Hey Man...we All Owe You A Big Debt Of Grattitude For Keepin The Flame Alive And Spreading The Gospel....heres To You, And See Ya When Ya Get Back...happy Hollowdays.
have a good holidays. and i'm glad i found this sight this year. thats what i wished for last year and didn't even know it. mal
Good for you Mr. Ryan. I hope you (and any family you have) have a wonderful holiday season. I want to thank you for providing this wonderful forum here, that I have learned so much from in the short period of time I have been here. I will look forward to the article, if it's that good, it's really gonna' be something.
Ryan Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family. Hope the new year holds nothing but great things for you. Thanks for the HAMb. And wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the HAMBers out there from the frozen north of Canada. Canuck
The Ryan has left the building? Woohoo! Parrrty! Parrty! Parrty! Toga! Toga! Toga! Let's all post stuff that's off topic! Let's talk about rice rockets and Priuses! Yeah! Let's...you mean somebody's still moderating? Ahhh s#!t... Seriously, Happy Holidays Ryan, and have a rockin' New Year!