bought this moon tank for $120 i think it was a good deal it says 2 gallon total capacity and 1.5 gallons fuel capacity also says pressure tank and sill has what looks to be a zerk fitting can anyone tell me the era it may be from? it has the moon car logo on it id also like to try to get the larger dents removed if possible
I remember several Moon style tanks mounted in the grill on race cars in the mid sixties, usually cut into the grill. Looks like an early tank, no idea of the year.
Well if it is a pressure tank it would be early '60s at the very latest. Look for a serial or model number that may help in dating it. The difference in fuel capacity and total capacity is to leave room for an air bubble when you pump the pressure to it by the way.
only labels or numbers i can find are in pic also says 10psi max i noticed filled neck for cap is threaded i wonder if on of the moon spinner caps would fit it
There should be some numbers on that big label up toward the top of this pic. The pressure tanks didn't get used for every long, originally they were used for priming the injector pump except in land speed racing. The tank is too small for a land speed car. I would keep the cap that it has, it is authentic for that type of tank. That is real race chit, racing is about going fast not about bling. No offense intended.
just says MOON fuel pressure tank fuel capacity 1 1/2 gals total capacity 2 gals max pressure 10 p.s.i. moon equipment co. sanata fe spring calif. then label with car says Moon (has the eyes in the o's) equipment co looked tank over really good and thats it
When I was about 4 years old, my little aluminum camping canteen got stepped on and I was devastated. My dad put a little bit of water in it and put it on the stovetop with the lid on. I watched in horror and then amazement as the steam pressure built up and pushed it back into shape. While I fully understand the dynamics of how it worked now, I thought it was pure magic at the time. When I saw the crease and dents in this tank, that's what I thought of first. I don't know how my dad released the pressure after the canteen got poofed out to its original shape. I can imagine some sort of release valve screwed into your tank so when the dents popped you could release the pressure and then get it off of the heat source. I'm not sure I'd be brave enough to try it on your tank, since it's got a 10 psi warning on it already. I think @porknbeaner and @aaggie have it just right. The character of the tank is part of its value. Leave it be and run it.
You could put a ball valve in the spot where the fitting for the pump goes. It won't do a thing to anyplace where the tank is creased but it will take the oil cans out of it. Any place where there is a crease it will need to be pulled out, drill it and use a slide hammer is what I would do them weld the holes up. I personally wouldn't bother but that is the way to do it.
the world of hot rodding is already full of phony cars. hanging a tank on the front of a non fuel injected car is as phony as it gets. unless you put on the matching fake inj. over your carb that garlitts sells. you wouldn't want to be called out at a show for being half fake. go large or go home.
You might try filling it with water and throw it in the freezer or put an air pressure regulator on it and put some air (5 to 10 lbs) to it and warm the dents with a rosebud torch until they pop out. Used to do it all the time with motorcycle tanks.
Looky there, all those old race cars with carbs on 'em... is that a MOON tank I see? Why I believe it is! (couldn't help myself) LOL
Some of the early Moon tanks had a bracket welded to them which mounted a hand pump to pressurize the tank for a 1/4 mi run. I think they were called "weekend warrior" in the ad's. I have one out in the shop which I purchased in late 50's. NHRA allowed them in the cockpit at that point in time, but soon outlawed them in cockpit. They allowed you to run the engine without a mechanical fuel pump, ie. block off plate installed.
Note Moon tank and Hilborn injectors. I also ran the Moon tank with 97s. No fuel pump running on motor. Magneto ignition. No battery.
dont tell racer-x that cause a carbed car with a tank is a phoney as it gets...he must be an expert lol prob does but i own it so i may or may not install it and add a second fuel pump and use it for race fuel but for now i just washed it and itll be a shelf peice...unless someone offers a good profit on it but i like it a awful lot
You could try one of those guys that do paint less dent repair. They have all those picks and hooks to get inside
241 Dodge. I think it ran 12.50 @ 108. High school project that got finished after the Army. Had a lot of fun with that car and learned how much I didn't know.
I'd believe that Racer-X believes just as I do. That tank belongs on a vintage race car that could actually use it and not a bling piece on a street beater.
Nice moon tank. I would also put it in late 50s. Have seen them go for way more then you payed, nice score.
Won't piss me off but it will give me a good laugh. I don't care what your rat rod truck looks like personally but it's a waste of a tank that someone could use on a real race car that needs that tank to actually use and be period correct.
The paint job for starters. We used a '58 Chevy truck for a tow-push truck. Didn't look much like yours.