A friend called and said he was looking to move a pair of them and I didn't know what to tell him. TIA, John
I have had one listed for free here in the classifieds for over a year and can't get anyone to come get it. Don't know if that answers your question, but I think you see my point.
If you can't sell it or give it to a HAMBer, give it to a local engine builder or machine shop. At least that way it doesn't go to scrap and become a Prius!
I had one and parted it out on ebay. got about 200 bucks for all the bolt on stuff.... block, crank and pistons went to scrap. block was all full of water and rodent poop.
I have 3 of them. Got one out of a running and driving 62 truck for $75.00 got the other 2 with a 54 Ford Mainline that I paid $200.00 for. One was running in the car with auto tranny and the other is out of a 59 truck. I sold some spare chrome that was in the car for the $200.00 I paid so I got the car/engines free. I am building the one out of the truck to put in my 31 coupe.
I've been kicking around putting a small (239-272) Y-block or an SBC in my shoebox Ford . There have been several ads on the HAMB for Y-blocks but shipping is a bear . It's a lot of work for the seller for not much return and at a minimum doubles the price for the buyer . I'd prefer the Y-block as I had several of them in cars in HS . I put a Y-block in my '53 Ford wagon when I blew up the flathead (easy for a lead foot to do by the way ) So if you are in New Mexico anytime soon and have a Y-block in the trunk , call me and I'll buy it from you .
These two are marine motors and I'm not sure if one of them is counter rotating or not. He's looking to modernize the boat's power and was thinking some T-Bird guy would want the motors but I thought I'd ask here.
I love Y-Blocks. If I had the room and was close enough, I'd stockpile them for "someday." But thats just me.
I'll buy pretty much any old engine that's mostly complete for 100 bucks or less. I have around 30 assorted right now. SBC, SBF, BBC, flathead V8, Y-block, Olds, Pontiac.
I wish I had that kinda room. Right now all I have are the essentials and some backup pieces. One day.
If you were closer I would be interested in one as I am thinking about removing the 351 from my 55 sunliner and putting a Y block back in and possibly with a 4 speed. Jeff
Another Y block sitting over here in Frisco...It was in the 51 Ford that we just bought.........It turns over........that's all I know. Think it is a 292 out of a truck. Keeping one valve cover for a wall hanger...the rest is for sale...along with the 3 speed trans. Anyone need it?........make me an offer...I am always looking to trade for old military rifles..........or I will call Ted Eaton......he is the Y block specialist here in Texas. Mark
If they're from the same boat, one should indeed be reverse rotation. Hook em nose to nose in a dragster chassis!
Is the 312 they put in T Birds a Y Block? Wasn't that supposed to be a pretty good motor, as far as Fords go?
the 57 312's with 57 heads are the way to go. they have larger combustion chambers. same year that introduced the supercharger. Y's are cheap, but the alum intakes are fast movers on the auction site. check out the Y block forum, john mummert web site. he has new alum single quad intakes, valve covers, valley pans, and a new head in development. also check this site for Y block intake ID. http://m571.com/yblock/intake.htm i have a 56 312 that was thrown in with a truck purchase. think i'll try to get it runnin.
they have a cult following, and depending on what year and displacement they can be worth some money. I bought a complete 312 for $300 and a bare 56 292 block for $50, so it all depends on who selling and who is buying when it come to price.
The boat is a '58 and the owner says they are 312's. I would have been interested in one of them for a '59 boat project I'm in the middle of but since I already have a '64 Buick 300 with all the marine hardware that has become my plan of last resort for the Rayson.
If they're verifiable 312's, they'll sell. As was previously mentioned, shipping is a bitch! The problem with trying to sell anything is finding someone close who wants/needs it. If I bought it, the shipping would cost me more than trying to find one locally.
I have a 312 that I'm planning to rebuild some day. They are cool and are making a comeback, but they are heavy and don't fit as well as a SBC, so they're not as popular a swap motor. Speed parts and rebuild kits are expensive. A set of rams horn manifolds can set you back $600 alone. I like to be different and I love the sound, so they appeal to me. The SBC guys call them boat anchors. I terms of value, any 312 is worth money. The '57 heads and intakes are the ones to have (ECZ-G) due to the larger valve size. '58 to '62 292 truck motors are practically worthless since you need the better heads and another intake to make any HP.
Have a complete '56 manual trans motor - no one seems to want it. Have carried around a 4bbl intake for a while - no one seems to want it. I see someone else with one at local shows and they want more for it and still have it, too.
I love em. Mine is a C2AE Block. Unsure if it's a 292 or 312 til I pop the heads off and check the bore. It's got the good heads (same as Supercharged T-Bird). Isky cam kit is on the way, and I have an Edmunds 3x2 and some 97's to top it off. I've had several Y-Blocks. Most sell for around $200-$250 in good complete/stock condition. About to buy 2 more to add to the collection.
If I lived closer I'd take it off your hands but I can't afford to drive to Texas for it. Does anyone have a give away 312 in Wisconsin area?