Pull your part yards are in reality, scrap yards. They are not in business to keep vehicles around for long periods, quick turnover means more money, essentially. ---John
Don`t mean to sidetrack this thread.Got a question for Don in Fl. Do you remember the Hilltop junk yard on US1 half way between Vero Beach and Fort Pierce?Now THAT was a neat yard. Good luck.Have fun.Be safe. Leo
Cool, and good for you.. A lot of the junk yards around here have computerized too, but have no idea what a part is unless you give them a specific model and year.... When I go to those places they are clueless.... I tell them I need a 15" rim off an old Ford, International, or Dodge (as they used to be the same) and they need a specific year...all this time having a pile of rims out back.. I don't like it at all..and they will not let you go out back... There are two of the old style ones that let me wander around, but they don't have much... Cheers.....
I would suspect that Ford van would either have the same brakes as either an f-1 or possible the f-2 12" brakes.
I feel lucky to have 3 old time junk yards in the area, all are full access yards. There is not a lot of old time stuff,but once in a while,I've found some oldies with parts I can use. ....................Jack
The logic is simple: scrap weight is several hundred dollars for a car (any car), so they don't want them sitting around very long. If they sell some parts off a car they're happy, and if they don't sell any parts off the car they are happy. Either way they'll get the money for the steel and be able to put another car in the same spot. Some of the smarter operations around where I live strip the cars BEFORE they scrap them. They're still destroying a lot of usable parts (and of course the frame and shell) but at least the obviously useful stuff gets saved. One started doing this after I told him that a lot of decent interiors were being destroyed in his yard. Next time I went all the interiors were stripped out and stored in his building.
4 bucks to go look around in our local yard now & no tools allowed . See something you need , tell the boss and he will get it for you in the next day or so,if he aint tooooo busy.