I like that road - each year I take it a bit farther down. That donut in the 4-way intersection was new territory. Thanks for the tour of Big Olds. I'd seen most of it here but some stuff like the trunk corners were cool to see in person. It was my own fault but I have to say I was a bit bummed Sunday morning as I dropped my 60 cents into the vending machine and hit "F6"... to get these.
Thanks to Marcie and You, in that order. She rules. And to Roothawg and family and everbody involved in putting this thing together. I'm going to let it sink it before a declare it official, but I think this may be the best car event I've ever been to. Next year I'm running 12's. I wanna be able to watch that bad ass Poncho powered Cdan all the way down the track.
Thanks for such a cool event!!!! My head is still spinning-----great cars, smiling faces and good will abounded. I agree, we need to do this more often---next stop Day of the Drags! Marcy
i came from Boston on the recommendation from nosurf that it was an unmissable event. he underestimated it greatly. i am still reeling from it all. i would come from twice as far away if i had to. it was amazing.
It was the event of the year... period... some of those nancies need to get in their cars and drive on out.... Hell I'll pick 'em up at the airport... but get your ass there.... it's f#ckin unbelievable...
Ryan Marcie, and everyone who worked the event... Thank you so much! It was awesome...Even though my car didn't make it...I'm so glad I made the trip anyway...Metting you and all of my other fellow HAMBers was worth the trip....I can't wait till next year!
I was SO disappointed I couldn't make it this year, but I had family and work obligations to attend to. I'm planning to make it next year. I plan to make it to the Kontinentals' Day at the Drags, but in my daily driver. I hope to get to meet some more of you then. Slonaker
Ryan, A big thanks to you for this, and undertaking all work that goes with it. Not a lot of people realize all the months of work and worry that gets layed on your shoulders for a few hours of enjoyment. Thanks for that and giving us the chance to hang with our buddies and make new ones as well. Can you believe it... HAMB Drags No.5 ?
Ryan and HAMB Drags Support Staff THANK YOU!!! for all the hard work you do, to put on the drags, IT WAS INCREDIBLE!!! FF
Well, I can't add much to what has already been said, but I want to thank everyone involved with the Drags for giving us the best damned weekend we've had in a long time! Man, I got so motivated to get my car there next year, I was putting the new starter I bought at the swap meet on before we were through unloading the pickup. THANKS AGAIN!!
Thanks ryan for renting our playground for us and inviting us all out to play..Ill have the vicky out next year , a little more traditional i think than my fast 56 chevy with shiney paint haha.........cya next time round, sam
I had not been to a drag race since 1960 ( been road racing until 2004 ) and went to the HAMB drags, what a twilight zone thing. Now I will be working twice as hard on the 54F100 to get r done for next year. Thanks to Ryan, and to all of the HAMBers there for being soo cool. Poker run was fun, and I had lot of parts in the BURB from the swap meet. Plan on being there for sure next year with the 54
Thank you Ryan for a GREAT weekend, thank you Denise for the cookie, and a big thank you to all who volunteered to make it what it was. Ole Don
yea, ditto on everything already said. But Saturday night in the lobby was like havin' backstage passes at a Rolling Stones concert Rockstars EVERYWHERE---haaahahaha!