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Hot Rods Just Another 5-Window Build Thread

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by TomT, Jul 13, 2015.

    Joined: Jul 20, 2008
    Posts: 245


    Cool Tom. Those head lights look perfect. Gotta love those swap meets. Mark.
  2. Malcolm
    Joined: Feb 9, 2006
    Posts: 8,133

    from Nebraska

    Very cool project, Tom! I'm looking forward to following along and hope to catch up with you on a cross-country trip when you're finished.
  3. Thanks guys for all the kind words - Dave, we will talk some more to be sure. How is it around town when not in fifth gear?

    I do have some additional updates but I have not gotten the pics downloaded as yet. I will have to move the old body to my buddy Dave's shop in order to crate it for pick up and send off. Once that happens that will free up the needed room at home to get the frame table in, get my frame home, and install it on the table. Then some progress will be made and the thread will get rolling again.
    One other thing I have been working on is the clutch package I will need. The 364 did not have an option for a shifter in 57-58 so I bought a brand new flywheel from Russell Martin. It takes a Chevy p-plate but I need a disc for my T5Z which is a 1 1/8" 10-spline. I also need it to work with the old Ford t-out bearing or perhaps modify the 39 cross-shaft setup to use a more modern t-out bearing. I have ordered the p-plate and should have it next week .... we shall see how things turn out and if all the parts will work well together ...

    Malcolm - I hope to drive this build across country next summer for something whether it be Bonneville or the GNRS. We'll hook up then for sure

    Thanks HRP - would be great to make the All Deuce Run next year in this ...

    Yep, ZZlegend/Mark - as much as I use the internet for parts sourcing, I still love swap meets for the real bargains ..... finding the cool stuff at swaps, seeing an interesting part, talking over its possible use with one of your buds is just what it is all about in my book ...

    Hey, Langy - how are you mate? Glad you are on board. You know the headlights on your green roadster really caught me and got me started on what turned out to be the Packard headlights I am now going to use .... any pics you can post of them?
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2015
  4. langy
    Joined: Apr 27, 2006
    Posts: 5,730

    Member Emeritus

    Here ya go Tom, they are homemade buckets & bezels and I used 36 ford lenses & reflectors




    oliver westlund, brEad and Jet96 like this.
  5. Thanks, Steve - I appreciate the "reminder" pics ....
  6. Well, its been awhile since I last posted. Life gets in the way more often then I would like during a project but I guess that's just the way it goes ....

    First off, I was at Hershey this fall and took a look at 32 taillights, newer ones that have just one bulb. I also have a pair of 53 Buick taillights that look like they might just meld well with the 32 taillights. But the 32s have a two-bolt piece in there to put the lens on while the 33-34s do not. So, on a hunch I bought a pair of repop 33-34s and some nice 53 Buick taillight lenses. Here's what I came up with on the first "pass" at using the two together ...
    Tried the look out on my roadster - so far I am liking it a lot ...
    I also had to crate the old body for shipment to Switzerland ...

    With the body out of my garage I have been cleaning up and moving things around. I now have the frame in my shop - next is to bring the frame jig in but there was no help around this past weekend to help me out getting things together. I hope to do that tomorrow ....
    I have also been working on the p-plate setup I need. The 364 never had a shifter so I bought an after market flywheel from Russell Martin. It takes a Chevy p-plate but I need a Ford clutch disk which I all ready have. To make a long story short, I have ordered an early 90s Camaro small block unit. Now we are down to t-out bearing possibilities using a 39 pedal setup if possible .... Looks like a hydraulic t-out bearing may be in order ....

    Seems like it took so long to do so little .... but I am making progress ....

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    volvobrynk likes this.
  7. forty1fordpickup
    Joined: Aug 20, 2008
    Posts: 298


    Tom, How appropriate. The Swiss cheese body is going to Switzerland. That's just too funny!
    Nailhead A-V8 and volvobrynk like this.
  8. Hahahaha - you are so right!
  9. CheatersPete
    Joined: Sep 25, 2002
    Posts: 1,294


    For your info, Swiss cheese do not have holes.... but never mind... this body is for my actual project, thanks to Tom for the work and patience.

    And good luck for your project
    Nailhead A-V8 likes this.
  10. forty1fordpickup
    Joined: Aug 20, 2008
    Posts: 298


    True, but the stuff they sell in the states as Swiss cheese has holes.
    Good luck on your build. Please post pictures of your progress.
  11. forty1fordpickup
    Joined: Aug 20, 2008
    Posts: 298


    Sometimes progress is in small steps. It's all good. It's looking real good. Those head lights will set it off.
  12. Tom,
    Thanks for a documenting a really neat build-up with interesting old Ford parts.

    No need to apologize for "life getting in the way"; if it were easy, everyone would drive a hot rod.
  13. Thats what my brother kept telling me during my ten year roadster build. Nice work, the car is going to be worth all the time and effort.
  14. Thanks for the vote of confidence, gents - it is much appreciated ...

    I got the frame in the shop and on the frame table but took only one pic and it was not a very good one. Got busy doing other stuff and did not take any more. More pics coming ..... I am pumped at this point but I am in Richmond all day tomorrow waiting for the shipper to pick up the crated body at House of Fab and a meeting in the evening. I will have to wait until Wednesday I guess when I can get to sink my teeth into setting up the rear but here are some pics of my mess at the moment ....

    I have set in the rear fixture - the wood to the left and right are holding it up at what is pretty close to ride height along with a center bolt in the rear crossmember. I need to trim the shackle widths on the rear radius rods to 2" vs the 2 1/4" they are now to fit the 2" front 40 spring shackle width. Then I can install them in the fixture to get an idea for the first shortening cut of the radius rods, and then there will be a final cut once the actual location for the 3/4" rod ends I will be using to anchor them is determined.

    The original K member is pretty well cut up - I will try and salvage what I can as yo will see as time goes on.

    I am presently building a shelf under the body dolly to house some of the larger parts boxes and such so I can have more room to work. Once I get the mock up motor, trans, radiator, firewall, etc, all set up in the jig I will have plenty of room to move around (until it all has to come off to take the frame off the jig that is - but, I have some time before that will happen).

    These upper shots are taken from my elevated office/man cave area in my garage. The mezzanine above where you see the license plates hanging from is also part of the office area. The upper office area runs along the side wall of the garage and is 8' deep, the mezzanine I expanded from what was a 4' deep space along the back wall of the garage for parts to 12' deep where the old 32 body, my 28 pickup project, and my 40 pickup parts are stored. With 3 projects housed here I scrounge for room any way I can ....
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2015
    oliver westlund likes this.
  15. Thanks, Dave and I really do mean thank you - my problem is that I am like a snow ball going down hill sometimes - I never now when I will actually get to needing the help and once I do realize I need the help, it's usually late in the day, my body has run out of gas, or I just plain realize it just ain't gonna happen that day. Poor planning on my part, I know. But I usually have my neighbor behind me more than willing to help me - I just didn't realize he was not going to be home yesterday ....

    When the time comes I will need help dropping the body on the chassis for a trial fit once I have completed the frame mods and stuff and I take the frame off the jig. That will be a fun day with a bit of pizza and beer thrown in as well!
  16. Just got a note from Dave that my floor pan now has been a bead in it - he had to do it on his pull max since the metal was so heavy. Dave's shop is looking super btw and he is got some great stuff going on ....


    Now I can get this baby cleaned up, painted, and installed ....
    oliver westlund and jackandeuces like this.
  17. Hey Chuck, Gary - I am just an over achiever - I need to clone myself so I can get as much done as I think I should .... :)

    ric - my avatar was a 7 year build - it's not that I've never done it, I just want to drive what I've built brefore I've even turned a wrench on it .... :(
  18. The old 32 body left today to go to Pete in Switzerland - all went smoothly! IMG_20151117_142644860.jpg
  19. So the frame is in the garage on the frame jig and I have been at it for about 5-6 hours today. I have installed the jig for the rear radius rods, gave them their first cut to mock things up, put in the rear, checked out the brackets, installed the FE - all in all, got the entire suspension in to see what's good, bad or indifferent. Several things need to be done ....
    1 - the brackets for the rear will need some kind of shims. They are designed for a 9" axle tubes which are about 3 1/4" in diameter. My rear axle has a step down from that tube size to 2 3/4" which most 9" rears do not have. So, I will have to make up some shims using 3 1/4" axle tube. But, that will allow the usage of these brackets with an 8" rear I believe which is a good thing ....
    2 - the rear radius rod will need to be trimmed where it crosses under the frame for suspension clearance and ...
    3 - the frame will need to be modified as well for suspension clearance. This is something I knew about but I now have a better idea of what I will need to do ... my neighbor Dennis has been a great help in setting up everything in my garage up to this point - thanks!

    So, here are some pics for you to peruse - so you know, I have shimmed the rear up so the brackets look like they would work as is - they will not.
    IMG_20151119_155527982[1].jpg IMG_20151119_155536694[1].jpg
  20. greaser
    Joined: Apr 30, 2006
    Posts: 866


    Why not make new rear axle brackets to fit the axle tubes?
    Tim_with_a_T likes this.
  21. Greaser, you are right - I am in the process of doing that .... Thanks!
  22. brigrat
    Joined: Nov 9, 2007
    Posts: 5,961

    from Wa.St.

    Tom are your old brackets pictured for a Ford Banjo bell? If so and you would like to sell send me a PM!
  23. Not much to post of late and no real visible progress until today. I trial fit the firewall and found the feet were not exactly in the right location for the frame. So, I tweaked it a bit and with the help of an old 32 front kick board I had from my roadster, got it in more or less the right location. I also am making up a heavy duty extension cord for my welder - seems I cannot get the welder to produce a hot enough weld and I'm thinking I am getting too much of a voltage drop. So, I have an old 240 welder extension cord that I am modifying for my 110 mig. Once that is done I can tack weld the frame to the frame table and get ready to swing in the motor and trans for a trial fit and see what frame mods I will need.

    That's it but here are some pics .....


    Attached Files:

    oliver westlund, D-Russ and Just Gary like this.
  24. Got the new rear axle brackets in and they look great ... 3.125" at the top, 2.75" at the bottom:


    Setting them up in my fixture revealed a little trimming is needed .....
    After a bit of grinding I am very happy with the resulting fit .... nice and snug and a great setup for weld penetration ....
    I really like the nice fit - on to the next hurdle to overcome ....
  25. Got in some quality garage time this weekend if not the quantity - worked on getting the frame welded to the rolling frame table. I was never a great or even a good welder before and it has been awhile but I was getting back in to it as I got further along. I will therefore clean up some of the earlier welds in the front of the chassis.
    I leveled everything right up to the kick up to go over the rear axle. At that point I begin to get higher on the passenger side up to 1/4". My rear frame horns are no longer correct as well - I guess when the frame got straightened things changed. Since most of my welding will be in front of that point in modifying the frame, I will deal with those problems later.

    Next up is to remove the firewall and swing in the mock up motor and my trans ....
  26. Since the frame is all welded to the frame table, today I removed the firewall and started clearing the way for the 5-speed.

    My K member is really buggered up so I reinforced it to allow cutting out the center. I cut a 9" opening, somewhat tight to the tranny, but I can always make it bigger. My plan is to allow the removal of the tranny from underneath, something I cannot do in my roadster and that motor and trans had been removed over 8 times in its life so far to get to at the tranny - geeshh what a pain!

    Like my roadster, I will install a heavy duty strap just over the tranny to tie the K member back together. I am thinking of doing this underneath as well. We'll see what kind of clearance I have first though and to its design ...

    I also added the angled leg on the pass side to stop forward and back movement. I did not do the driver side as I will have to modify it for whatever pedal setup I use .... I also made an assumption that since the frame was straightened at a shop, all is well. I need to run my center line and verify everything before I go further ....

    Check out the pics .... I am about ready to see how high my engine hoist can lift the motor and trans combo to swing it into my chassis. I might have to remove the frame jig wheels to do it ... we shall see ...
    oliver westlund likes this.
  27. Looking Good, keep at it.
  28. flatoz
    Joined: May 11, 2003
    Posts: 3,237


    Hi Tom,

    Just wondering how you went with the P Plate? my father is doing the same T5 behind a nailhead and has the flywheel from Russ but the P Plate setup we were told to get won't work. Does yours? We're using a MEC adaptor to the T5 ( Ford Mustang WC box) and like you have the clutch disc, but need the P Plate to make it all work.Interested in how you went and the part# if it did work. 11" GM bolt pattern on the flywheel?
  29. Went with an early 90s Camaro p-plate for a 305. Russ wanted something like a 70s Chevelle 454 19.5" plate. Way too stiff for me - I just went for a more stick planecvanulla unit. It is by Hays - I can send you the number off the box if you would like ....
  30. Thanks, seadog - slow and steady as she goes .....

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