I'd pull the trigger in a heartbeat. Looks solid and should clean up nicely for a minimal investment. Save that sedan or find someone who will. Goodluck!
in todays market people seem to lower the value of the car to go with the market.I don't get that if it was worth 7 when cars were selling better isn't the car still worth 7.Is a car worth less because people need money?Think about this ..by the time you are driving the car the market will be better and you will get more money out of it.
Pay the man. Ask if that is is best but have the gold with you . You cant negotiate with a promise. However. I lost my 63 Dodge the first time around trying to save a few hundred on the deal. The guy wouldnt even answer my phone calls and eventually and not long after sold it to someone else. I got ahold of his brother and he told me where it was and had the new guy phone me. The guy asked why i wanted it and i told him. I had the Max wedge , just needed a body. I remember exactly what he said even now 19 years later. ""Don. its $2500. Not $2300 not $1950 not even $2499.99"" I didnt argue this time. Back then $2500 was a lot for a shell even a solid one like that orlike mine was. Everybody said i paid too much and told me how they would have beat the guy down. (talk is real cheap. It takes money to buy whiskey) During the restoration many times i had to grin when I discovered this was a real solid car. What I saved in body work paid for it alone and a repaired part is never as nice as an original piece. Now almost 20 years later I grin everytime i walk into the garage or go for a drive I think what a bargin. Even the anal guys crawl underneath and say man is that thing ever solid. You can't pay too much for a solid car. If you pay the price you will get it if you dont you wont. What part of that is not understandable Don BTW Nobody says I paid too much these days. Even the goons who advised me to not pay that now say i stole it. Had i listened to them i would not have the car. Plain and simple.
That car is worth MORE than $7000 all day long! Personally, if I owned that car, wasn't desperate for cash and was looking to sell it for what it's WORTH, then I would probably kick someone in the nuts if they offered me less. It's worth even MORE to a restorer. Keep in mind, just the GRILLE SHELL on that car is probably worth around $1000. '35 Tudor Sedans are not for everyone, but that doesn't make it worth any less. Beautiful car in my opinion. And yes, the interior looks to be original. Looks like the interior color and everything that was in my coupe. Does this car have a radio also? If it does, and it works, the car might be worth even MORE! I don't know why I subscribe to this crap. When there is a '35 Ford up for discussion, I like to get involved though... guess I'm just biased.
That car wouldn't last a day here at that price. Slantbacks make great rods, and almost rust free, with no parts chasing? I'm glad its not local to me, because if you passed on it, i'd be scraping cash together.
I looks like a nice builder and worth the 7k. you won't find one any cheaper this complete and rust free
The guy is not letting it go b/c of money, period. I guarantee that if you offered him $10K he would let it go in a heart beat. He is struggling with the "dad" thing b/c of the price. Look how much he has dropped the price. He won't let it go for less than $7K unless he is financially hurting. It doesn't sound like he is or he would have already sold it.
LOL, that's really not true. 4 years ago he named a price and I said I'd be willing to do that and then he changed his mind. He kept saying he was just not ready yet to let it go. He's still saying that, but he is getting close.
That's a deal for 7k here. Some of you lowballers need to visit the left coast for a car price reality check. Hell- a pile of rust sitting on a trailer will get 7k around here & it would need everything. This car is nearly rust free & includes everything. What are you waiting for? Lie & tell him your dad had one just like it & you want to buy it in his honor. I'd tell him whatever story would get him to part with the car.
I've seen a lot worse 35's go for more. It's staight, body style is cool. If you've had your mind set on a 35 I'd go for it. Best part is it's straight but you can still make it the car you want. I've bought cars further along and wish I hadn't. I paid for changes on the care I would have done differently, and I would have too much in the car if I made the changes I wanted. That car is a great diamond in the rough!
Don't know bout anyone else, but I consider liars to be pieces of shit. That's not a joke or sarcasm. Liars are pieces of shit. Especially those who would broker with their father's honor.
If it was a '36 I'd say yes. But it ain't, so I'd offer 4 and maybe ya' can get it for 5 or 5 1/2. Ya' never know unless ya' ask. Most folks today can use some extra $dough$.
Yeah - I think these guys are spoilt! Rust-free and more or less complete? Someone would have been round and snapped it out from under your nose by now if it was this side of the Pond.
I bought my '36 tudor slant back for $5K (about about 23 years ago). Made monthly payments on it. It was a driver Ok but needed paint and a bunch of TLC. It had mechanical brakes - next to worthless in this day and age. This '35 have mech. brakes? Any way, I still got the '36 and we been through a lot. If I were in the market for this kind of car, I'd buy it to keep it. If ya love the thing ya can afford to pay a little more now than may seem reasonable. Better to invest in a thing like this than to waste your $$ on things like bills, groceries, etc. And besides, when ya get it back on the road with a good set of Smithys ya can cruse by the guys house - make him feel like the jerk he is for leaving this beauty out in the f**king yard!
The car is worth 7k all day long. Don't do what everyone else want's, get the car and put it together and drive it. Use this site to get opinion's, but use your best judgement and do what you want. YES this car is worth the money. I would like to shop where most of the guy's on here do so I could find the deal's they do.
You know what? Man was I wrong or what! Was kinda mean't as a joke being the OP says the guy was hanging on to it for sentemental reasons. My dad died when I was 16 so I guess I am a piece of shit. Man did that come out bad.
If it is as solid as it looks in the pictures I would buy it. Just compare it to some of the glass body prices, and this car is STEEL. Plus you get the chassis, fenders, interior, etc. Whether you just get the car running and drive it, use the frame and some suspension parts to Hot Rod it (and sell some parts) or sell the chassis and put a new one under it, it's gotta be worth that price. I think I saw someone suggest a lowball offer, if someone does that to me I tell them to get lost--done it many times.
You keep findin' the good stuff! I think 7k is the right price, he was dreaming at 12k. Did you lock in the Shay RPU yet?
Well new guy here but old enough at 51 to know that every car in that kind of condition that I thought was a little too expensive and passed on -made a fool of me by being worth bigger money down the road . comes down to this Do you want the car . does it do something for you?, and are you going to keep it ? If you are in it for money walk away. If you are about the car and have the money buy it -I would MArk