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Is it just us car guys?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by borderboy1971, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. gimpyshotrods
    Joined: May 20, 2009
    Posts: 23,853


    My favorite is seeing someone, wearing a vest, take 3 9mms rounds, to center body mass, and get up, as if nothing happened.
  2. DrJ
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 9,419


    Or Marshall Dillon taking a 45 in the upper arm at close range and he flinches and shoots back?
    It should have knocked his arm half way across the Long Branch Saloon, maybe without him attached!
  3. 1971BB427
    Joined: Mar 6, 2010
    Posts: 9,044

    from Oregon

    I don't know where to start! Cars are usually 2nd in my critique of movies, where old guns are a real passion, and I hate when they show anything out of era, or being able to do something it can't.
    Then there's things like the guy who's just taking apart a plumbing fixture while he's talking, and going the wrong direction, or using the wrong tool! Or the guy who bumps into a closed electrical panel in a fight scene and it blows up, electrocuting him!
    My wife says I need to just enjoy the movies and ignore the ignorant mistakes, but sometimes it's really hard to ignore.
  4. pdc
    Joined: Nov 25, 2008
    Posts: 355


    I laughed my butt off in all of the Fast and Furious movies. My favorite was when Vin was in the F bomb Camaro. 100+m.p.h. Nails the gas and pulls front tires for a couple hundred feet, slams the car into a bad guy! Oh, all done in the desert. One bad ride all I can say!

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  5. Mike51Merc
    Joined: Dec 5, 2008
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    Even sci-fi and fantasy movies have pushed credibility beyond enjoyment. The best movies are ones that make you a believer (make believe), especially when they show things that are obviously not real, but could be.

    As I recently watched Iron Man 3, I was very disappointed that they stretched the limit of belief so far that it became just phony baloney.

    Ya think we're getting a bit far off topic?
  6. sunbeam
    Joined: Oct 22, 2010
    Posts: 6,285


    They lost me when Vins dad was killed in turn 2 of a prostock race.
  7. DocWatson
    Joined: Mar 24, 2006
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    What I don't understand is how bad the kids take it too, c'mon kid ya' gotta learn some time!:rolleyes:

  8. Bert Kollar
    Joined: Jan 10, 2007
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    Bert Kollar

    I'm showing my age but I usually only watch Turner Classic Movies and since they are period movies the cars are always correct since they are usually new or only a couple years old. I get to see some real treasures when it comes to cars. Watching a movie out of the thirties makes you want to cry when you see the cars.
  9. ......What?...You mean he's not real?:eek: How about that Tooth Fairy character?
  10. williebill
    Joined: Mar 1, 2004
    Posts: 3,356


    A lot of the so-called documentaries on History, etc., will use street scenes in big cities as background while doing voiceovers. If I see 50s cars during what is supposed to be a legit scene from the 40s, it kills all their credibility with me. Makes me wonder if any of the filming is the real deal..
  11. 49ratfink
    Joined: Feb 8, 2004
    Posts: 19,238

    from California

    just googled heather Thomas. she is still hot at 57.
  12. how about monsters in America (that travel channel documentary) where they had a story about aliens invading a cabin that supposedly happened in the 50's and in the demonstrations and dramatizations they used all new vehicles?
  13. Truckedup
    Joined: Jul 25, 2006
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    My family had some genuine NJ Mafia hoods....Kinda like the "Sopranos" and other movies expect the real guys were uglier and killed less people.

    In movie movie scenes the actors always "cock" an automatic weapon when they expect a fight... Ya think the weapon would be ready to go with at most the safety might be on.

    But it's all about drama and suspense and getting the viewers set up for the battle scene...

    And you can watch real car accidents on You Tube :D
  14. seems every motorbike in movies has a 2 stroke sound when a lot are definatly 4 stroke, gives me the shits..
  15. patterpillar
    Joined: Jun 16, 2013
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    from Montana

    Motorcycle chases that always have wheelies during the chase tend to bug me. I find the other inaccuracies amusing...
  16. grazy
    Joined: Jun 21, 2008
    Posts: 222


    Stickshift sound effects when the guy is driving an automatic . Constant shifting in the sound track when his hands never leave the steering wheel . Drives me nuts and thats a one tank trip for me.
  17. plodge55aqua
    Joined: Jan 4, 2009
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    from Alberta

    there just movies... reality does not exist in those movies.. just someones vague , dreamful memory
  18. Tires making lots of screeching noises while spinning on dirt! Wish I could do that. LOL.
  19. jesse1980
    Joined: Aug 25, 2010
    Posts: 1,355


    I know I do that
  20. Rusty O'Toole
    Joined: Sep 17, 2006
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    Rusty O'Toole

    I can overlook or forget some small details if they don't overdo it. But what kills a movie for me is some totally bogus premise that could not possibly happen on land or sea, in fantasy or reality, anywhere in the world.

    For example how often have you seen somebody get blackmailed into doing something they don't want to do, because somebody knows something disreputable about them?

    Except the "crime" they have evidence of, is not even a crime, or they do not have enough evidence to get them arrested, let alone convicted.

    Anybody with common sense would tell them to f*ck off.

    So, to avoid exposure of some meaningless bullshit charge they could beat with a lawyer from the mall, they start right in by speeding, careless driving, move on to assault, robbery, burglary, murder, piracy on the high seas, and every crime in the book WHILE THEY ARE BEING WATCHED BY SOMEONE THEY KNOW WILL RAT THEM OUT.

    Could anybody in the world possibly be that green? Yet I have seen the same plot device used a million times and nobody laughs or groans.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2014
  21. Rusty O'Toole
    Joined: Sep 17, 2006
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    Rusty O'Toole

    Another riot was in the Fast and Furious movie when the hot rodder was scared to drive his dad's old Charger.

    Yeah right. A car so powerful a hot rodder won't drive it.

    That would be like vodka so strong a Russian won't drink it

    Or boots so gaudy a Texan won't wear them

    Or food so tasty a Frenchman won't eat it

    Or a role so humiliating an actor won't play it

    Or an outfit so gay Elton John won't wear it
  22. Yea Rusty, and then when he did drive the charger it could not beat a little tuner car in a drag race, A blown hemi did not blow the doors off that P.O.S.?? WOW!
  23. 1971BB427
    Joined: Mar 6, 2010
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    from Oregon

    If you're a collector of anything, or a professional in a certain field, you can't help but pick apart movies that have some scene where you have expertise. I have owned hotrods for nearly 50 years, and always look for inaccuracies in movies with cars. I've collected old guns almost as long, and constantly laugh at the liberties taken in westerns. Retired as an electrician and every time I watch someone grab a big cable and stick it into a panel to short out an entire high rise I chuckle. There's no end to what Hollywood can do to make the movies more exciting for the uninformed.
  24. malibustevens
    Joined: Jan 7, 2012
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    from Illinois

    Didn't that car do a burnout and a wheelie at the same time....i thought you need traction to do a wheelie, what do i know.

    Im a hvac guy, i always laugh when movies show people escaping or entering a building through it always goes outside and can support several people...

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  25. DrJ
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
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    All of this is why I prefer movies with Hobbits in them.
  26. daddio211
    Joined: Aug 26, 2008
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    Gone In 60 Seconds (the one with Nicolas Cage and Angelina Jolie)... someone pulls the lense off of the front blinker light on a T-bird, remove the unlit bulb and stick a screw driver in to start the car???? Or did it unlock it? Can't remember which bullshit move that was.

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    Last edited: May 16, 2014
  27. 65pacecar
    Joined: Sep 22, 2010
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    from KY, AZ

    When a movie Mopar starts but thw sound is a chevy starter or some new car and not the Wonderful sound od a real Chrysler starter

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  28. Fingers
    Joined: Feb 23, 2005
    Posts: 122


    Good Morning Vietnam had a '73 or '74 Australian Valiant and a '68 or so Aussie Holden, and a '68 or so Falcon
  29. Grahamsc
    Joined: May 13, 2014
    Posts: 466

    from Colorado

    I love the movie smokey and the bandit
    But during the chase sceen when burt turns off down a dirt road being chased by a pontiac lemans and comes back out on the pavement a couple of mins later with a plymouth on hi tail makes me chuckle
    But to the main question, yes I pick apart movies terribly .
    Drives my wife nuts
    Sometimes I just shut up, if its to bad I leave the room

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