake and taller front tires, it tends to look more archaic to me... less refined... like an old build. And I like that. Sent from my VS835 using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
I definitely like less rake than most. I grew up in a world full off jacked up 1960's cars with fat back tires under the quarter panels and air shocks. And it kind of turned me off to that look personally. Each to his own though. Thanks for the pictures radarsonwheels. Your comment was the one that made me pull of my blinders and fix my shock angle problem. Thanks