Most would agree that changing a cars color can give it a totally different attitude. Do we have any before and after shots of hot rods or customs that prove the point...
Sounds like the government, make a claim or statement, and then look for evidence to prove your point.
Hey, if its good enough for the 4th estate... I agree with Moose though, colour can totally change a cars "presence".
I changed my avatar, from ugly blue with grey scallops, to black with flames. I'd post pics, but the blue version, the OG builder did, was one of em rr things. The change helped get it to more of a Hot Rod status. I've always known color change was a huge thing, it can make or break a car. In my case, the builder had got the stance right, but killed it with the paint. So if your contemplating a change, jump on over to the Photoshop thread, and have The Moose, Madfish, or one of the other skilled photochop technicians, put a whole new look on yer ride.
Cool both ways... But the color upgrade did do something rather big for its recognition in The Hotrod World We live in... Posted by @Harms Way in thread below... Do check his post out for other great info and pics...thanks Harm...
Wow, it's pretty common sense that color can influence many things, silly. The Moose and others have been proving this for a while with the Photoshop thread and seeing these actual renditions is a great thing. Makes one think a little more, doesn't it? Keep the comparisons coming!
What the hell is that? It's blue but weird tint blue chrome ish and that shiney paint on the lumpy fender???
The Ranch Wagon was green & white originally. After a 7 year rebuild and a custom mix green and Chrysler magnum vanilla around the windows. HRP
Larry Christensen's 1932 Ford Roadster - Bare metal in 2013 at Goodguys Colorado National, Gold in 2015 at the Hot Rod Hill Climb. Personally, I preferred the earlier bare metal look: