Hi everybody!! Greetings from western Iowa. My name is Bill Hicks and I live in Dunlap Iowa, about 55 miles north east of Omaha,Nebraska. I'm married to my high school sweetheart for 29 years now and we have three sons that are grown and finally out on their own. I am in the process of roddin a 1940 Plymouth 2dr. I was asked to join this fine group by a few friends that I have known for a couple of years and some I've just met this year( Hot Rod Lady Cruzr, 40 stude dude,Rocky just to name a few) I met Rocky this year when Denise and Beatnik was cruzin through to speed week and we had one super time at Rocky's place, what a host, and that bitchen truck he's buildin, WOW!! If anyone is looking for any parts or projects let me know as I drive a semi around the midwest and I see all kinds of neet cars and trucks just sittin in the weeds. catch ya later! Bill
Let me be the first to offically welcome you to the HAMB! So glad you finally found your way here. As I've been telling you for a long time, this is a great group of friendly hot rodders with tons of knowledge to share. You will have a blast here. Guys, Bill is one of my earliest hot rod internet buds. Him and his lovely wife Gail are the salt of the earth. Great folks! I've been fortunate enough to be able to hang out with them often during the cruzn season through the years. We've had many, many laughs together. He will be a HUGE asset to the HAMB. Here is a shot of his Plymouth And one of his T Both cars have been in his family for many years. Bill is redoing the Plymouth and his son is redoing the T. HOPEFULLY, the Plymouth will be up and running next summer.
Ok, I'll be the second. Bill Hicks and his hot licks! Welcome, Bill! I knew you couldn't stay away! Bill is on the far right.
Bill WHO??? From WHERE??? There ain't a thing going on THERE!!! Hey Bill, didja finally get that e-mail I sent? BTW, welcome from another old Iowegian... R-
Hey Rocky and Denise!! Thanks for the welcome!! I had a little problem signin on but Ryan was a great help! Thanks Ryan!!! Rocky, ya should have gone down to KC with Jeff, met up with him in the Duece Doins and had a good long chat with him, and he's got a cool ride!! There was a bunch of hemi parts in the swap area and you were the first one I thought of. A lot of cool stuff and more cars than last year. Im still going to come down and visit ya yet this fall!! Denise, thanks for all your help last night!!! Bill
Hey Rodger!! Yup, I finally got it last night, cool, I just may have to get one of those books from you for Christmas. I can't get enough of them stories!!! They are like they just happened last week. I'll keep in touch!! Bill Oh yeah, once in a while something does happen here! LOL
DAAAAAAAmn! I missed out again! Oh well, Fremont swap is this weekend and I'm loaded for bear. Jeff is the all-time good guy, innit he? I have a pair of old crusty 51 Pontiac tailites for his deuce but he never came to get 'em..Was he cruisin the old rat around the fairgrounds? He was having a little dirty-fuel-tank problem at Americruise in Lincoln earlier this year, Hadda put the coupe on the trailer. Not sure which had more patina---the coupe or the trailer! Hiboy 32 for President! PS.the flathead came outta a clean 51 Vicky I usta own and the headers on the Rocky 33 came off this engine..small world!
Glenn....I'll betcha if you posted a photo of your old take-apart-model A coupe you had when you lived here, Bill would prolly recognise it. There was none other like it. Great fairgrounds cruiser.
Rocky my main man! You got it...here is a piture of my wild, home built, snap-togather "A" that I built in '91 when I was still in Kansas City.
Bill and Rocky...here is what I built 3 years ago, was in Car Kulture Deluxe...my daily driver when I'm home!
I remember that coop from Des Moines GoodGuys event...was that '91? Damn...long time ago...seems to me it was LOUD too!!! R-
R....I brought it to GoodGuys '93, and yea...it was a bit loud, I wore ear plugs on the Interstate. Yes in deed, a real driver, 4000 RPM @ 75 MPH... I drove the car all over the midwest, put 20,000 miles on it. Had a 388 cid Chevy with a 'glide and trans brake, ran 9.70's @ KC drag strip as pictured....what a ride!
I drove my radical chopped '57 Chevy that year...Mint Green slammed, molded 2-door hardtop...won Tri-Five award...remember it? Hey Bill, sorry to hijack your post...us old Iowans GOT to reminisce!!! R-
Yer right Rocky, Who could forget that red coupe!! I remember seeing it on the road down by KC on one of my many trips in the semi going to the Purina plant to get a load of super blocks, the first time I saw it I damn near run off the road crankin my head to get a look at it as he wasn't letin the grass grow between the tires and the ground!! What a sweet ride!!
Hey all, a great big thanks for the welcome, ya make me feel right at home!!! Hope to meet more of you in person in the future. Oh R... ya can hijack me anytime, I want to see how that new project is progressing!! Bill
Welcome to the HAMB mad house. You'll enjoy your time here, its informative and entertaining. You come recomended by Denise, it doesn't get any better than that. Frank
Welcome! Let me know if you need any advice, input or suggestions on the 40'. I built a 40' Dodge convertible and learned alot the hard way. Crease Barons So Tex
always glad to see more ppl from iowa sign in, good lookin rides, give a holar if you comin threw sioux city some time tim
Hello and welcome- from a another newbe.You will enjoy the company here and every once in a while if you read between the lines you can learn a thing or two.I have some Mopar stuff-like a 318 poly motor with factory dual fours-going in my 32 plymouth.Also have a real hardcore Mopar lifetime buddy,if you ever need something and cant locate it ,let me know.Again Welcome.
Hey everybody, thanks for the kind words!! As of right now the plans for the 40 are just simple upgrades. I've got the front clip off and the old flat 6 and tranny yanked out,planing on a mild built 318 or 360 as I have both and a 904 trans, for the rear I have a couple 8 1/4 rears out of an 80 cordoba and Labaron but would like a 8 3/4 so I'm still looking in that direction. For the front I'm staying with the stock suspension as it's still strong and tight, but will be upgrading to disc brakes. Inside there will be a tilt wheel and electric wipers and possible power windows and the power seat, all of wich I have from two donor cars I'm scraping out. My wife is doing the stitching on the interior and has the back seat done already in a light wheat color soft short hair fabric, the out side will be shade of blue from a 2000 Lada. Any way thats the plan for now, but as you know plans can change.lol We've had the car for a little over 27 years and drove it off and on even in the winter, if the snow got deep we just threw the irons on the back wheels and she went anywhere! If I run into a snag I'll give you guys a shout!! Bill