I have been bugging this guy about leaving his dad's car rotting out in the yard for the last 10 years. When it was first parked out there it was driving and curise night ready with nice paint and decent original interior. Now it looks, well, a lot worse. Is this car worth $7,000 in the shape it is in? I might run or might not. He took the carb off to rebuild it and it has not run in 5 years but was running fine before that. Rust wise it is a 46,000 mile original with certually zero rot anywhere. Interior is supposedly original. Here are a few pics.
Wow...looks like a nice solid car to me..don't know about 7K but if thats the car you want , starting with a nice body saves a bunch in the long run. I'd try less.
Theres an ass for every seat but 7gs....not for this ass, and why the hell would they smash the windows out, it looks like the car was in goode shape....todays market is really soft, if you really want THAT car, go over with a fistful of Ben Franklins (how many is up to you) and low ball him....cash talks in a languege we all can understand!!
Where else are you going to find a 70+ year old rust free car for that price??? I'd surely try to negotiate a lower price though. If it's the car you really want it's not highly over priced.
I would say 4 to 5 grand the way things are now.A car can go downhill fast in ten years of outside storage ...
A running 35 slantback would be worth $7k in my mind if the body is as solid as you say. The fact that it isnt running means you can't drive it to determine if anything in the running gear (clutch, trans, suspension, brakes, rear end, etc) are ok or need major rebuild work. Not to mention that the market is heavily in the buyers favor these days. I'd say $5 is a good range for what I can see. Does he still have the carb, the generator and fan, etc......anything else missing that would have to cause you to start hunting up bits and pieces at swap meets?
None of the windows are smashed out. They are just delaminated originals that are sperating. Problem is that he has an emotional attachment to it having been his fathers, but he is no car guy. That's why it has been sitting. I want to save it, but I don't want to loose my ass doing it. He was originally asking $12,000 but came down $5,000 to $7,000. All of the parts are there along with several new parts like a water pump, generator and a rebuilt carb. There is a southwind heater with it to and a box of other parts.
I think its worth the 7K more if it were running.. but if its not exactly what you want.. its not worth anything....
well i am building a 34 ford truck and i have almost 4500 in it now and its just a pile of parts . 1600 for the cab $150 for the bed sides , 500 to build the frame , 1000 for the front end , grill shell motor mounts ,rear end , 4 link . I have a ton of money in my t coupe and its almost done . I think that car will be cheaper to just clean up and go
I say definitely worth 7K from the pics but I would want to hook it up and try to start the motor, it wouldn't take that much if he is telling it straight. One sold in my parts a few months ago for $7500 and it wasn't near as nice as this one (from the pics), but it was driveable. I would go with $5 in cash and be willing to go to $7 if I could get the motor started or turning over good. Check all the tranny gears, let it roll a bit. The glass isn't a big deal and the upholstery is in pretty good shape. Just my opinion, been chasing these old fords for many years.
definitly worth $7000. where are you guys finding all these solid 35-36 fords for 4 and 5 grand? I'd say it is at the high side of a fair price for both buyer and seller.if I got that car for free I wouldn't take less than $7,000. for it. someoene will pay it.
Not worth it to the cheap Ratrodders on this Site They like rust Read some of their wanted posts..."Wanted Rare...so and so...Cheap". The Car looks solid from the pictures...it's not like there are lots of these cars around. I would pay 7K for it if the body is solid and the motor runs
I'm trying to talk myself into it just to make sure it doesn't spend another Northern winter sitting out in the yard. The fenders are like brand new and are straight as can be inside and out. The whole car would buff up nicely and look a whole lot better with a good clean up. What's with the black grille instead of chrome? Was that a cheaper model?
Try to get it for less then 7K if he won't bit pay him the 7K and run, looks like a very good solid car. CRUISER
I think the same, if this car was on the craigslist or ebay it might have sold at the price by now, but if you looking for something specific and this is not it, don't do it. BTW what's with all these people "saving" cars for? Just finish you five other projects in the barn and get on with it, and not I'm just harrasing this poster but everyone else. You can't drive them all at the same time. just my thoughts.. don't all you get you panties in a bunch. I've seen too much hand hold lately. Don't take a personal mr james427, Im writing to everyone. Guys just find what you really want and put the money aside for that, yeah everyone wants a 1932 hotrod, but face some realities a get a fun project that is close. CLOSE as in I want a 32 coupe but got a 29 coupe. NOT I want a 32 coupe but got a 38 foor door, Even if it is to flip or what not. Now I;m done back to this post.