I decided to put in an MSD ignition 6a with the MSD 2 coil that Ive had laying around from another vehicle,into my car.The distributor has a pertronix ignition in it.Ive wired it based on the diagram in the photo. The problem Im having is Im getting a loud bang shooting out of my carb,so Im assuming its pre detonating.Its doing this as soon as I turn the key to start it up,the engine does not fire up. I checked to make sure the distributor is aligned correctly,I turned the engine to tdc then put the distributor back in. Timing still way off? Is the coil or msd ignition causing this? Thanks for any advice.
what dose it do if you just hook the petronix to the coil an eliminate the msd? ive never liked a petronix unit. and never seen one hooked to a msd box.
Sure sounds like it's out of timing. Was it running good before you put the MSD box in? And did you pull the distributor out of the engine in the process (like to put in the pertronix)? When I went to the pertronix from points I didn't move or pull the distributor and my timing was way fast when I first cranked it. So far fast I had to slow it down to get it started. Then set it with timing light after it was running. And are you letting it blow your finger off the no. 1 plug hole when setting it to TDC? If not pull 1 plug. Put a finger over the spark plug hole. Have someone bump engine till air starts to blow finger off hole. Stop bumping and then turn engine by hand to TDC and then stab dist with rotor pointing to the no plug on cap (Be sure to make a mark on dist that aligns with no.1 on dist cap). May have to take a large screw driver or something and align oil pump before dropping in dist also. Have to do it this way because 4 cycle engine passes TDC twice once for compression and once for exhaust. Do it on exhaust and your 180 out.
Havent tried that yet.If all else fails then Ill resort to that. Yeah it was running good before,it already had the pertronix in it,but I took out the distributor to clean up and paint the engine.I put it back in the way it was,and later double checked it by taking it out and checking tdc.I took out the #1plug and had a light so I could see as I turned the crank over until it was at tdc or cery close.
There are two top dead centers. One is on the compression stroke and the other is the exhaust stroke. Make sure that you are on the compression stroke.
Time to run back into the garage and switch it and see if that fixes it.Thanks for the advice so far.