WHOA- '65 Fairlane with a 352? Nah, that does not register. Maybe a '65 GALAXIE. And the solenoid is DOA.... Love these Edsels!
The starter needs to be from 64 or older Ford full size. Also before you condemn the starter make sure your battery cables are good. If you have any that have the repair ends on GET RID OF THEM! All they will do is give you trouble down the road. If you have a NAPA store nearby here's the part numbers for the cables: Positive cable 711334 Negative cable 712234 Solenoid to starter cable 712994 As for using a vehicle reference try any 59 to 64 Ford full size (like a Galaxy). A 65 Fairlane never had a FE engine in them from factory. HTH
Wow! Thought they used FE engines. Learn something new evey day! Thanks for the info! The cables are good...they were replaced by the po. Since you mention it, I will have the starter checked out prior to giving up on it altogether.
rprice76, Someone needs to correct me if im wrong, but the power steering under the Edsels looks like what they used under the early mustangs. I had one rebuilt for someone a couple years ago. I don like that setup, but after dropping some money in it I guess it works ok. There is a replacement part that goes in the center link for mustangs that makes the valve solid to make a power steering car manual, then you just take off all the hydrolic stuff. I also can look up the guy I had to send all my parts to for rebuild if you need me to.
Hey all! Greg - interesting - only problem is - I have NONE of the hydraulic parts. No pump - no lines - nothing. Curious now as to the differences between PS and Manual cars. I have an old Hayes (sp) Manual - that covers 1959 Cars. Hrm. Well - as to the water pump - I went to the store - and found that the one I ordered - is IDENTICAL to the one for a 64 Galaxie. For $75 - and its a new Bosch. I'll go with it. On the starter - yah. So this morning - I realized - wiring MAY be the issue afterall. The PO replaced the original solenoid - with a replacement over the counter style and mounted it on the fender well in the engine compartment. That thing melted. I then was able to just mash the starter cable firmly to the battery terminal - and low and behold it turned over fine. Wondering if I may have a connection issue. Also do I have to use an OTC solenoid (over the counter) - or do they make a stock style still? Haven't checked. New starter is not cost prohibitive if thats the way to go BTW. I also think I have a fuel delivery issue. I realized the guage reads a 1/4 tank. I put a total of 7 gallons in - that would be about right - correct? Maybe running it out allowed GUNK to get in the fuel line. This weekend I'll pull the fuel line at the pump (it has a new pump on it) and see what gives. May have to pull the tank and clean it. Got my work cut out for me for sure....but its a good thing....keeps me off the street....
Haven't been on here alot lately (Alabama tornado cleanup) but all I have to do is type in Edsel and all kinds of cool threads come up. Really nice wagon, welcome to the odd rod family.
I really hope you DONT need a tank! Mine was toast. But your wagon is in much better shape than mine was to begin with. I couldn't believe how much stuff was in my old tank. I would think any name brand sol. would work fine.
If you do need a tank, be glad you don't have a '59 Sedan or Hardtop, those tanks are IMPOSSIBLE to find. And they don't make reproductions...
Update Week 2 So this has been a work-heavy week - with little time to "play" with the Edsel. I did manage to do a few things - like confirm the "starter going out" was really "wiring issues." Yah - guess I should take a minute to check things before jumping to conclusions. Yesterday I went to the local auto parts store and picked up 4 push rods, one lifter, one new battery, and one new starter solenoid. I also ordered a new starter (which I don't need now) and some new valve cover gaskets. This morning - I dove in. Using a $6 Magnet / LED Light combo - I managed to remove the number 2 "sunken" lifter. Came right out. I then replaced it with a new one - and also replaced the two push rods from last week that I straightened with a hammer, with two new push rods. Buttoned everything up - replaced the solenoid - and cranked - and cranked - and cranked. Hrm..... Check everything - firing order - wiring - it would catch on ONE cylinder. Hrm...firing order - correct - hrm....worried. Check firing order diagram.... COUNTER CLOCKWISE?????? Re-do wiring - Vroooooooooooooooooooom. Couldn't wait - hopped in, backed it out - and went for a quick 2 mile cruise. WOW....does this thing scoot! That little 332 is pretty damned healthy! "Tired and worn by butt!" Ran VERY smooth. Came home - re-parked her - and took the attached video. Sweeeeeet. Next on the list - order a new radiator - clean engine compartment - do a little engine paint work - replace the water pump....ahh....the joys of owning a classic car - the afternoons just FILL up don't they!? Video - this after noon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PE2dvArToLc
neeto! Hope to see you cruising around the neighborhood.... I saw a edsel yesterday in Bisbee at the car show. It's from Sierra Vista, you probably know about it?
Glad to hear it. I have a '58 2dr Ford Wagon, and I have a 332 for it out of a '58 Parts car. People have been telling me its a dog, and couldn't pull a sick woman out of bed. Now I got to find a way of getting a C-6 mounted to it because the 2 speed Fordomatic ain't gonna cut it. Glad to see your wagon progressing. It sounds great!
Hey Squirrel! I saw a bunch of cars at the Morning Star on Saturday - I was going to breakfast there myself - ran up to the Canyon General really quick and when I got back - all had gone! Had no idea about the car-show in Bisbee - I would have been there in a SHOT if I'd known it was going on. I think I remember that Vert as a Kid up in Tucson.....at the Casa De Los Ninos car shows back in the day. There was that goldish one - and a pink one. You'll definitely see me around once I get the rest of the bugs knocked out - the major ones are done for now. I am STILL killing mosquito in droves - but it's better - I need to re-adjust the carb yet again..... SquireDon - I've been told the same thing - but they allowed the straight 6 and three speed go out into the world with the Villager - THAT would be a dog - but a 332 should be fine and it is. Mind you it is NOT a rocket - but it's NOT a total dog either. I was surprised it moved as well as it did! MUCH better on all 8 rather than 5 or 6. I am SHOCKED at how well this "tired old 332" is running. The carbon is burning off for sure. The old single exhaust with cherry bomb actually does NOT sound bad - duals will sound a LOT better....
I got to the Morning Star late, I was only there about 10 minutes, we were waiting for Ed to finish breakfast. Joe, Dan, me and Ed were there.
Update 9/10/11 Hey Folks - time for an update. After a LONG week at work, and a quick trip to Tucson yesterday, I did some work to the Edsel. The old Water pump was making noise and leaking, so a new one is in order. Out went the old - but....not quite in with the new. Looks like the shaft is too short on the new one. D*amn. Well...will check this out at the auto parts store. The guy DID say "The Ford water pumps are all the same." Also got the BRAND NEW radiator in. Will have to check the mounts. Tomorrow will be cleaning time - painting time - and hopefully - reassembly. Someone painted this engine Ford Blue....EVERYTHING Ford Blue.
Find your closest NAPA store and order part number 58201 for a water pump and you will get one that is the proper length. Then all you will be left dealing with is the difference between the nipple size difference on the bypass hose to the intake manifold.
I have an E-475 410 cu.in. M.E.L. from a 1958 citation you can have if you promise to put it in that wagon. The only problem is it needs a complete overhaul, but on the bright side its complete air cleaner to oil pan.
Thanks Jeff! I think I've learned the "all FE parts are the same" lesson. Actually I learned that on the carburetor, but thought that might just be an emissions thing. It probably was - but MEH....lesson learned. I'll be returning the late-model FE water pump today. I also will be cleaning up the engine compartment today - maybe a little paint.
*Update* - sorry no pictures - those can come later... So I got the "new new" water pump - and it was the right one this time - and began buttoning everything up this last weekend. I installed the water pump, pulley, fan, fanbelts, thermostat, and got up to the last two steps - reconnecting the transmission lines, and blocking off the heater hose when I hit the snag. Transmission hose fittings were the wrong size, and I had no way to block off the intake manifold part for the heater line. Hrm.... So today I picked up the proper parts - 3/8" hose fittings (threaded) and a small bit of hose, a block for the line and some clamps. Everything buttoned up - I took it for a quick run. Since my "tune up" things run better. She's running cooler - but right when I got back the heater line block-off blew. No worries - the hose wasn't exactly the right size. One last trip the parts store tomorrow should see everything right. The tranny is slipping - I think mostly because I lost about a quart - maybe more in the change over from external cooler to radiator cooler. But for now she's in better shape. Still running a TAD rich --- thats an understatement really - VERY rich - but not killing mosquitoes rich - more like annoying tree huggers rich. Too political? Steering is still sloppy - and the next BIG thing to fix is - no brake lights. I can NOT get the old switch loose from the master cylinder. I'm afraid of breaking something! Also need to find some tail light lenses for the two missing ones - maybe three - one of the two I have is BADLY faded. LOL. My carport is FULL of tools - time to go clean up.
So for a quick update: After patching the remaining heater hose, I decided to take the Edsel out for a maiden voyage. I got out to HWY 92, and turned right to go to the gas station. Mind you - I hadn't put more than the 5 gallons in back when I ran out a while back - and sure enough - a mile from the gas station she died. Oh well - nice weather - nice morning. After getting two gallons into her, I got to the gas station, filled up - and headed out to Sierra Vista. The speedo wasn't working - and I tried to get my cell phone spedometer (GPS) working - but for some reason it wouldnt kick on. I did notice on my trip in the hood was coming up some --- aparently the latch that is on it isn't enough - another project to take care of. The steering is crap. Also after hitting a speed bump I got a good clunk from the front - AND rear - I'm assuming that would be the shocks which are probably shot and 40+ years old. I got turned around in SV and headed back to Palominas. Finally as I got to the crest of the hill and started back into the valley my cell phone speedometer started working. I thought I was going 45 or 50 --- nope 65. Wow....talk about cruising. Giving it gas just scooted her along. Not a dog ---- not a rocket - but not a dog. The two speed tranny is confusing. I keep thinking I've shifted down - when I havent - and think I'm in high - when I'm not. I think its just a matter of getting used to a V8 with a 2 speed behind. I could tell where I was in a chevy 6 with power glide. Got back to the house - no leaks - I call that a sucess. This morning i took a trip in to Bisbee for coffee and came back. So a total of about 60 miles this weekend. Noticed a lot of things that need to be done to make her safe: Steering linkage repair New shocks Possible front end suspension rebuild Brake job (at LEAST turn the drums to stop the vibrations when I hit the brakes Power Brake Booster (manual is fine - would prefer power) Get the guages working. New tires!!!! No new pics as nothing visualy has changed. Next weekend may be different. Some parts are on the way from a fellow Hamber (Josh) who gave me quite the hook up. More later!
THat transmission...is it the two speed with the cast aluminum case, or the 3 speed with the cast iron center section? The real two speed should act like a powerglide, the 3 speed with two shifter positions (if that's what it is) would be strange...starts in 1st in "lo" and shifts to 2nd, or starts in 2nd in "hi" and shifts to 3rd. If it's like the mid 50s fords, that is. Too bad I missed you, I was in SV twice today for a short time.
Very cool wagon bro, welcome to the world of longroof lovers and owners!! You showed me yours, so I am showing you mine. ~sololobo~
Hey thats pretty neat I've only seen 2 other wagons and this has a/c. Looks like some add on type unit.
To me, driving them is the best part. I like working on them but it's the cruise that makes it all worth it. As you roll by a little slow and a little low and some sucker on the sidewalk breaks his neck trying to take it in.... Don't bother putting a stereo in that wagon. Every stop light someone will wave at you and then ask about it. Congrats on getting it more road worthy.