After starting my RPU project in 2010 today was start up day. A couple of tiny leaks that I took care of, one transmission pan leak that I think stopped by tightening the pan bolts. If not I’ll drop the pan and change the gasket. Another little leak from the water pump which also stopped by tightening the bolts. I’m not showing any oil pressure on the gauge, I know that the engine made good oil pressure when Tim did the run in on the test stand. I tested the wiring and I either have a bad gauge or sending unit. I’ll have to get in touch with Classic Instruments. I also have to remove the new thermostat because it’s obviously not working I’ll just put it together without a thermostat and see how everything works. I’m pumped it was an exciting day.
` Awesome fun. A tip or 2; I've never cared at all for wired gages,mec. only for me,but I light them. The Therm. I always drill a 1/4in. hole in the lip=lets it pass some water before it opens,take a tiny bit longer to open,but I think is good and helps a lot when your filling it up.
Congratulations Larry, It's been a long time coming and I know, your excited, now I can go back and watch the video, I'm happy for you brother! HRP
Isn't that the best noise? The first noise is only beaten by the orgasm of the first ride. Get on it boy, next year is coming.
even tho I am a sbc man, there is nothing like the sound of a well tuned y-block . You should be proud Tom
Very cool! I've been watching you progress... Your tenacity for detail is humbling! Keep steppin, you're almost there.[emoji6] Sent from my SM-G930V using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Sounds absolutely wonderful! I’ve never paid any attention to the sound of a Y. What are the details on the engine? The color is gorgeous too. I also think your jack stand extensions (my nine year old son called them “stilts” when I showed him the video) are very neat. My sons says you Ford sounds awesome. Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Sounds good. Probably be rewarded with a big dump of snow. Sent from my SM-T350 using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Very kool!! What a day. I bet it gave you chills. I hope I can follow in a few weeks. Just need to pull some wires on my project.
Thanks guys I have another issue to deal with, leaking screws on the bottom of the Strombergs fuel bowls. All 3 of them are leaking. It sure sounds nice though.
That Y block sounds great! You better make your reservations for Deuce Days! Well done. And I think I'll borrow your jack stand extensions if you don't mind.
I'm guessing from the fast sweep over the carbs,in cool video,they are Strombergs #97 . A few things can make leaks,in no particular order:; Bad gasket,warpage of alum casting,screws are bottoming out=too long,some one over did extra long screws an blow out/cracked bottom of screws hole,too much fuel PSI { better use less then 2.5 lbs},too high fuel level{float setting wrong. I'm sure some will add to that !
Yes Stromberg 97s, actually brand new ones from Clive in England. I sent him a message to see what I can do about it.